Full Plates, Full Hearts

Zerin's resolve remained unshaken; this is how he truly saw the Priest. He didn't view the entity as a heartless monster, from just the days they spoke prior he could see the human side amidst the fleshly form. Zerin felt a sense of loss from the priest rather than pure evil. He wanted to help bring back the lost humanity hidden beneath the darkness.


As Zerin's steps echoed on the cold stone floor, a light touch on his arm made him turn around. Facing the unexpected touch, he met Ria's gaze, her expression a mix of confusion and unspoken feelings.


"I'm sorry, Zerin..."


Zerin was taken aback by the unexpected apology,


'Well, this is definitely surprising.'


"It's understandable to have your doubts,"


Zerin began, he knew she understood more than anyone that the first impression with the priest wasn't something that was easy to forgive.


"But the monster we seen that day... He's not the same person. I hope you can come to see that."


With a gentle, but decisive motion, Zerin withdrew from Ria's grasp.


As Zerin disentangled from her grasp, a moment of visible vulnerability washed over her, causing her gaze to drift downward, followed by a hushed breath. Her lashes cast delicate shadows against her fair-toned cheeks. Slowly, almost hesitantly, Ria's eyes fluttered upwards, meeting Zerin's gaze with a silent plea, laying the tracks for her to speak.


"Can you stay a while longer, Zerin? There is still so much I haven't shown you..."


Ria's voice infused with fragile hope as it pierced the lingering silence.


He couldn't manage to refuse her, despite the weight of his own convictions.


"I can stay for a while longer..."


Just as quickly as regret clouded her features, like a flip of a light switch, her previous remorseful expression was soon replaced with joy once again. She skipped ahead of Zerin, leading him to the various events that would take place here on the very next day of the festival.


'What a change of pace…'


Zerin's thoughts were interrupted by a sudden gasp, the sound cut through the tranquil atmosphere. Wisteria's sudden appearance jolted him back to awareness, her eyes widening in alarm as she rushed to the side of the frail old man from before, he seemed to pace himself much more slowly than he did before.




Wisteria's cry, a note of concern weaved into the sound of her voice as she supported the old man, his skin looked as if they were clinging to his bones for dear life, yet his eyes fixated on Zerin.


'That dinosaur is your father?'


"Look who it is…The promised lord…"


The old man's voice, a whisper carried on by excitement, his words seem to hold great significance, that even countered his frail form.


'Again, with this lord nonsense, will I ever live this down?'


"Yeah, that's him father."


'I guess not…'


Zerin fabricated a fake smile as he looked at the man.


"People expect a lot from me huh?"


"They do indeed… According to the visions I have had in the past, I have seen the next lord, bringing this world to its conclusion."


"To its conclusion?"


"Yes… You are to bring this barren world to an end and usher in a new world for us and lead us as lord!"


Zerin had heard a similar line of words from the Priest himself, restoring everything back to what it was, and the Entity even claimed it would be as easy as him mastering the threads, and designating the altar, deep in the forest, to the goddess, or something along those lines.


Zerin's voice bled with uncertainty.


"I still have a way to go before I could even get there…"


The old man, a silent witness to Zerin's inner turmoil, took a moment to absorb his words, his gaze, that of wisdom and understanding.


"That is fine… Take as long as you need, even if I don't see it, I will live through my daughter and see it myself."


The old man's words, a quiet resignation and bittersweet acceptance.


A degree of sadness was found, this man knew nothing but of these bloody lands and he was going to possibly die without seeing the world that would soon come.


No. The thought echoed resolutely in Zerin's mind, a defiant spark. He thought it was wrong for this to be the old man's conclusion, a terrible way for him to have his life diminished.


"I will try my best… I will contact your goddess soon enough… I just need a few days…"


Zerin's vow, something he saw as impossible to achieve, he hastily said as a fact.


The old man listened, his weathered features softened by awe and gratitude, the gaze that spoke to Zerin volumes, his expression a canvas of emotions, where reverence and hope were predominant.


Yet, as this tender moment of warmth was displayed, a sudden chill crept into the air, shadow casted over Zerin. With a start, Zerin turned, his senses on high alert, he jumped back slightly as he was greeted by a foreign smile, it was Wisteria's mother, much taller than he originally perceived her as, as she eclipsed him in height.


"Relax… Young lord…"


She placed a hand on his shoulder, he felt his legs turn liquid as her voice sounded of an unnatural soothing balm.


"Mom! You are scaring him!"


"Oh really?"


A melodic chuckle escaped her mouth as she glided past Zerin, her presence commanding, as the slender tall woman, walked past Zerin towards her daughter. The strange sight was before him, an amazon of a woman, her hair gray but her beauty never fading from her, and an old feeble man, just strands for hair, along with a blonde girl, in pigtails her hair interwoven with pink-Ish red hues.


'The only thing missing is the big muscular guy, what a strange family…'


Zerin closed his eyes slightly, feeling himself level out as he rolled his neck in small circles.


"You want to stay for dinner, Zerin?"


Opening his eyes, Zerin smiled slightly, he honestly was actually pretty hungry and could go for something different to eat.


"Sure, what are we having?"




Displayed in front of him was a bowl of what they whimsically called "Fleshroot Stew", the name itself threw Zerin off making him recoil slightly off the name alone, conjuring sinister images in his head. But they laughed slightly as they reassured him.


"It's just a name that we came up with, Zerin. The ingredients are entirely plant-based,"


Wisteria spoke with a hint of laughter in her voice.


Hesitating he took a sip of the stew, sitting around him the family of three looked at him intently, Wisteria, struggling to hold in her squeals, the mother, looking at him with a killer gaze and the old man seemingly staring into space.


As the first spoonful of stew touched his palate, the hearty broth enveloped his taste buds, the crisp stalks, gave it a satisfying crunch, and the roots, when cut, released a crimson hue that gave off an earthy sweetness. Despite the name, Zerin found himself pleasantly surprised by the combination of flavors and textures.


He nodded a faint smile played on his lips, Zerin met the expectant gazes of the hosts, his words simple but they spoke of genuine appreciation.


"It's pretty good…"


"I knew you would like it!"


Wisteria cheered, her eyes sparkling with delight as she basked in the glow of his approval of the dish.


"I knew you would like it!"


"Of course he'd liked it…"


The mother's voice held a tone of certainty as she lifted her head with pride, a soft smile gracing her lips.


Meanwhile the old man the personification of calm, observed the scene in silence.


As the meal drew to a close, the group savored the hearty stew set out on the table for four. Amidst the clinking of utensils and the hum of conversation, Zerin learned a lot about the unique culture that seems to thrive in this desolate hell.


The words of a tight-knit community more akin to a family surprised him. He was relayed that every ingredient in the meal had been sourced from the neighboring families. The openness and the lack of insincerity among the locals provided a sense of belonging for Zerin, dispelling any of his previous notions.


"You are coming to the festival of the goddess."


The mother stated sounding like a mere statement of fact rather than a question. It seemed everyone had their eyes on him once again, drawing him further into the fold of this close-knit family.


"I have to practice weaving, but I should be able to squeeze some time in, I guess…"


Zerin pondered the invitation, contemplating whether it was feasible to set aside a portion of his upcoming day for the festival, even though he should be spending that time training.


An impish grin played on Wisteria's face; she didn't even have to say a word he could already tell her reaction.


After bidding his farewells, Zerin departed from the cozy home, the sturdy oak door closing behind him with a soft thud. Laughter wafted through the air from the neighboring houses, their windows adorned with softly glowing lanterns, signaling the winding down of another day in the community. Laughter wafted through the air from the neighboring houses, their windows adorned with softly glowing lanterns, signaling the winding down of another day in the community. The cool evening air embraced him like an old friend.