Knight Breathing Technique Of Wolf Knight School

"I originally didn't want to apply," Selina felt quite embarrassed, "It was my father. Who had made me join Mr. Jason's class. He works for the Princess, so he said Mr. Jason is one of the important people."

But after telling it Selina became shocked that what she had told her, she didn't need to reveal it, "Ok, goodbye." And with it, she quickly exited from there.

Looking at Selina's figure in front of him, Sharky formed many hypotheses.

It seemed that Selina had great value, not only did she have an extraordinary constitution and had most likely received Knight training before, but her grandfather was even a true Knight. It seemed that her entire family was not simple at all.

The next day, just as the sky began to brighten, Sharky got up and came to the square from yesterday.

It was quite empty and still quiet.

Sharky silently walked forwards; he thought that he was the first to arrive this time.

Unexpectedly, however, there was a familiar figure standing there.

Jason stood there with his straight figure, looking like an upright pine tree.

"Good morning, Mr. Jason…"

Looking at Jason standing ahead, Sharky walked up and respectfully greeted him.

Jason looked at Sharky with surprise.

"Not bad."

Jason nodded and did not say anything else.

Sharky did not say anything and, he picked up his sword and found an empty spot to practice.

"Those sword techniques…"

After watching for a while by the side, Jason could not help but ask, "Where did you learn those sword techniques from?"

Hearing this voice, Sharky replied, "It was our family heritage, I trained on this from a young age."

"Very good sword techniques." Jason's expression slightly changed, a look of praise in his eyes, "They are much more useful than those purely ceremonial sword techniques that are just for show. Your family must be filled with the many valiant warriors."

Speaking there, looking at Sharky in front of him, he could not help but feel more favorably towards him.

Even though his family taught him, for Sharky to reach such mastery, his talent and dedication were extraordinary.

Standing there, Sharky glanced at Jason, and seeing that he was not going to say anything else, he turned and continued practicing.

During this period of time, Jason did not say anything and just silently observed.

After a while, footsteps could be heard, and someone else arrived.

It was someone Sharky was familiar with.

Sharky turned and saw Selina hurrying over.

As she saw Sharky, she looked somewhat surprised and walked to his side.

During this process, Jason did not say anything and allowed Selina to walk over.

Following this, time continued to pass, the others slowly gathered as well.

However, there seemed to be fewer people than those Jason had chosen the last time.

Sharky looked around.

In the previous lesson, Jason had chosen around eight people, but including him and Selina, there were only five people here.

As for the remaining three people, they were nowhere to be seen. Perhaps they had been frightened by what had happened yesterday, or perhaps they were just late.

However, no matter what the reason was, from what Jason had said, they were now kicked out from the class and lost the qualifications to continue coming to this class.

"Looks like just about everyone is here," Jason looked at the five people in front of him and said calmly after checking the time.

Following this, he drew his sword.

He continuously swung his silver sword, which gave off a light under the faint sunlight.

Looking at this sword, some people's faces became pale, thinking back to the bloody scene from yesterday.

Sharky silently stood there, looking at Luna and waiting for him to move.

As he watched on, Jason swung his sword in a unique manner, moving in various ways.

The sword continuously flashed through the air, sending out silver lights.

"Copy what I did just then," Jason did not do anything else and said calmly after completing a set of actions.

Below, the five of them looked at each other, feeling somewhat at a loss.

Jason had not moved too quickly or too slow, but his actions were quite complicated, and one would not be able to replicate them without a solid foundation.

Having them try to copy his actions after just seeing them once was a bit demanding.

However, no matter how difficult it was, they had to try it.

Under Jason's cold gaze, the five of them could only try to copy his actions from before.

As expected, everyone moved quite awkwardly, and no one was able to copy the entire set of actions.

Out of the five people, only Sharky and Selina did the best.

Following this, Jason performed the actions again and had them copy him again, and they repeated this many times.

"Three days."

Looking at the five students, he stretched out three fingers and said coolly, "I will only teach the same content for three days. After three days, there will be new content."

After saying this, he turned and left and this lesson concluded.

After returning to his residence, Sharky did not rest and immediately started to train. And he gradually started to feel something different.

"The Life Energy in my body is surging…" Sharky sensed the changes in his body and felt quite surprised.

Unusual reactions from his Life Energy were not ordinary at all.

Before awakening a Life Seed and becoming a true Knight, Knights were unable to control their Life Energy.

Ordinarily, Knights' Life Energy would peacefully hide in their bodies and not react much, apart from limited circumstances.

"Could it be…" His expression became one of surprise as he thought of a possibility.

"What he is teaching us isn't a simple sword technique but a unique Knights Breathing Technique?"

As Sharky thought of this possibility, he became somewhat shocked.

Knights Breathing Techniques were incredibly precious legacies. Such things were called priceless treasures, and it was impossible to buy them.

It was incredibly difficult to obtain and not something that an ordinary person could imagine.

And now, Jason is just casually teaching such a precious Knights Breathing Technique to others?

Standing there, Sharky deeply breathed in and calmed himself down.

The meaning behind this was incredibly important.

No matter how he saw it, for Jason to give out a priceless Knights Breathing Technique like this, Jason's identity was not simple at all.

'What does he want?' Sharky thought to himself.

Did he want to find those with talent as a Knight? After all, from his actions, it seemed that this was indeed what he was aiming for.

Those with talent as a Knight usually had stronger bodies, so the initial run was most likely a filter in order to select those with stronger bodies.

Many thoughts flashed past in Sharky's mind.

If it really was to filter out those with talent as a Knight, this was a great advantage. After all, he had confirmed that he already had talent as a Knight.

Thinking there, Sharky continued to train.

In the following days in front of everyone, Sharky became even more hardworking. No matter what time it was, if people saw him, he was always training.

Selina had already been very diligent, but compared to Sharky, she did not seem like much at all.

Time gradually passed.

Without realizing it, three months had already passed.

Over the past three months, the class of five students had been reduced to three.

Apart from Sharky and Selina, one other person had barely been able to hold on.

However, this person was struggling and could barely keep up with them.

He would most likely drop out soon.

At midday, the sun hung high in the sky, giving off intense heat and light.

Sharky finished his classes, looked at Jason leaving, and thought to himself.

"Mr Jason," he called out.

"What is it?" hearing Sharky's voice, Jason paused and calmly asked as he turned.

Looking at Jason, Sharky deeply breathed in before looking quite uneasy, "Mr. Jason, there seems to be something wrong with my body."

"Something wrong with your body?" Jason paused for a moment, seeming to have thought of something.

He stood there and looked at Sharky somewhat expectantly as he said, "Can you describe to me what the problem is?"


Sharky's expression was somewhat unsettled as he met Jason's gaze as he said, "Back when I practiced the sword techniques that you taught us, I suddenly felt some discomfort. In my body, there seems to be a wave of heat continuously flowing about…"

His voice slightly trembled as he described a few of the most evident symptoms of Life Energy being stimulated.

Hearing Sharky's words, Jason's expression finally changed.

"Very good." Looking at Sharky, a trace of a smile appeared on his face, making him seem very happy. He started investigating Sharky's body.

"As expected, there are symptoms of Life Energy being circulated…"

After a few moments on an empty field, Jason looked at Sharky with a gaze filled with excitement and delight, "This child indeed has talent to become a Knight."

He felt as if he had won a prize.

Even though he had given out part of the Knights Breathing Technique, in actuality, he did not have much hope in finding people with talent as a Knight.

After all, such people were simply too rare. If their ancestors did not have a Knight bloodline, it was difficult to find a single person with Knight talent among thousands.

Jason had just been casually teaching; whatever their accomplishments were were up to them, without any hope. However, he had never thought that he would strike gold.

"To be able to sense the changes in Life Energy in such a short amount of time, his Knight talent is quite good."

Looking at Sharky, Jason thought to himself. This was undoubtedly the sign of a genius. In actuality, his impression of Sharky was quite good.

He was gentle, humble, diligent, and patient. He was respectful to his teachers and kind to classmates. Anyone who saw him would like him.

All of Sharky's efforts had been seen by him in the past period of time. He greatly appreciated Sharky's desperate efforts.

However, with his identity, if he did not have Knight talent, there would not be much point. At most, he would just help him with some matters.

However, now that he had the talent to become a Knight, things were completely different.

Thinking about it, Jason could not help but smile and look ahead.

"Not bad." Looking at Sharky, Jason smiled and said, "From now on, come to this square every night."

After saying this, Jason did not explain and directly left.

"At night, eh?"

Sharky thought to himself before leaving. At night, the sky gradually became dark.

In this age where they did not have lights, their night life was not as rich as in modern society.

As such, when it was night time, the originally lively places all became silent, and there were not many people around.

Sharky came to the square, as per his agreement with Jason.

After arriving here, he was surprised to find that it was quite bright here.

There were people holding torches all around, illuminating this area.

Under the illumination of the fire, Jason stood there by himself, a long shadow drawn out by the light.

He stood there by himself, his back facing Sharky. It looked like he had been standing there for a while now.

"Mr. Jason," Sharky said with a respectful expression.

"You're here."

Jason turned and nodded at Sharky before saying, "Sit."

"Yes." Sharky sat down by the side.

"Sharky, do you know what a Knight is?"

Looking at Sharky, Jason once again spoke and asked this question after a few moments.

Before Sharky could reply, he continued, "Knights are a group of people who wield extraordinary power. All knights reign above ordinary people, and they are the most powerful beings."

He continued, "If one wants to become a Knight, one must first control Life Energy…

"It's just that controlling Life Energy takes talent, and not everyone can do so. Even in noble families, people with such talent are very rare." Speaking there, he paused and looked at Sharky.

"Could it be…" Sharky paused before a slight look of joy appeared on his face, "I…"

"That's right."

Looking at Sharky's reaction, Jason smiled, "Kailin, you are one of those rare people with talent. From today onwards, I will teach you how to use this treasure."

"Thank you, Mr. Jason." Sharky immediately got up and deeply bowed towards Jason.

Jason did not expect such a reaction. He smiled and said, "Alright, you can sit. From today onwards, you are part of the Wolf Knight School."

"Wolf Knight School?"

Sharky was quite surprised, "School? Knights have Schools as well?"

"Of course."

Jason nodded, "Apart from some Knights who are trained by their families, most Knights have Schools. Different Schools' Knights Breathing Techniques have different effects and uses."

"Of course, there are some wild Knights who happened to obtain a Knights Breathing Technique. However, these wild Knights often quickly disappear or become nobility." Standing there, he explained to Sharky and told him a lot about Knights.

Before, Sharky did not know much about this. Of course, it was not late hearing about these things now.