The second Throne

A creature. 

A creature that could fly.

A creature that could fly but did not have any wings or was a bird of any kind.

It was simply just a creature, a creature that wasn't visible at the moment.

All they could see was a flash of purple lighting that moved at a speed that only left a dash of lightening of that creature's movements.

They couldn't see anything of that creature, but, one thing that they could see for certain right now…

[{ Master… }]

Was the absurdity that was transpiring before their eyes.

"Yeah… didn't I say? There existed something with these characteristics. Someone who had those eyes."

Right now, a purple lightning that was moving at a speed that was only leaving a flash of light in its path was moving all around the forest.

It most certainly had originated from somewhere around them as well, however, it was moving at a speed that was faster than the speed of sound.