Presence of Evil

"You know did not help with the town quest."

"I am not obligated to, you know that better than anyone else."

As the event neared its conclusion, the spectators outside of the library were getting excited to see who would get the highest scores and who would get the chance to take something away from the library.

All the town's people knew about the things that were present in the library. There were all kinds of items of the past and things that were related to the various civilizations of the past.

The library was not just a simple place where the books were sold, it was the main attraction of the Moongold because there were so many unique things here for everyone to see.

"Still, you could have given out quests at least."

"And why would I do that? A single low level Dark magician is something the foreigners and town's people can handle very well on their own.