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ID: #### (Level-42)

Race: Human (####)

T-T (Physical stats)

Strength: 53

Agility: 55

Endurance: 39

T-T (System stats)

Intelligence: 6

Luck: 0

Charm: 2

T-T (Functional stats)


Stamina: 50/50

Fatigue: 0/50

(Stat points: 0)

{Skills: Sword intent, Energy infusion, Blink, Smash, Energy smash.}

[Titles: <####>, .]


"Pretty good, I'd say." They were back in the room of their inn in Yuta. And, it was evening already.

"Only we can see the achievement list in our status windows?" They moved around a little, and before doing anything else, both of them had called up their status windows.


ID: Elio (Level-39)

Race: Human (Commoner)

T-T (Physical stats)

Strength: 41

Agility: 45

Endurance: 43

T-T (System stats)

Intelligence: 13

Luck: 2