Alexander Family

In the elegant living room of the Alexander Family mansion, there was a momentary silence as Sophia's father, Stephen, observed Sharky and Sophia. He stared for a few moments, contemplating, before finally releasing a sigh that carried both acknowledgment and resignation. He turned to Sylvie, his sister.

"What is the status of Evanthe? Has she found the mission target?" he inquired.

Sylvie, with a hint of disappointment, replied, "Brother, she found the target, but both were female, so it failed."

Stephen sighed deeply, a weight of realization settling upon him. "It seems destiny has ruled that our generation is the last," he mused.

Turning toward Sharky and Sophia, he addressed his daughter. "Sophia, since you have already chosen Sharky, and we love you so much, we can't help but agree with your decision."

Sophia couldn't contain her joy, jumping up and hugging her father. "Thank you, Father! I knew you would accept my decision," she exclaimed, playfully messing with his hair.

Stephen chuckled, "Well, what can I say." He then turned toward Sharky, his expression more serious. "Sharky, I don't know who you are, but just promise me you will never hurt my Sophia, or I will hunt you down even if you hide in the underworld."

Sharky, with sincerity in his eyes, replied, "Of course, Father-in-law. I will take care of her."

Stephen nodded, satisfied with the response, since he didn't like the people talking in the circle. He was a person who believed in simple words. "We will arrange for the wedding when Sophia's grandfather, grandmother, and grandaunt come from London."

With his words, it was decided that, in the future there is going to be a celebration in the halls of the Alexander Family mansion.

"Thank you father-in-law, these are some gifts from me," Sharky said, as he presented the Diamond Sunglass and Diamond Pen.

Seeing it, Stephen really became shocked. He was not shocked that the pen and sunglasses were made of diamond. But, he was shocked by the way the diamond was embedded.

It was just like a diamond growing inside the sunglasses frame and pen. Although he first wanted to deny it, but after seeing it he wasn't able to.

And he took the Diamond Sunglass and Diamond Pen. "Thanks son-in-law," now he already decided, Sharky was his son-in-law.

Alexa Alexander observed Sharky with a discerning gaze as he stood beside her daughter, Sophia. Her keen eyes traveled from the top of his head down to his shoes, evaluating his demeanor and presence.

"Mother-in-law, I also have gifts for you and Sylvie aunt," Sharky said, as he quickly took the Diamond Necklace and Diamond Bracelets, and presented them, before they judged him.

A warm smile appeared on Alexa, she curved on her lips as she completed her scrutiny. "Son-in-law, my dear, you are quite an impressive young man," she remarked, taking the gifts, her tone carrying approval and admiration. Sylvie also nodded with her.

Sophia, standing beside Sharky, beamed with pride, appreciating her mother's positive assessment.

Alexa continued, her gaze returning to Sophia, "Sophia, my darling, you've made an excellent choice. This young man seems to have captured not just your heart but also our family's approval."

Sophia blushed with a mix of happiness and gratitude. "Thank you, Mom. I'm so glad that you approved of the relationship."

Alexa, still smiling, reached out to pat Sharky's arm affectionately. "Take good care of our Sophia, Sharky. She's our treasure, and we're entrusting her happiness to you."

Sharky, with sincerity in his eyes, nodded. "I promise, mother-in-law, I'll do everything to make Sophia happy."

Alexa's gaze lingered on the couple, and with a final nod, she expressed her satisfaction. "I believe you will, son-in-law. Welcome to the Alexander family."

Rosie looked towards the gifts given by the Sharky to her mom and dad, she quickly appeared in front of him. "Brother-in-law, where is mine?" She asked cutely.

Sharky became shocked by her transition, he didn't believe she was the same girl, which carries the air of authority. Inside the Rosie Luxury, where she has given him the cars.

Now, she looks like a little girl who wants candy.

"Of course, I have," Sharky replied, quickly taking out the Diamond Necklace and Diamond Ring, "It is yours."

"Wow, they were really beautiful, put in my neck and finger," Rosie said, as she brought forward her head and finger.

"You can put it by yourself," Sharky said.

"No, since you are giving me the gifts, you will put it," Rosie said, as she changed her expression in a little anger.

"Ok, ok," Sharky nodded, and he completed her demand agreeing with putting the necklace and ring on her.

"Good boy," Rosie nodded, as she gave a victory smile, seeing the necklace on her neck, and ring on her finger. "You did a good job," She gives a sign, just like an employer gives to an employee, when he completes his demand.

Sharky can't help but chuckle, now he knows, although Rosie shows she is mature. But from inside, she is still a child.


The grand dining room of the Alexander Family mansion was adorned with beautiful Chandeliers, while the family gathered for a sumptuous dinner. The aroma of fine cuisine filled the air. While eating, Stephen Alexander, began explaining the family business to Sharky.

"Sharky, my boy, the Alexander Family is not just about wealth. We focus on meeting royal people's needs while also venturing into various projects," Stephen began, his tone reflecting both pride and responsibility.

He elaborated on Evanthe Royalty, the clothing line tailored for the affluent. "Evanthe Royalty caters to the clothing needs of the elite, it was also the business given to Sylvie's daughter, Evanthe, and in future it belongs to whoever she marries."

Stephen then moved on to Rosie Interstellar cars, a business for his daughter Rosie and her future husband. "Rosie Interstellar crafts luxury cars for our family and selected clients."

The conversation flowed to the Sophia Dream Society, a prime real estate business for the elite, lo "The Sophia Dream Society ensures that the rich and powerful have homes in prime locations."

"And there is also our tourism business that isn't your ordinary Earth travel. We've ventured into space tourism, providing the rich people with a journey to the moon through our specially designed spaceship."

Sharky absorbed the information, realizing the breadth of the Alexander Family's ventures. However, amidst the informative exchange, he couldn't help but notice a peculiar strange glance between Stephen and Sylvie.

He also smells a similar scent from Sylvie, Alexa and Stephen. He understands something, but still ignores it for now.

After the good talk and delightful dinner, Sharky and Sophia retired to Sophia's bedroom. The comfortable ambiance and the echoes of family history lingered as they settled in for a night's rest.


After the meeting with Sophia's family, Sharky and Sophia returned back to Crown Haven Villa. Now with Sophia's parents' agreement, they started living together.

Crown Haven Villa, a symbol of their shared commitment, became a haven for their blossoming romance.

The mornings were greeted with shared laughter in the kitchen as they prepared breakfast together. The scent of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the warmth of their affection, creating an intimate atmosphere in their new home.

In the evenings, they often strolled through the well-manicured gardens surrounding the villa, hand in hand. The beauty of the garden mirrored the growth of their relationship, with the flowers their love also blooming together.

While in the night, in their bedroom Sophia moans and Sharky pounding sounds feel the atmosphere. The fluid inside Sophia is proof that Sharky's Dragon regularly visits inside of Sophia's forest.

While they cherished their private moments, Sharky and Sophia also made it a point to join Stephen, Alexa, and Sylvie at the dining table for family gatherings.

The Alexander Family mansion became a hub for shared meals and conversations, and it also brought closeness to the Alexander's family with the Sharky.

But whenever Sharky gathered for their family meeting. Sharky's sister-in-law, Rosie, always poked fun at him and sat on his lap. And if it was still okay, she even kissed on his cheek by saying, "Brother-in-law," with a cute face.

And sometimes, Rosie's bum touches his Dragon, causing his Dragon to awaken and feel her bum curves.

And as their visit started becoming regular at the Alexander's family, Rosie also started becoming more bold. She even visited the Crown Haven Villa, and occupied Sharky with her to play different games, while also visiting many places.

"Rosie, please stop playing with the fire, or you will also burn," Sharky warned her, as he felt his Dragon was again woken up, and started feeling the curve of Rosie's bum curves.

"No, I will not stop, Brother-in-law, I wanted to burn," Rosie pointed, while making a funny face, she also rubbed her bum on his laps, and she clearly felt the sensation of his Dragon touching her. Which she likes.

"So, you will not understand in the simple words right," Sharky said, as the lust started awakening inside him. Then he reached his hands towards her boobs, while still there was clothes, he pinched it.

"Aaahhhh," Rosie gives a light moan, while she has some hesitation on her face, but she doesn't show any resistance.

And from then on Sharky also became daring, he started touching her boobs, whenever she sits on his lap. Although Rosie shows she was just playing with Sharky, but both of them didn't know, something started growing inside both of them.

Eleven days had passed till the simulation was paused, and for the next day, there were no points left, now Sharky needs to continue to complete the task inside the simulation.

So, tonight was the day, when he was ready to enter again in the simulation game, and complete the task. But now his mood was different than before, not like the first time, where he was careful about everything.

"Opened the simulation," Sharky said, since he already sent Sophia to her house today, he was free tonight.

!!Simulation is getting ready!!

The same mechanic voice comes, but now it has some human-like feeling.

Once again darkness appeared around the Sharky. When he was able to see the light, he was already inside the simulation world.

Sharky stood by himself on his residence's training ground. His expression was calm as he silently stood there. Now his next mission was to become the Viscount, and survive ten years there. But there is also a new hidden Quest.

!!Became the True Knight - Reward 1000 Points!!

This was really an easy mission for him, but even after ten days, he was unable to awaken the Life Energy.

In the end, he decided to ask the Princess Parizaad for some solution, since she is also a True Knight. And then today was the day for the meeting.

Both Sharky and Parizaad were in a bedroom.

Since Parizaad knows, Sharky didn't follow the rule, and even she doesn't know what he will do with her. So she had already sent her guards and assistants outside, she didn't want them to witness even if he did some things with her, which made her angry or helpless.

Parizaad has air arrogance around her, as she looked Sharky with disdain. "Now, you understand the value of the Knight, you are just an ant in front of the Knight. Quickly apologize for all of your rude behavior, which you have done with me, and you will get the secret for becoming the Knight."

Parizaad was now really happy that she could finally show her attitude with full arrogance. And gain her reputation as Princess in front of him.

Sharky was really amazed by Parizaad's acting, he couldn't stop himself from giving a chuckle, as he came in front of her.

"You stand far away from me, don't come near me, I am Princess and also a Knight," Parizaad threatened her, while she was going backwards. But there was a wall, and nothing else.

"I know you are Princess," Sharky said as he caught her, then embraced her in his arms, "A beautiful, pure, and virgin Princess. And also a Virgin Knight," He said, while his hands started traveling over her body.

"You, how can you always disrespect me," Parizaad said, as she felt his hands gone inside her clothes and played with her navel. Making her shy and blushed, and only this guy can make her shy and blushed.

She quickly takes out the technique book, which she has brought out, and gives it to him. "This is the Diamond Body Forging Technique, which helps us in cultivating qi Blood. With it our body becomes stronger, and we are able to awaken the Life Seed. Now please take it, and leave it from here."

She said she wants to quickly send away this devil or else she even didn't know. What the devil will do with her. Maybe her purity, which she has saved till now, will also be snatched by the devil, if she doesn't send him away.

"Of course, I am going, but before it, I need to give you a reward," Sharky said, then he leaned towards her lips, and stuck his lips on her. She was literally shocked, she didn't know how this person dared to tease the Princess of the nation.