Knight Training

"Amazing," Princess Parizaad said, and she started clapping her hands to praise Gary. Seeing, Princess clapping, one by one, everyone stood up, and started clapping for him.

"Your idea was really good, but what about the security of the system, is your security able to capture the criminal and solve the crime happening in the city. Although crime often does not happen, sometimes it happens here," the head of the prisoners department asked.

"There is no problem with it. First of all, we can only issue the pass to, after we verify that the person will be not dangerous to the Alexa Royal City. And with this, City safety will automatically increase," Gary explained, and after hearing it, many people started clapping.

Afterall, Gary has also bribed many people, and he also secretly killed a Baron, who was stuck in his way.

And his becoming the True Knight, while not having a powerful background, also became the other reason that he was able to take the chance.


Sharky was really amazed knowing about his brother's achievements. Although he made all of the plans, he didn't know his brother would really achieve it. For hiding Gary's identity, they didn't even talk through the letter.

"Okay, you guys can talk with each other, I am going to do some important work," Sharky said, he exited the scene leaving Gary and Luna alone.

"By the way, is the southern side really that prosperous?" Luna asked, looking at Gary, he didn't care about the money, and the same Sharky also didn't care about it.

She greatly admired their attitude towards disregard for money.

"Not quite," Gary smiled before shaking his head, "But, I know many ways of earning money, so although I know the money has many value. But I value the person instead of the money."

He smiled as he continued, "Think about it; this might be someone else's entire fortune. They might be hoping to use this money to change their lives, or someone's life might depend on it… So, maybe I will just lose a single coin, but if others gain, they will become very happy…"

Luna once again felt stunned.

She had thought that Gary had acted like that because he was incredibly rich, making it so that he did not care about money.

However, it seemed that was not just the case. He likes to help others, what a kind person both brothers are.

Meanwhile Sharky has already known many things about Luna, after talking to her.

"A good and beautiful girl my brother has got," Sharky appreciates his brother's choice.

For Luna to come here to study, it meant that it was likely for her to succeed her father someday.

Time gradually passed, and in the blink of an eye, it had been many days since Sharky had come to the Alexa Royal City.

Over the past few days, he had become quite familiar with the area. He walked into the Alexa Royal Academy and reported in. And he smoothly entered the Alexa Royal Academy and began to look into his studies.

"I need to choose all of my classes?"

Looking at his timetable, Sharky frowned.

Different from what he had expected, apart from the core classes, most of the remaining classes were electives that one had to pay for themselves.

This kind of price was simply daylight robbery. Still he chose one class which was Knight Training. The fee was one big silver coin.

Moreover, it would achieve some goal for him.

A few days later, after gaining some information, Sharky decided to enroll in the Knight Training class.

At midday, the sun hung high in the sky.

Under such weather, Sharky walked out from his room and came to a small square.

There was already someone there.

It was a middle-aged man who looked quite cold and merciless.

Even though it was hot, he wore leather armor and silently stood there; he did not look hot at all.

Looking at this person, Sharky felt quite surprised.

He had never thought that someone would be here before him.

"You are the first."

Ahead of him, a voice sounded out.

The man looked back at Sharky as a look of surprise appeared on his face.

He had never thought that anyone would come this early.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Jason?" Sharky asked, as he looked at the middle-aged man.

Standing there, the man's expression remained cold as he did not say anything and just nodded.

Seeing how taciturn the man seemed, Sharky did not say anything and silently stood by the side, being roasted by the merciless sun together with the middle-aged man.

While Jason was observing Sharky, Sharky was also observing Jason.

The sun was very hot, and the temperature was very high; it felt like the sun could roast someone to death.

However, under this high temperature, Jason did not react and did not give off even a single bead of sweat.

This evidently was not normal at all.

It seemed that Jason either had a special body or was not an ordinary person.

Following this, this place fell into silence.

As time passed, footsteps could be heard and more students arrived.

More and more people began to gather.

After a while, everyone was gathered.

"Looks like everyone is here…" Jason looked at the time and nodded, "It's time to begin."

He looked at everyone and pointed at the nearby empty field.

"Now, run," he said calmly.

All of the students looked at each other, and soon, someone asked, "How long do we run for?"

"Until you reach your limit," Jason said, "Let me see your limits."

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

Some people wanted to say something, but looking at Jason's cold face, they did not say anything.

Just like that, all of the students began to run.

Sharky ran among the crowd.

Right now, he did not seem very eye-catching. He did not run too quickly or slowly and remained at the center of the group. He was not at the lead or lagging behind.

But with his strength, without realizing it, Sharky became one of the people at the front.

Apart from him, there were also a few others behind them.

As for everyone else, at least half of them had gradually fallen behind, and some people were already huffing and puffing as they sat on the ground.

Jason stood by the side, silently watching.

He did not look at those who had fallen behind and only calmly looked at those at the front.

"You few can stay behind," he pointed at Sharky and the others at the front, before looking at everyone else who had given up, "As for all of you, you can leave."

Hearing this, the rejected students were sent into an uproar.

"What gives?"

Someone said, "We paid the fee for this class! How can you just kick us out?"

This was a young man dressed in a good-looking red robe, which had golden threads in it. It was evident that his family was quite well off.

Sharky knew this person.

This fellow seemed to be the youngest son of a Count. Because he was greatly loved by that Count, he was sent to this academy.

He stood there and furiously pointed at Jason, "Do you know what you're doing? You are humiliating a descendant of the Medod family! You will earn the anger the Medod family!"

"Medod family?" Jason coldly laughed. It was the first time his expression had changed.

His appearance when he had a different expression was far more chilling than his expressionless appearance. This was the case even when giving a slight smile.

In the next moment, a blood scene erupted.

A faint silver sword light flashed out from Jason's body, and a silvery moonlight seemed to descend.

Drops of blood splattered everywhere.

A head flew out with an expression of shock still on it. He did not expect Jason to dare to attack him.

Sharky had not expected it either.

In just a short moment, a young man from the Medod family had died and turned into a cold corpse. The rest of his body also fell to the ground.

He had just killed a Count's youngest son just like that?

Just who was he?

Looking at Jason, who looked as if he had not killed an important person but a pig, Sharky looked completely shocked.

There had been many meters between him and that young man, but the instant that Jason had attacked, the young man's head had flown off. This was not something that an ordinary person could do.

A Knight… a true Knight.

This was not just someone who had awakened Life Energy but a true Knight who possessed extraordinary strength and had awakened a Life Seed.

Knights who had only activated Life Energy, strictly speaking, could only be called a Knight Apprentice.

Only someone who had awakened their Life Seed, the core of their life, was a true Knight.

At such a level, Knights could truly control their Life Energy and could do many things that ordinary people could not.

It was said that above ordinary Knights, there were also so-called Great Knights…

The attack that Jason had unleashed was undoubtedly something that only a first-rate Knight could do. He was definitely a Knight who had awakened a Life Seed.

At that moment, Sharky noticed a girl's expression had changed, and she was stunned. She also dumbly stood there, not knowing what to do.

"H-He killed someone…"

Looking at the corpse on the ground with pale faces, they felt a sense of terror in their hearts.

Even though this age was quite barbaric and cruel, with people often dying, seeing someone alive and talking in one second and dead the next was still a bit too shocking.

Everyone was completely stunned, and they looked at Jason with terror.

Jason did not seem to care about those gazes, and he only disdainfully laughed before waving his hand.

Beside him, a few attendants quickly stepped out and took the corpse away.

"Didn't you hear what I said?"

Looking at the dumbfounded students, Jason's expression was cold as he harrumphed, "Now, does anyone have anything to say?"

He spoke calmly, but a wave of killing intent spread out.

Everyone's faces became incredibly pale.

Sharky had never thought that the class would end like this. Following this, he realized something. This was a massive opportunity.

This man was True Knight, so maybe he knew about some secret place, where Sharky can try to find the Way Big DNA. As long as he could form a good relationship with Jason.

This was undoubtedly a great opportunity.

Jason looked at the stunned students and said coldly, "Did you all understand what I just said?"


Beside Sharky, a young man nervously gulped. Looking at Jason's cold expression, he hurriedly nodded.

It seemed that these students had been given a terrible scare, and this was understandable.

To enter this academy, all of the students were from noble backgrounds.

Despite being nobles, there were few of them who had higher status than that student from before.

If Jason could kill even the descendants of the Medod family, he would not mind killing them either.

A lethal threat was right in front of them, so it was impossible for them to not be afraid.

"Be on time tomorrow."

Hearing this reply, Jason nodded and maintained his cold expression, "Those who do not attend and those who are late will be seen as withdrawing from the class."

Everyone looked at each other before leaving.

Only Sharky did not immediately leave. Instead, he walked forwards and said respectfully, "See you tomorrow, Mr. Jason."

Looking at Sharky, Jason was a bit surprised; he did not expect someone to dare to come up at a time like this.

However, he did not say anything and only nodded.

Sharky did not continue to say anything either, before leaving.

"So terrifying."

After Sharky comes to one side, he hears a girl let out a breath, "That person gave me an extremely dangerous feeling…"

"He's definitely a true Knight," she said with a serious expression.

Looking at her expression, Sharky felt quite surprised and asked testingly, "Hello, have you seen a true Knight before?"

"Oh hello, I am Selina," the girl nodded, then she said seriously, "Of course I have, My grandfather is a true Knight."

Sharky stood there, looking at the beautiful Selina, thinking to himself.

"But the feeling he gave me was much, much more terrifying than my grandfather," Selina stood there, still feeling somewhat apprehensive, "He's like… one of those Great Knights…"

"Great Knight?"

Sharky remained calm and said, "Don't feel too nervous. Selina, your grandfather is most likely quite old, while Mr. Jason is still young, which is why they give you different feelings."

"No… it's not like that." Selina shook her head, but speaking there, she seemed to be quite nervous and did not continue speaking.

"Speaking of which, why are you here?"

Looking at Selina's reaction, Sharky smiled before changing the topic, "You don't seem like you'd be someone interested in this class. Moreover, you are a girl."

Given that Selina's grandfather was a true Knight, she should have received good Knight training since she was young. It was strange that she would be interested in the academy's Knight Training class.