New anticipation

"Woh! Didn't you say something about not being able to hold this cute one? Who's she~? How's she holding her~?"

Seeing the happy Misha holding the happier gecko excited his friend. 

"This is Misha. The miserable child I was talking about earlier."

He had already told her about the mother and daughter that were now taking care of his friends in the game. 

They were looking after them in their absence, and thanks to them, he did not have to worry about those curious little troublemakers.

"Oh… so, she's the special child you were talking about?"

Olive knew about Misha's condition and though she did not know much about the concepts of this game, she knew this one was special.

Still, she was holding the little gecko.

"Then, it isn't impossible to hold this little one, right? There are just some conditions that one has to fulfill or something."

"You can say that… Nothing is impossible in this game, Olive."