Diamond Body Forging Technique

"Of course, I am going, but before it, I need to give you a reward," Sharky said, then he leaned towards her lips, and stuck his lips on her. She was literally shocked, she didn't know how this person dared to tease the Princess of the nation.

She found his tongue wanting to enter inside her, she first showed some struggle, but then she allowed it. And she thought, maybe today this devil will really take her virginity.

Sharky explored her mouth with his tongue while sucking it, while his hands also didn't stop at one place, and it started exploring her body parts. He even played with her boobs for some time, before breaking away from the kiss.

"Gasp," Parizaad sighed, after getting freed from the Sharky, while she looked at him complaining, but she was also blushing. Now, she has decided, if he wants, she can become his.

Sharky pointed his fingers towards her middle legs, and commanded, "Treasure it, and keep it safely, they are mine. I will take it later, right?"

Parizaad hears the direct commands, she wants to deny it, but also not, after showing some struggle, "Okay," She nodded, and finally decided that she belongs to him.

"Good girl," Sharky said, while he caressed her cheeks, before leaving.

Parizaad was still in shock and shy expression, also blushing. She touched her cheeks, which were caressed by Sharky, "So, finally, I have accepted him." She sighed, although she was a little bit angry, but she was also happy. Afterall, Sharky was not only daring, but also so handsome.

She can't believe how there are big differences between the brothers. Big brother Gary although he was stronger, always shows the proper respect, whenever he has met her.

And the opposite, Sharky, he has just met with her two times, instead of showing respect to her. He dominated her. She was really not safe, whenever he appeared. But she also likes to be dominated by him.

If this was someone else, and they even just give a little rude remark, their neck has already fallen on the ground.

But even, she didn't know, Sharky had molested her so much, but instead of becoming angry, she became shy. And her anger was only for it, that he doesn't show her respect, but nothing more than this.

"Princess, are you really allowing a guy to touch you," Her private assistant asked. She has not left the Princess, like all of the guards, she is hidden and guarding the Princess in secret.

Since, she is her shadow guard, and also her private assistants. So, she has seen everything, and she is also angry at Sharky for treating the Princess as a common girl. And, he even dared to touch and command the Princess, that she belongs to him.

If the Princess has just given just a little signal, she has already severed the head of the Sharky from his neck. After all, she is a Grand Knight, not some normal Knight.

"Juniper, even I didn't know why I allowed him to do as he wants, and maybe, I have already decided that I belong to him," Parizaad said, as she was still repeating the scene of Sharky kissing her in his mind.

"Well, I have also grown up to become a bride of someone, afterall, I can't be the virgin will in all my life. And, Sharky is the perfect candidate for my husband. And I really liked him more, when he dominated me, I didn't know why, but I liked the feeling." Parizaad said, and finally she decided that she will become the bride of Sharky.

"Okay, Juniper, commands the guard to decorate my room as the Bridal Chamber, even though I didn't know when he will come and take my virginity, I need to be ready for it."

"As your wish, Princess," Sony nodded, but inside she was angry at Sharky, how this guy was able to make Princess fall on him.


Meanwhile, Sharky was now again standing in the training ground, cultivating the newly gained technique.

"Cultivating both inside and out, circulating one's qi blood…"

As he silently cultivated the Body Forging Technique, he thought to himself, "The Diamond Body Forging Technique is one that circulates qi blood. It seems that this was the perfect way to affect the circulation of life energy. Parizaad is really right about it…"

"Based on this, it seems that the so-called Life Energy is most likely part of the body's qi blood; it's just a bit special…"

According to the records from the Diamond Body Forging Technique, this Body Forging Technique came from the first King of Alexa, Alexander. He killed and observed a demon cultivator.

From this he created this technique, according to this technique. If ordinary people wanted to learn this Body Forging Technique, they had to first reach Body Forging Completion and then circulate their qi blood, cultivating both inside and out, turning one's body into a solid rock.

The entire Body Forging Technique, from the preliminary Body of Flesh and Blood to the final Diamond Body, could be split into two steps.

The first step was to refine one's body to the point that it could resist sabers and swords, and there they will also gain the qi blood, which helped them in becoming the True Knight.

Once one reached this step, even though one would look the same as an ordinary person, one could transform one's body to a point that one could resist sabers and swords after circulating one's qi blood. Moreover this True Knight is more stronger than other True Knight.

Following this, the next step was to condense their qi blood and turn their body into a Diamond Body.

Once they formed their Diamond Body, they would supersede the True Knight level and reach the Grandmaster Knight.

Of course, Sharky was still far away from this step.

He was currently still on the first step, refining his body and qi blood.

Body forging was incredibly intricate, and if even one small detail went wrong, it could result in big problems in one's body forging. It could cause future problems, causing some devastating results.

As such, Sharky was extremely cautious as he went through the body forging process.

With his life energy helping, even though Sharky cultivated the Diamond Body Forging Technique quite slowly and cautiously, his progress was not slow at all.

Almost every day, he could sense his progress and feel his body gradually becoming stronger.

Honestly speaking, it felt amazing.

However, because he was limited by the amount of life energy his body had, he could not cultivate the Diamond Body Forging Technique every day for very long.

This restriction greatly restricted Sharky's progress speed, making things much slower for him.

Of course, Sharky already had some ideas about how to get around this problem.

It actually wasn't too difficult to solve this problem.

Since he didn't have enough life energy, he just had to find ways to increase his life energy.

Increasing one's life energy was not too difficult either. In this world, those who went through Knight training would often consume some medicines.

The function of those medicines was quite simple, which was to ignite one's lifeforce to produce more life energy.

Now, as Jason's student, it was not difficult for him to obtain things like this.

Of course, for ordinary people, these things could not be used too much.

Igniting lifeforce was essentially igniting one's qi blood, allowing one to produce more life energy.

Igniting lifeforce like this once or twice was fine, and even though it was not good for the body, it was still within a recoverable range.

However, if one did this for a prolonged time, it would cause great harm to one's body. In fact, it could even affect their lifespan.

The cost was quite great.

As such, apart from some people who were beginning Knight training, most people would not use such a thing.

However, the methods that other people did not want to use were very suitable for Sharky.

Using this sort of thing, he could ignite his qi blood and lifeforce to produce life energy, solving his issue of lacking life energy.

As for the reduction in lifespan and other problems…

Sharky thought about it and did not feel that there was much of a problem.

After all, this was not his real body and whether he lived long or not did not matter.

"As expected, the effects are quite good…"

After doing some cultivating and sensing his progress, Sharky nodded to himself.

It was just as he had expected.

Igniting his lifeforce while circulating his qi blood had quite good effects, causing his progress in cultivating the Diamond Body Forging Technique to become much faster.

Of course, there were also problems. His sense of fatigue greatly increased.

If he went on like this long-term, it would be quite bad for his body.

However, for now, it was not a big issue.

After all, this body of his was still young, only in his early twenties. This kind of damage was not much.

However, sensing the fatigue in his body, Sharky decided to be more careful and made sure to recover well.

Thinking there, Sharky's gaze was calm and he silently put down his sword as he walked to the side.

At that moment, some hurried footsteps sounded out.

Sharky turned and looked, and he saw Selena striding towards him. From how Selena looked, it seemed that she had something urgent to talk about.

"You fought with Mader?" She walked before Sharky with a serious expression. Besides her, Luna also comes there.

"That's right."

Hearing Sekena's words, Sharky was quite surprised and asked, "How did you know?"

"Everyone knows about it by now."

Selena said as she shook her head, "When I was training at the Academy, I overheard some people talking about that, you are already amazing."

"Has it spread that much already?" Sharky was quite surprised.

Sharky didn't think his fight with the Mader was really spread in the capital.

Thinking about it, Sharky could not help but smile. Now, the people will start to understand him. That's even if he doesn't want the trouble, no one can dare to provoke him, or else they will be ready to face him.

After this battle, Sharky's fame in the Alexa Royal City would grow even greater.

"You actually did the good thing by beating the Mad guy." Luna said, as she was happy hearing this news. "According to my grandfather, he's just a mad dog. Once he starts fighting, he doesn't give up until he bites the other person to death. Now, he will think ten times before fighting with the other. My grandfather will be very happy after hearing this."

"Grandpa Sli said such a thing?" Hearing Luna's words, Sharky felt quite surprised. Luna's grandfather was called Sli, and he was an elderly Knight as well as a very kind person.

Over the past half a year, in order to complete his plan, and for searching even a little bit of clue about the Way Big, he had especially gone to pay a visit to Sli before. Since he was also going to become his brother's grandfather-in-law.

And because of Gary, Knight Sli did not seem high and mighty at all, and he got along well with Sharky. Both of them had good impressions of each other.

Sharky had never thought that such a kindly old Knight would say such a thing about Mader. If this was true, then now no one was able to stop him from getting forward in his plan.

Moreover the Princess Parizaad's territory was in the north, and she occupied the most fertile land there.

Maybe Luna's family had never liked the Crown Princess much, and it seemed that back then, there had been some conflict between them.

As one of Princess Parizaad's three Knights, perhaps Mader had been involved in a conflict with Luna's family, and he may have even fought with them before.

But now, this all will become his, and Princess Parizaad is already in his hands, he just needs one more meeting with her. And then she will become a dutiful wife, and give birth to some kids, while he will also remove her from the politics, and make her raise the kids.

Then, Sharky suddenly realized something. That the nobles in this world were split into various circles, which were quite closed off to outsiders.

Among them, the northern rulers were the most closed off to outsiders, and they were famous for being this way.

This was partially why they were called barbarians by the other nobles.

But some changes have already happened there, unknown to others.

Just five years ago, although Luna's family had a true Knight, they had poor financial conditions. It is also because Luna's family was not a very old family. Her family of nobility had only started from her grandfather's generation.

Her grandfather had originally only been an ordinary farmer. He had received the legacy of a wandering Knight and also happened to have good Knight talent. He was able to rise up through decades of hard work and diligence, becoming one of the Alexa Principality's nobles.

Compared to the older noble families, they had not risen up for a long time, and their territory was in the northern side. Even though they had a Knight, they were quite poor.