Chapter 4 Hundreds of ghosts fight for their lives

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind in the yard.

The wind is full of rotten and foul smell.

Several people only felt dark in front of their eyes, but the moon that had just come out was covered by dark clouds.

All kinds of strange sounds came from all directions at the same time:

There are crying, weird laughter, angry shouts and screams.

Wang San was a little scared:

"Mom, I feel that someone is calling me."

"No, a lot of people are calling my name!"

Grandma Li was shocked:


"Sanwa, from now on, except for your mother calling you, no one will agree to you!"

"The old woman is fighting with you beasts!"

The deaf mother-in-law stepped on the ground on one foot and stamped three times.

"Please go up to Master Changba!"

In an instant, the deaf mother-in-law's appearance changed greatly:

The old and stiff body has become extremely flexible.

The eyes turn green, with a vertical pupil in the middle.

Two voices came from the deaf mother-in-law:

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Eighth Master."

Master Chang smiled:

"You also know that my immortal ability is limited. If the evil spirit is too fierce, I will slip away!"

"You old woman, you can't complain."

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, in the quiet night around them, there was a rustling sound of footsteps.

Uncle Li said:

"Deaf woman, why are so many people coming towards us?"

The deaf mother-in-law smiled bitterly:

"Old Li, you have to be ready. It's not a 'person'!" Who is Uncle Li?

Hundreds of veterans crawling in and out of the dead!

After listening to his deaf mother-in-law, instead of being afraid, he pulled out a big knife and blocked it at the door.

The big knife glowed with a layer of blood in the dark.

"Hahaha, it reminds me of the time when I fought with the devils."

"I just don't know if these dirty things are hard enough!"

Wang San is filial and naturally will not let the two old people face the danger alone.

He turned around and sent the newborn child into the house, and did not forget to tell his wife to take good care of it.

Then he rushed out with a kitchen knife.

"Whoever dares to hurt my mother, I will fight with him!"

The deaf mother-in-law was gratified and funny:

If the kitchen knife can cut ghosts, what else do you have to do with the immortals?

"Sanwa, don't make trouble."

"Go and bring the incense burner. It's useful."

The deaf mother-in-law grabbed the ash and sprinkled it evenly around the yard.

Black, gray, white and snow are particularly conspicuous.

"Sanwa, you sit on the roof with your mother's big seal."

"Remember that no matter what happens, don't talk or move!"

"If... If your mother and Uncle Li can't beat the dirty things, you can take your daughter-in-law and run away.

"Run under the old pine tree on the top of the East Mountain, remember?"

Wang Sangzhong nodded:

"Mom, I remember!"

"After I send my daughter-in-law there, I will come back to help you immediately!"

The deaf mother-in-law stretched out her hand and touched her son.

"Oh, you stupid boy!"

Uncle Li stared at the front with brisk eyes: "Deaf woman, if it's dangerous for a while, you and Sanwa will go together."

"I'll stop the dirty things for you!"

Before the deaf mother-in-law could speak, Wang's third daughter-in-law suddenly exclaimed in the room:

"Mom, this child, he, he..."

The deaf mother-in-law was anxious to hear it, but she couldn't leave.

"Third daughter-in-law, what's wrong with the child?"

"Mother, this child is eating the raw meat at home!"

It would be strange if this happened to an ordinary baby.

It can happen to the "extreme cadin", which is also common.

The deaf woman shouted loudly:

"Deather-in-law, just don't bite you. Don't worry about him!"

"If he dares to hurt you, you can spank him with the wooden knife in your mother's house!"

When talking, the yin qi in the courtyard is heavier.

Even Wang San, who is nervous, feels creepy.

With the faint light, I faintly saw a row of footprints coming towards the courtyard door.

There are only footprints, but you can't see the walking person.