Chapter 5Grandma Ma Yi

In the strange laughter, the footprints just stepped on the incense ash.

With a harsh scream, a black smoke came out of the snow.

The deaf mother-in-law looked solemn:

"Lao Li, be careful, they're coming!"

Uncle Li shouted angrily:

"There is something that can't be seen, and there is something that comes to me!"

There was another burst of laughter.

A pale filial piety floated in the wind and flew straight towards Uncle Li.

The old man was not afraid at all and cut it with a knife!

Xiaofu was cut into a long opening, and a piece of black blood oozed from the mouth.

The dirty thing seemed to be seriously injured, screaming and leaving quickly.

It disappeared into the vast snow in the blink of an eye.

The deaf mother-in-law was overjoyed when she saw this:

"It's really a killing knife!"

Uncle Li stretched out his silver-white beard and said proudly:

"If Western devils are added, more than a hundred people will die under this knife!"

While talking, there was another cry.

Two paper people, one red and one white, slowly came.

The paper man's face showed a strange and stiff smile.

They seemed to know that Uncle Li was not easy to mess with and floated straight towards the deaf mother-in-law.

The deaf mother-in-law laughed angrily:

"The eye-opening beast actually treats the old woman as a soft persimmon!"

The fairy rope suddenly waved out.

The two paper people seem to float slowly, but they are very flexible.

He twisted his body strangely and seemed to dodge the attack of the deaf woman in a hurry.

Then he held hands and floated above the crowd.

"Sittling" and "giggling" laughter, the person who listened to it was cold all over his body.

Uncle Li frowned and asked:

"Deaf woman, what are these two?"

The deaf woman stared at the air and replied:

"Ghost skin!"

"They used to burn clothes for the dead at the funeral."

"By chance, I ate the soul and became such a disgusting thing!"

"They feel that they are ghosts, so they always come out to catch the stand-in, hoping to be reincarnated."

Just then, the whole snow suddenly became darker.

The moon that had just been exposed began to disappear little by little.

After a while, there was only half a round of blood moon left.

This scene scared the eighth master of the horse fairy:

"Tiangou swallows the moon, half-blood remains!!!"

"What the hell is the doll you saved!"

As soon as the words fell, the sound of ghosts crying and howling in all directions was louder.

The black fog of the big regiment appeared out of thin air.

A large group of ghosts can be seen faintly in the black fog!

The strangest thing is that eight female ghosts in red floated slowly with a sedan chair.

The rest of the lonely ghosts got out of the way one after another, kneeling on both sides and trembling with fear.

Even the two ghost skins floating in the air hurriedly fell to the ground and dared not move.

At this moment, one of the "four beams and eight pillars" worshipped by the deaf mother-in-law, the broken-headed ghost of Qingfeng Hall, appeared in the courtyard.

The scut-headed ghost picked up his head and stared at the ghost sedan chair.

"Gramma Ma, you are about to achieve positive results. Why come out and do this detrimental thing!"

The sharp and harsh sound came from the ghost sedan chair.

"Don't be afraid of being scared. Grandma, I'm just coming to have a look. I won't kill you."

"But if you can't stop these little kids, grandma doesn't mind robbing Jiyin."

The deaf mother-in-law was about to speak when Wang's third daughter-in-law suddenly screamed:

"Mother, help, there's something dirty in the house!"

It was followed by a sad scream.

Strangely, this voice is clearly made by men.

The gusted-headed ghost turned into a gloomy wind and flew into the house:

"Don't move. Give me what's inside!"

"I'm not like some people who have been worshipped by others for decades, and I always want to run at the critical moment!"

"I was a lonely ghost. Fortunately, thanks to the support of the deaf woman, I regarded this place as my home!"

Master Chang was ashamed and muttered:

"It's all you can do!"

"Besides, hasn't Ben Xian run yet?!"

After the gug-headed ghost entered the house, he saw an incredible scene:

A bold hanging ghost wanted to climb in through the window, but was stuck by the deaf woman's big seal.

Only a stinky tongue reached into the room.

At this moment, the tongue is being caught in the hand of the newborn doll and eating it one by one.

The smelly black blood dripped along the corners of the baby's mouth.

When the baby saw the breeze coming in, she grinned at him.

Revealing bloody teeth.

He has already grown teeth!

Qingfeng admitted that he was afraid of the newborn child at that moment!