Chapter 25: You got to be kidding me

**Anderson House**

Uma is seated in a sofa opposite to Tara, Emma and Susan.

"Let's get this over with...." Then Uma began to tell them about what happened.

**A few moments later**

Susan and emma has tears on their eyes and Tara narrowed her eyes and in deep thought.

Uma took a sip of her team after explaining the situation to them.

Tara took a deep breath and said " So you're telling us that the world council collided with irregulars along with the monarch's to seal Mark."


"But why"

Uma looked at her and Said "Do you know what the greatest strength but also the downfall of humanity Tara."


"Fear, Fear makes humans do things that are not sane, it makes them do things....terrible things. When Mark showed his powers to the world, the entire world is shaken to the core. The guy's in world council likes power and try to keep it in their hand but his power is something they can't control so everyone united to send mark to a far away place, They join hands with the villain league who already plans to seal him and helped them."

Uma took a deep breath and said" But fear not, Mark will be fine and will gain new powers in his journey."

"My concern is not about mark, I know he is strong and will be fine, but what about Sam, Cassie and Wanda, how can the monarch's even defeat them without a fight." Tara said in frustration.

"Querehsha or known as insect monarch used her insects to paralyze both Cassie and wanda, Sam hid in the corner, waiting for a time to strike but unable to move because of the pressure coming from them which is quite normal for someone who didn't fight someone of that calibre. And for the rest I told you how it went, they strike him with his weakness and throw Cassie and Wanda into the portal which lead him to follow them and take Sam with him because he knows if she is there she'll die at their hands."

"I know you all need sometime to process all this, so take your time."

Just as Uma stood up and turned to leave Tara hold her shoulder with her hand.

"How did they seal Mark and when will he be back."

Uma turned to face Tara and said "They used a forbidden artefact called the staff of the void which opens a portal to God knows where, whoever goes into it can't return, that is the reason it is forbidden.

Mark will gain his powers to travel across the dimensions in his journey but for him to find his way here the artefact must be used as a signal or point so he can pinpoint the location of this dimension.

They must have sealed and hid the artefact after throwing mark in the portal. we have to take back the artefact and activate it for Mark to find his way, that is the only way he can return."

"Let's do it" x2

Emma and Susan who are silent until now stood up and said with determination.

"We'll do whatever it takes to bring him back." Said Susan.

"Alright, first we have to find them and know the location of the staff." Uma said with a smile after seeing their faces.

Tara looked confused and said " can't you just track it with some spell or use your time artefact to find it."

Uma signed and said " They concealed it's location with their powers so no spells can track it, as for using the artefact, it only shows possibilities so, it can be in any of 2.5 million locations if you wish to search all of them be my guest. So our opinion is to wait until they show themselves and then I'll use a spell to track them, later we'll use them to find the artefact."

Everyone nodded and went to do some training for the upcoming battle with the monarch's.




**Unknown location**

"I consider our deal is done with this" Hokhan placed three boxes in front of a hologram and vanished from the place.

"It's finally done, let's look at our harvest." The doctor who is standing at side went and opened the boxes.

Each having a crystal of blue, green and yellow respectively.

"To think they'll give us their gate crystals but with this we can imitate their powers."

Gate crystals contained mana signature of the respective gates, with reverse engineering they can extract the essence of the gate but in this case the essence of the monarch's.

"Do your job doctor, we'll let them see our power." Then the hologram vanished.




**Alvarez kingdom, King's palace**

"He's gone huh," zeref signed.

He turned to see August and Irene.

"It's time, let's go to fairy tail." Zeref said and walked towards the door following August and Irene.




**World council**

In a black room many holograms of people can be seen, they represent the political power of many regions in this world.

"So, he's gone huh"

"Yes, we can finally rest assured."

"Although joining hands with those bastards is disgusting, it is worth it."

"Everything we do is for the greater good and betterment of this world. He is too dangerous to kept alive."

"For the greater good of this world." A member in the hologram holds up his wine glass.

"For the greater good." Then everyone followed and hold up their wine glass.




**With Mark**

This experience is wierd, I'm currently falling into darkness... don't know where as I can't sense anything in this darkness.... with Sam in my arms who is knocked out.

Then Suddenly many small white stars began to emit from my body.

After sometime the darkness opened a portal and we went to different portals opened in a series.

This one is familiar like....yes...just like when America and strange went through different verses in the multiverse of madness movie.

While travelling into different dimensions and looking at the change in the surroundings I held Sam tightly.

After that we landed on a stone or some metalic object or bed, then immediately sent into a portal and thrown from that portal into a noisy area.

After seeing and sensing the surroundings, my eyes widened.

"You got to be kidding me."