The next goal

"We can be a god Sera…"

He looked at the creature that was pretty much done with the monsters.

"But to become a god, we would need to have the qualities of that god."

The same was true for being strong or having divinity or being something or someone like that creature.

It wasn't simple, and, if anything, it was not something that he could achieve overnight.

Not unless there was an almost dead dragon and he just had to poke a sword in its head to relive it from its eternal suffering.

He wasn't [April 3rd]. He wasn't on the rankings in the first place, much less on the second place among the millions that play this game.

Getting strong was a goal that he would achieve eventually as he went on with his journey, but he was still not going to achieve it as quickly as that lucky person did, or through something unique like the other high rankers had done.