Chapter 7

"Get back to work…" Hartley barked at the nurses and they all scurried away in fear, intimidated by her presence. "My God, all of you are acting like sows in heat". She was so frustrated she could feel a headache forming in her frontal lobe. 

She caught sight of the young man in front of her; most likely the cause of the commotion. Looking at him she couldn't blame the girls , he was a stunning stallion. He was wearing a patient's gown but she didn't recognize him.

"Excuse me young man, are you lost? Shouldn't you be in your ward?" She raised an eyebrow as she interrogated him.

"Huh? You really don't recognize me?" Ethan asked in disbelief. Hartley squinted her eyes. Looking at him closer he looked quite familiar but she just couldn't put her finger on it.

She gave up, "nope, no clue. You look familiar but…." "It's me. Ethan, Ethan Grayson". She took a step back. "Kid? Is that really you?". He looked more mature, although he still had some of his old features. But it was still baffling how he was able to undergo such a transformation within a few days. "Is this also a side effect of his ability?" She thought. 

Suddenly she heard a groan coming from beneath her. She looked down and saw a nurse passed out on the floor. Her face was stained with blood from her nose. It took a few seconds but then she recognized her and almost immediately her face contoured into a mixture of anger and disgust. 


Out of anger she kicked the girl on the floor in her stomach. Ethan was shocked at the action Hartley took, "hey! Don't do that, can't u see she's unconscious". He said as he tried to restrain Hartley who was going in for another kick. He managed to hold her in time.

"Let me go! Let me teach this pervert a lesson!" She yelled as she squirmed in his grip. He was surprisingly strong and was able to restrain her with little to no effort. "No I'm not going to let you…..", before Ethan could finish his sentence the young nurse moaned then rose up slowly. She had a menacing itly lewd grin on her face that made Ethan very uncomfortable. "Hit me harder," she said.

She cleaned her blood below her nose as she licked her lips and gazed at Ethan like a predator that just found its new meal. Her cheeks were bright red and she was breathing heavily. She scanned Ethan with lustful eyes from head to toe and Ethan felt like she was undressing him with her eyes. 

"Ugh, Rosa! You're always harassing the male patients" Hartley almost spat out as she said, gritting her teeth in anger. Ethan had loosened his grip and Hartley managed to slip through his grasp.

"I'm just trying to have a little fun," the young nurse shrugged. "And that hunk behind you is quite the specimen. I'd like to have just a taste", she licked her lips again and Ethan began to feel hot and he could feel his Excalibur rising.

"Your deplorable behavior is highly unacceptable." Hartley barked.

"You think you're funny, don't you? But let me tell you, your 'charm' is not impressing the male patients. In fact, they're running from you like you're a creep."

"A charming creep you might add," Rosa giggled showing no remorse for her brazen behavior, and this was ticking Hartley off. "You are a menace to this establishment. I've had to deal with many compliments about you. Do you know how many shorts I've had to replace this past week?"

"I didn't have anything to do with that I swear…" Rosa lied.

Hartley had enough with her and suddenly grabbed her by the ear and pulled her along. " I guess I'll have to teach a lesson personally". She said as The Young nurse followed her, "ow ow ow, that hurts" Rosa cried in pain as Hartley dragged her into her office down the hall.

Ethan just stood there and watched both of them. Hartley hurled Rosa into the office and entered, locking the door inside. 

At first there was silence then, there was a sound of something like a crack of a whip followed by a loud scream that pierced through the hallway from the office. It was Rosa's voice. "No….. please… that's too ... .too much" she begged. Then the whip sounded again. And Rosa screamed louder than before. "This will teach you a lesson," Hartley yelled from the office.

Ethan was utterly terrified. He couldn't possibly imagine what was going on in that office and he didn't dare want to find out. The nurses that were passing through the hallway were all shaking their heads in sorrow and disappointment.

"There she goes again"

"She never learns"

"Isn't this the second time this week"

"Yeah and it's still Tuesday"

"Next time you'll learn to keep" whip, your groping hands and perverted tendencies to yourself" the whip cracked again and Ethan could hear Rosa bite her lip desperately trying to hold back her screams. 

"Do I make myself clear?" Hartley barked. And Rosa whined in pain "yes ma'am". Ethan was still taken aback by what just happened. "They're both crazy," he whispered under his breath. Then the door to Hartley's office opened and Hartley came out and he jumped a bit. But then calmed down. 

"Sorry about that, but I had to teach that whore a lesson". Hartley apologized to him.

He gulped as a bead of sweat fell from the side of his face as he said frantically "no, no it's fine. It's none of my business anyways".

"But is she okay?" Ethan was a bit worried. "She's fine," Hartley responded. "Knowing her she probably enjoyed it, she's a hard core masochist afterall".

Ethan shivered from the cringe of imagining how the pretty girl he'd seen had turned into a pervert in less than 30 minutes.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Hartley's voice snapped him back to reality.

"Yea? What's that?"

"We've done our test and it seems you're all good, so you're getting discharged tomorrow".