Chapter 6

Ethan stood in front of the mirror, his eyes fixed on his reflection with a mix of disbelief and confusion etched on his face. The attractive features and striking appearance that stared back at him made his brow furrow as he scrutinized every detail, his frown deepening.

As he studied his reflection, he couldn't help but notice the changes in his appearance. He had grown significantly taller, his physique now lean and athletic. His hair, once light and messy, was now dark and thick, perfectly complementing the piercing darkness of his eyes. It was as though his eyes became darker and much more intimidating with an alluring aura. "What the…?!" He blinked several times. 

What's wrong with my body, system?" He asked, feeling unsure.

[ All stats are stable, Host. Nothing is wrong with your body] 

" How did my body transform?" He touched his face and squinted his eyes a little. 

[ The host body has undergone significant changes due to the increase in system stats,]

The system explained. 

[The augmentation of strength, agility, and reflexes has resulted in enhanced physical capabilities. Cellular regeneration has also accelerated, allowing for advanced healing factors and peak physical condition.] 

The system's explanation was concise and to the point, leaving no room for misinterpretation.

 His body had changed because of the system's upgrades, and he was now a being with extraordinary abilities. ' maybe that's why my body feels awfully light ' he grinned

He touched his face and felt the smooth texture of his skin and he felt the sharpness of his jawline which made him come to terms with the fact that this person in the mirror was actually him. His eyes seemed to bore into his own reflection, as if searching for answers to the sudden transformation. Could it be the system's doing?

Not only his facial features but also his physique has improved. He did a quick 360 scan of the restroom to make sure he was alone. Then he slowly lifted his robe up to his chest and revealed rock hard jewels on his abdomen. Even he was captivated by the sight of his brand new, chiseled physique. 

He was busy fawning over himself when he heard one of the bathroom stalls creak open. A young boy came out and they both made eye contact. They had a long, awkward staring contest. The little boy staring at a teenager fawning over himself and a teenager staring at a young boy who caught him with his robe up.

The little boy broke eye contact and silently walked over to the sink beside Ethan to wash his hands. Ethan comported himself and let out a hand to explain to the boy then in the flash of an eye the young boy slapped his hands away. It made a loud "pah" sound that resonated through the restroom.

The boy looked at Ethan with a look of disgust and said in a harsh tone, "Don't touch me you filthy narcissist".

Ethan felt his pride, his réputation, his steeze shatter into a million pieces. He dropped to the floor defeated and the boy just shuffled past him. 

It took a few minutes for him to muster up the strength to come out of the restroom and face society again but he came out. 

He straightened himself up and walked out of the bathroom with as much composure as he could muster trying to look a little more confident than he was. 

" Omg! He's back." He heard someone say in the background. Of course his senses also heightened, and his hearing ability was part. 

" He looks so hot, I think I want him." Another female squealed. He was getting more attention each step he took, and his heart thumped against his chest. Of course he was nervous! 

The attention made his legs jelly and he gulped. He could hear approaching footsteps from behind, and he stopped. His gaze slowly shifted back and his eyes caught a red haired girl behind him... Although meters apart. 

From the onlookers perspective;

The young man's stride was deliberate and calculated, his feet carrying him effortlessly through the hospital hall. His gaze roamed lazily, yet with an air of quiet intensity, as if daring anyone to approach him. His hands were tucked deep within his pockets, a subtle gesture that seemed to convey a sense of quiet confidence.

There was something unsettling about his aura, a palpable energy that radiated from him like a warning signal. It was as if he was a magnet, drawing the attention of everyone around him, yet simultaneously warning them to keep their distance.

Even the view of his back was mesmerizing, his broad shoulders and imposing physique commanding attention. People couldn't help but be drawn to him, their eyes fixed on him with a mix of fascination and trepidation.

As he came to a stop, the air seemed to thicken, and everyone held their breaths. It was as if time itself had paused, waiting for his next move. The silence was oppressive, heavy with anticipation, and the man's stillness only added to the tension.

In that moment, he seemed to be the epicenter of the universe, everything revolving around him. His presence was both captivating and intimidating, leaving onlookers unsure whether to be drawn in or flee in fear. The man's aura was a paradox, a blend of allure and danger that left a lasting impression on all who crossed his path... 

" Uh... " She gasped after he turned to look at her. 

' Why is she looking at me like that? Maybe I should help her.' He thought to himself and opened his mouth to talk... 

Everyone anticipated his next move as he gazed down at the poor girl with an intimidating look. 

" How may I help you, young miss?" He asked, but instead of replying, she touched her lower abdomen and gasped. Her face was so red that he became worried. A Crimson liquid started to ooze from her nose. "A nose bleed?" Ethan questioned internally.

Everyone has their attention on him, waiting for him to do something…anything.Then suddenly…


She passed out. He watched as she lay on the floor twitching with a lewd expression on her face 

" Everyone, get back to work, now! " He heard a female voice and turned back to meet the gaze of Dr Hartley.