Backlash of excessive Power

"Do you wanna know what happens to you?"


He was gulping down the food like a pig right now, with his face covered with some sauces and spices… which was a cute sight to her who was used to seeing him eat with all that etiquette and manners.

"Gu knuw wha happen ta mi?"

"Are you really the Elio I know or are you doing some kind of role playing? I'll tell you it's not working if you think that's the case, alright?"

"And here I thought you'd like it."

She knew it, actually. But she had been enjoying this Wild side of him for a while now.

It sure was fun seeing him like that, at least.

"I love it. Keep doing it, and just answer my question."

He was quite good at acting as well, so it would have been difficult to tell the difference between a pig and the current him if she didn't know him better.

"Gus muaam~."