Chapter 7: Gwen Stacy (Reboot)

Inside my house, I put Emma in bed of the guest room, got outside of the room and closed the door.

Cassie is sitting in the living room, I went to her and said "she's fine but she needs rest".

"I should have been careful..."

"Cassie, it's not your fault, you can't change everything you see in your visions, somethings are bound to happen, moreover Emma is fine so stop blaming yourself," I stopped her midway, hugged her and placing her head on my chest I started caressing the back of head.

She calmed down a little, closed her eyes and hugged me.




"I know your outside, come in," I said while sensing the someone outside of my house and breaking from the hug while eyeing the window.

The window opened and a figure wearing a costume of white and pink came to our view.

"I'm sorry..I.."

"Sign...what is happening with everyone today, those who aren't at fault are saying sorry and the one should really feel sorry is out there enjoying his life." I stopped her midway expressing my thoughts and knowing that the green Goblin escaped again.

The figure removed her spider like mask and a blonde beauty with blue eyes comes to our vision.

"It's not your fault Gwen, so don't feel sorry, Emma is fine," Cassie told her.

Gwen Stacy, the one in the costume, is my neighbour and also an intern in the hunters association working under me along with her friend Peter Parker.

Her family moved to the house next door after I awakened my powers. she and my sister became close friends and she'll come to our house very often.

She is currently in her third year course in hunters academy along with my sister and doing internship in H.A.

She is the Ghost-spider or Spider-Gwen in this world. Power wise she's an A rank but officially she is B rank as one have to graduate hunter academy and needs experience to become an A rank.

She wants to help people and her dream is to work in Emergency Unit of H.A as those guys are always called and be ready to help in the time of need. It is a responsible and respectable dream.

Since she needs to graduate from the academy to officially join the H.A, she became an intern in monitoring division where I'm incharge.

H.A takes interns from third year students of the academy and send them to the monitoring division.

The web of destiny still exists in this world as Gwen and Cassie become quite close within few hours of her joining H.A and in the future they also have to work together after she graduated since she'll move to emergency unit.

She also went to the incident with Cassie and Emma as we're short on members.

"I know...but still..."

"Gwen, wake up to reality, nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world, the longer you live the more you realise..."

"I guess what he is trying to say is that you have to ready not only to face the irregulars but also the aftermath of the battle,"Cassie interrupted.

"Cassie, that was one of the greatest speech of all time.." I'm offended when she took my chance to look like a total badass.

"Shut it," she said and giving me a look like she is the female version of tobirama.

"Haha," Gwen finally laughed a little.

"If you're still feeling down I can give you a hug as a certain someone told me that my hug have a calming effect," I said with a smile on face while eyeing Cassie.

"Oh please, we all know that you just to take advantage of her, so keep your lewd thoughts to yourself," Cassie said while pinching my arm.

"Wait..what about is he also in the.."

"No, he's not with us but went to deal with an irregular looking like a lizard." Cassie cut my sentence and replied.

Soon we joked around which lighten the mood, we talked about few things and had dinner.




"Good night Gwen" x2

"Good night guys," with that she went to her house next door.

After coming to the house, we locked the house as tonight only we'll be in the house as my sister having a sleepover in her friends house after finishing the exam and my mom said that she'll be working late.

"I'm going to make that bastard pay for what he did to Emma," I said narrowing my eyes with rage filled voice.

Emma is my best friend and now she's bonded with me by link which will increase our emotions towards eachother. So, even when I'm acting calm in front of others, the rage in me is increasing everytime when I remembered her bloodied figure.

"You have to calm down Mark, he is a very influential bastard and in the future he will pay for all the things he has done, so please control yourself," holding my hand she tried to calm me down.

"I know" realising a sign I said to myself that he's definitely going to pay.




We both took a shower and changed to the night wear and sat in the corner of my bed in my room.

"Other things aside, I guess it is time for your rank evaluation exam, are you ready Mr.Anderson or do you want to postpone...hmm...."I didn't let her finish her sentence as I immediately kissed her lips.

We both fell on the bed, our hands are exploring eachothers body.

Soon my tongue entered her mouth and a battle has begun between our tongues.

We removed eachothers clothes without breaking the kiss.

Soon we seperated and looked at eachother with hungry eyes as we're both completely naked.

"Be ready Cassie, as today I'm not going to hold back," I said grabbing her boobs tightly.

"Hmm... don't hold back....hmmm"she morns as I'm pinching the nipple of her left boob and squeezing the right boob, again we kissed and the battle between our tongues resumed.

My right hand is still busy with pinching her nipple in he left boob and playing with it while my left hand went for her ass squeezing it.

We only seperated when we ran out of air.

"Get ready Miss webb..the main course is about to begin," I said preparing for the long sleepless night.

"Bring it on Mr Anderson, I'm not someone to back away from a challenge," she said with excitement.