New world

"You got to be kidding me"

That is my first response after sensing my surroundings, the air doesn't have mana or magical energy in it. I can feel this world is different.

This is not Terra. In other words we got isekai'ed.

I thought sealing means to be confined in a dark place but this is...not what I expected.

We are in the middle of a road as we fell into the ground from the portal which closed immediately afterwards.

Sam is in my arms, she is still unconscious as we both seated on some metalic object, at first I thought it is a bed but I'm sensing someone in it and if you look closely it is more like a space pod.

The crowd of people surrounded us and began to take photos of us, so it is safe to assume this world does not have gates and is pretty much like my previous world without any supernatural things going on.

Suddenly several portals opened and green aliens in war uniform appeared from it.

They shouted something in their language and began to shoot at the people.

Everyone began to panic.




Soon it becames chaotic as more portals opened and more green aliens emerge from the portals.

'Those guys are familiar. I've seen them somewhere.'

As I was thinking the surroundings turned into a massacre jone, I narrowed my eyes and tried to remove them with my powers but surprised to find I can't use my powers.


Then I heard a familiar sound and a familiar window appeared in front of me.


Current Progress: 80%

The body of the monarch is evolving into that of a celestial sapien because of this reason the reality warping powers will be temporary unavailable.


'I have many questions but let's deal with the situation at hand.'

It says I can't use reality warping but I can use energy manipulation.

Then I placed Sam on the pod and a transparent golden energy shield is formed around her surrounding both her and the pod. I turned to the green aliens, they're killing everyone they see with their weapons.

I began to sense and mark every human in the vicinity and immediately they all are surrounded by energy sheilds just like Sam.

Everyone is surprised with the sudden appearance of energy shields.

I slowly walked towards the green alien army.

"I don't have time or the mood to play with you all, so die. Gates of Babylon"

At the end of my words, dozens of golden ripples formed behind me with golden energy balls as their centre.

I then moved every human being away from here, since they're all inside the energy shield I can do it pretty quickly and simultaneously I shoot the aliens with full fire power of Babylon.

They tried to resist but it is futile as they all are killed with the rapid shots from the gate of Babylon.

Soon they scattered in different locations and took cover but it is point less as I Marked them, so they all die here.

Several kilometres of area is covered in the battlefield, so I moved many people who are inside energy sphere from this location to few kilometres and made the sheilds disappear after.

As this was happening I sensed several individuals approaching the area.

I looked at them as they helped in transporting the humans.

They are very familiar, where have I seen them before.

**A few Moments later**

The green alien army is almost destroyed as only few managed to escape into their dimension.

In the middle of the previous fight samwoke up and I explained the situation to her.

She is shocked and is trying to process all this.

After the fight ended, Sam and I opened the pod and a blond girl with similar age of Sam greeted us.

She is also oddly familiar.

Then a robot walked towards us and said " Thanks for helping us, I assume you are not from this world. Can I know your purpose to come here."

I eyed sam to guard the sleeping girl and turned to the robot and said "you are right, we are not from here, because of an accident me and my sister got into a black hole like this and appeared here. I assure you we mean no harm."

After that I extended my right hand to a shakehand and said " I'm Mark Anderson and this is my sister Samantha Anderson." Then I introduced my sister.

Robot shook my hand and said " A pleasure to meet you Mr.Anderson and Ms.Anderson, what about the other one."

"She is.."

Suddenly the blonde opened her eyes and gasped and looked around us in panic.

"Who are you, where am I, what is this place." She asked us looking around confused.

It took us some time to calm her down and explain the situation to both her and the robot. Sam helped and took her to some distance to have a talk with her.

"I forgot to introduce myself, I'm called Robot, a member of teen force. Let me introduce my team to you."

Them several people come to us and introduced themselves.

Everyone is oddly familiar, especially the pink one who goes by the name Atomic eve.

Then a guy dressed in black, yellow and blue came to me and said " I'm Invincible, nice to meet you " he offered his hand with a smile.



We continued to stare at each other.


"Haha, is my name weird" he asked laughing awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, it took me by surprise, anyway nice to meet you." I shook his hands.

"How about we go to somewhere else to talk about your situation Mr.Anderson." Robot asked me after exchanging some words with us.

Sam also came to us with the blonde.

"Hello everyone, My name is Kara Zor-El, I'm from Krypton, Nice to meet you all."

"..." I started at her dumbfounded.

I turned to look at the pod of Kara and noticed S symbol at the edge of it.

' I'm having a headache.'

I rubbed my forehead as teen force began to introduce themself to Kara.

Later many cars came to us and we got into them to move to some place to talk to someone incharge of sups.




**Inside the base located far away from the city**

"Hello, my name is Cecil Stedman, I'm the head of Global Defence Agency. Nice to meet you." White hair guy with scar on his right mouth introduced himself.

We are currently inside of a room to discuss about our next action.

"Hello Mr.Stedman, I know what you want to talk about, but can you give us sometime, it was a very difficult journey for us. We'll answer your questions tomorrow. you already know we are not from this world but I assure you, we mean no harm to this planet."

I explained our situation and postponed the questions they want to ask to Tomorrow.

"..." He observed me for a few moments.

"Of course, we'll arrange for your stay here."

After sometime we are allocated three rooms but Sam insisted she'll stay with me, so we took a room and later Kara joined our room since she don't want to be alone.

After chatting for a while they fall asleep on the bed, it seems they are mentally exhausted with all that happened.

I went to the bathroom and washed my face and looked at the mirror.

' I isekai'ed into the world of invincible with sam later joined by Kara. Cassie and wanda are not here and if my guess is right they should be in other universe. Damn....' I signed and went to my room.

After that I went to the sofa and sat there.

I looked at the system and understand my situation.

Basically after I entered the void, the energy in the void began to stimulate my powers and it broke my body forcing it to evolve into that of celestial sapien.

I still don't understand how, but this is a good thing. After my body complete the evolution I can access the dimension of the monarch which is outside of time and reality. Maybe with that I can travel across the Omniverse.

'Wait for me Cassie, Wanda.... I'll find you soon'

I have to find a way to home and pay those bastards with interest.

Later I took a meditation pose and continue to observe the changes in my body while also sensing my surroundings in case they try anything funny.