Retribution And Resolve

"Search for Princess Ira! We cannot allow her to get out here alive!"

When Ira heard the cries of her pursuers, calling for her death, Ira was momentarily frozen, but she had to escape.

She ran, passing the bodies of those she couldn't save. It was all happening so fast; in an instant, Ira was gripped with both anguish and regret.

She regretted that she couldn't save her people and was anguished that she had lost her culture and kingdom in one day.

She used to be the most beloved princess in Iskandria. Undoubtedly, if she survived this ordeal, her life wouldn't be the same. 

As Ira made her way down the secret tunnel, she opened the door to reveal the outside world. The outside world she was kept away from, now she has to witness her whole world bash into flames without anything she can do.

Is this God punishing her? 

Is this God testing her?

Her religion came into question at that very moment. If God was forgiving and loved her, why did he allow this to happen? Isn't God supposed to protect his children? 

She didn't know what to think at that moment other than getting away from Iskandria. After today, she needed to try her hardest to live.

So she walked, walked into the woods without glancing back, only hearing the screams, and cries of her people's anguish. There was nothing more she could do for them, and she knew that. 

She prayed to God, in that very moment, to make sure that all of her people's sins would be forgiven and that she would go to hell for them. She didn't want her people to suffer anymore, as they did now.

As Ira walked through the forest, she was met with a very unusual plaque but recognized it very well. It was the plaque of Zephyria. 

Zephyria is known for its unusual ruler, Emperor Kaelin, the tyrannical iron-fisted ruler. If you were born in Zephyria, consider yourself unlucky. To assert your dominance, you would have to be the strongest of the strongest. 

Most of Emperor Kaelin's advisors died from his very fist. No swords or anything. His fists. That man is the most bloodthirsty ruler this world has ever seen and has now taken over Iskandria. The only kingdom standing against his way.

"Hey you, there!"

Ira was too focused on her thoughts to notice her surroundings! She gripped the plaque against her chest as she turned around, teary-eyed.

"W-wait! Please, spare me-"

"Oh, I thought only men could come along, but my bad! I saw a couple of women from the homeland, but hey, more the merrier!" 

Why was this man so calm? Wasn't he supposed to kill Ira by now? Why is he talking to her as if she's her comrade?

Then, Ira realized. It was the plaque! 

Before Ira could speak again, the Palace Of Iskandria blew up into flames. The explosions were heard by the people of Zephyria, who sang praises. 

Ira couldn't look behind. Everything she loved has gone up in flames.