Opposing the Harvest

He had evaded this moment for as long as possible, the idea of returning to that tree was the furthest thing from his desires. Yet, deep down, he understood the importance of the tree, without those fruits he wouldn't make as much progress as he already has. With a reluctant determination, he set out towards the tree, accompanied by the ever-watchful lizard at his side. Despite the Entity's assurance that the serpent would remain dormant for a while, Zerin couldn't shake off his lingering doubts.


Passing the line of imposing pillars, he traversed the skybridge crafted from solid stone, its weight supported by the pillars beneath, ascending towards the platform above. Peering over the edge, he glimpsed the vast expanse below, there lying a crimson sea, the suspected home of the Serpent.


The lizard paused at the bridge's edge, settling down as Zerin surveyed the mysterious waters beneath. It waited patiently, a silent companion in the face of uncertainty. Zerin tore his gaze away from the depths and directed his attention towards the towering white tree ahead. The lizard approached the tree, retracing its actions from days past, sniffing the ground with familiarity. Nervously scanning his surroundings, Zerin followed closely behind, only to bump into the lizard as it abruptly halted, almost causing him to topple over the beast.




Zerin looked and he saw in front of the lizard laid several fruits scattered across the floor, he looked back up at the tree and back down at the ground.


'Are they still good?'


He stepped closer as the lizard shifted out of his way, he knelt down and picked up the fruit, it was surprisingly intact, not a single scar or blemish shown on the fruit itself.


"Well, that saves us some trouble"


The Lizard just cocked its head to the side in response.


Feeling the chilly wind blow against him caused a chill to run up his spine, so he hastily picked up the fruits and tossed them into his basket. With a sense of urgency, he made his way back to the castle.

Upon his return to the castle, a peculiar noise echoed from the lower levels, drawing him down the winding staircase. As he descended, the sound intensified, growing more distinct with each step. Traversing the narrow hallway, he was met with unsettling squelches and the jarring clash of metal against an unknown force. The eerie cacophony suggested a struggle of some kind, its grotesque nature sending a shiver down Zerin's spine. Unable to discern the source of the sounds, he tentatively knocked on the cellar doors, hoping for a response from the Entity. Yet, amidst his streak of good fortune, silence prevailed.


Maybe he was giving himself a trim or something. Just the thought of a fleshly monster trimming his own flesh seemed to send a disgusting chill down his bones.


"Why do I even think of these things?"


With a dismissive sight, he ascended the spiraling staircase, the unsettling sounds from below accompanied him until he reached the staircase's apex, where they dwindled into what seemed like a mere heavy thud against a surface.


In recent days, Zerin had engaged in several discussions with the Priest in the cellar—conversations ranging from guidance on intricate matters to establishing mutual boundaries. While the Priest's sole requirements were for Zerin to help him reach the goddess and to refrain from entering the cellar without his consent, Zerin had provided a much longer list that he entrusted the Priest to adhere to, a pact the Priest had willingly accepted.


Growing increasingly close with the Priest, Zerin found himself forming a bond that bordered paternal, despite the Entity's reluctance to assume a fatherly role—a notion contradicted by its actions in recent days. While Zerin had no issue with this unexpected dynamic, a lingering sense of secrecy kept him on edge, prompting him to maintain a cautious demeanor. He recognized the importance of privacy, acknowledging that everyone, including himself, required personal boundaries.


In a deliberate shift of pace, Zerin had eased off on his practice of the threads, deeming a much-needed break necessary. The previous day, his intention to visit the guest homes had been derailed by a lengthy conversation with the Priest that spanned hours. Determined to follow through on his plan, Zerin resolved to visit the guest homes today, seeking a change of scenery.


Pushing open a pair of grand double doors, Zerin exited the castle and entered a meticulously tended garden, where a sea of crimson flowers bloomed in vibrant display.


'So instead of just being a priest he is also a gardener?'


Making his way to the bustling community of guest homes, he was taken aback by the sheer volume of individuals moving about. The crowd appeared to number at least fifty.


Amidst the group of people adorned with bone necklaces and other intriguing jewelry pieces, Zerin couldn't shake the feeling of displacement that washed over him. Standing amongst them, he felt alien in their midst.


Emerging from the cluster of individuals around him, the familiar girl he had encountered previously made her presence known. Her once dirty blonde locks had transformed into a luscious strawberry blonde shade, setting her apart from the surrounding crowd. a stark contrast to the absence of such vivid hues in his own hair. It was almost as if she had infused her strands with the very essence of the crimson fruits, the red tones gleaming brilliantly within her blonde braids. Drawing nearer, her piercing blue eyes, mirroring his own, held intensity.


"Honored Aspirant..."


The words echoed in Zerin's mind, evoking a sense of Deja vu.




Zerin interjected abruptly, his tone laced with a hint of confusion.


"You are an aspirant to the throne, are you not?"


Her words carrying a weight of expectation.


Just the notion of ascending to a position of authority stirred within Zerin, the prospect of assuming a leadership role caused his stomach to form a knot.


"If you're referring to me becoming the next priest or whatever, that's not something I care too much about."


Her features briefly registered disappointment before blossoming into a radiant smile, her pearly teeth gleaming in the red moonlight.


"I see... You don't think you would fit as the Lord of these lands?"



Her words painted a picture of Zerin that he found completely opposed to who he truly was.


"No... I wouldn't—"


"Of course you would!"


With determination, she closed the distance between them, linking her arm with his.


"There's no need for concern... I have every confidence that you will evolve with time, Sir,"


her voice carried a playful undertone.


"Just call me Zerin."


"Everyone appreciates a humble lord... you can address me as Ria,"


She offered with a mischievous glint in her eye as she clung to him, still using the persistent title 'Lord,' which seemed to irritate Zerin a bit on the inside.


In these lands, the roles of lord and priest often intertwined, the priest serving as a conduit to the goddess and thereby assuming the mantle of leadership. However, Zerin found himself at odds with this designation, feeling ill-suited to the responsibilities it entailed, especially since he had never had contact with the goddess.


Exhaling audibly, he discreetly withdrew his arm from her grasp, seeking to maintain a semblance of composure amidst her playful banter.


"I notice that you and your people must be setting up some sort of celebration?"


"Indeed, you're correct... We are preparing for the festival, and today marks the day of readiness!"


She threw her hands up in the air and stuck some silly pose, her gestures animated and lively.


"What the hell was that?"


Zerin's puzzled reaction slipped out involuntarily, prompting a burst of laughter at the sight before him.


"Mocking me now?"


She placed her hands on her hips as a face of offense raised on her face.


Wiping tears of laughter away, Zerin struggled to compose himself.


"That pose was quite... Ridiculous—"


Positioned behind Ria stood a poised woman exuding an air of authority as she folded her arms, her mere presence commanding attention as she discreetly cleared her throat, her focus not directed towards Zerin.


Observing Zerin's sudden pause in conversation, Ria's expression faltered slightly, her smile fading as she turned, only to startle as the stern gaze fixed upon her from the woman behind.


"Oh! I– I– I forgot, sorry, Mom!"


Ria's apology tumbled out hurriedly before she redirected her attention back to Zerin.


"Apologies, Zerin! I must assist with the festival preparations. See you there!"


With that, she dashed off into one of the nearby guest homes, her voice fading into the distance.


Left alone in the unsettling presence of the formidable woman, Zerin felt the weight of her disapproving glare bearing down on him.


"For a lord, you display a remarkable lack of maturity..."


her words cut through the silence, laden with a tone of disdain.


'Childish? What's her issue?'


Zerin recoiled internally.


"You arrive here and distract my daughter from her responsibilities..."


'It wasn't even my fault! She came out to me!'


the woman's accusation hung heavy, prompting Zerin to bite back the retort that threatened to surface.


"I apologize... If I had been aware, I would not have intruded."


"Apologies won't reclaim the time we've lost... We've fallen behind schedule,"


her voice carried a hint of frustration as she handed Zerin a basket brimming with freshly gathered crimson fruits.


"Take these to the room where Wisteria went... and make it swift,"


her directive was clear, leaving Zerin with no room for hesitation as he accepted the basket, propelled by the urgency of the situation.


'Wisteria... an oddly fitting name for her.'


Zerin mused briefly as he entered the guest home, the flickering light of torches casting dancing shadows along the walls. Amidst the bustling activity of individuals moving to and fro, Zerin found an unoccupied table to place the basket of fruits, his gaze sweeping the room.


A burly man entered the space, his muscular frame emphasized by the sleeveless shirt he wore, exuding an aura of authority as he barked orders at Zerin, his voice cutting through the room like a whip.


"I specifically instructed all able-bodied men to assist with carrying supplies! You are a man, are you not?"


The man's tone left no room for argument, his expectation clear as he directed Zerin to the task at hand.


'You've got to be kidding me...'


Zerin pondered wearily as he exited the building, his eyes falling upon a row of sleds awaiting loading. The man's unwavering gaze spurred Zerin into action, reluctantly attempting to lift two hefty bundles of wood, only to falter under their weight, the twine snapping and the wood scattering across the grass.




"Know your limits... Do not take on more than you can manage!"


The man's voice echoed behind him, the admonition ringing in Zerin's ears as he adjusted his approach, opting for a single bundle that still proved challenging to handle.


'Is this wood fashioned from solid rock?'


Zerin grumbled inwardly as he deposited the bundle at the man's feet, the strain of the task etched on his features.


"You got some soft hands boy... Just haul a few more bundles, and you're off the hook... What a sorry sight you are."


'Now he is pitying me great...'


After several exhausting rounds of ferrying the burdensome bundles, barely making a dent in the stack, Zerin's thoughts echoed his fatigue.


'What could possibly require this much wood?'


Pausing to catch his breath, Zerin brushed the sweat from his brow, only to catch sight of Ria perched on the steps, watching him intently.


"Seems like my brother put you to work, huh?"


Ria's observation hung in the air, her tone a mix of amusement and empathy as she regarded Zerin's laborious efforts.


"I apologize, Zerin... I should have intervened with my brute of a brother, but my attention was elsewhere,"


Ria's voice carried a hint of regret.


"It's alright... He did put in considerable effort bringing all that wood here. I suppose lending a hand won't hurt,"


"But you are a lord... Such tasks are beneath you, Zerin,"


Ria's words carried a hint of concern.


"Stop calling me a lord. The lord of these lands resides inside that castle!"


"The hulking menace pretending to be a lord? Such a creature is unfit to govern us,"




She wasn't entirely mistaken; the priest did not make the best first impression. His initial encounter with the Entity revealed a darker, more monstrous side to his behavior. But what could Zerin expect from such lands, corrupted by the damned shadow god? After reaching the pinnacle of their lives, the goddess seemed to lose contact with them as a result.


"He is not a monster; he is tainted by the Shadow God. He is my guide and ally in reaching out to your goddess. Together, we aim to heal these lands. He is trying to atone for his own sins."


As the gravity of his words lingered in the air, Zerin walked past her, leaving Ria to ponder the weight of his conviction.