Talkative librarian


[You have been recognised by a Forgotten enigma for the first time! Rewarding Exp.]

[You have received the approval of a Forgotten enigma for the first time! Rewarding Exp.]

[You have completed the trial of a forgotten enigma for the first time! Rewarding Exp.]


[For completing the trial of a forgotten enigma, you will be rewarded.]

[Intelligence +3]

[Mana +10]

[You have earned an achievement!]

[Recognition by Forgotten enigmas (Rare) has been achieved!]


[You have received a [Blessing] from the Forgotten enigma of Riddle and Protection.]


[You have received a blessing for the first time! Rewarding Exp.]

[Achievement: Blessed Individual (Common) has been achieved.]



[Blessing: Fulfillment of a genuine desire.]

Type: Conditional trigger.