
Finally, two days left. On that day, I couldn't see him. For the first time, I felt dejected. Of course, he stole my heart that day. I tried to confirm my feelings. Maybe I was attracted to him. This isn't love. In the end, I confessed everything to Sitara; I fell in love with Vante. Since that day, Sitara was suspicious about my actions. She was watching over me all the time. One day, she caught me. "Are you sure about that?" Sitara asked me. "Yes," I told her, but I didn't know something bad was going to happen to us.

Among all my friends, I love her the most. She knows everything. She supported me. Before the competition, we all gathered again in our favorite cafe. "Adda, you look different," Akantha told me. "Am I?" I teased her, but I didn't know Akantha wasn't in a good mood. "What happened?" I asked her. "Oh, it's just nothing," she told me coldly. For a second, I felt uncomfortable. Then Sitara held my hands.

At that moment, I saw Micah and Ealia came together, holding hands. "Oh my God, what am I seeing?" I commented on them. Then the others began to tease them. "Guys, please stop it. We are in a relationship now," they told us happily. "Then what are you waiting for? Let's celebrate!" I cheered them on.

"Hey, I do have rumors about Sitara having a relationship," Akantha leaned on me and whispered to me. While others were busy with chit-chat, I gave Akantha a suspicious look. "What do you mean?" I asked her. "Recently, I saw her with Vante Senpai," she told me. "Why are you telling me this?" I asked her furiously. "Who knows, maybe she is the rumored crush of the Senpai," Akantha smiled at me, then she joined their chit-chat. I felt kind of irritated. Sitara knows everything about me and Vante. But what if she also has a crush on him? That day, I felt dejected. I just wanted to ask her about Vante, but what if she misunderstood me? What if she hides something from me?

That night, I asked Sitara about Vante. "Tara, did you hide something from me?" At that moment, I saw her facial expression change. "Why did you ask? Did Akantha tell you anything?" she asked me coldly. "Well, Akantha told me she saw you with Vante Senpai." "Did she tell you?" Sitara came furiously near me. "Yes, she did," I replied. "Adda, do you trust me?" she asked me. "Yes," I told her boldly. "Then STAY AWAY FROM HIM," she commanded me. "Why? Why do I have to stay away from him?" I asked her furiously. But she stared at me with teary eyes, as if something unpleasant happened. "I can't tell you right now," she told me. "Then I WON'T LISTEN TO YOU," I told her angrily. "This is just like what Akantha told me; maybe you also have a crush on him? Do you love him?" I asked her. But she avoided my gaze and walked away from me. I didn't know what to say. At that moment, I knew our friendship began to fall apart. That was the last day I saw her, and from that moment onwards, she began to avoid me. I was a coward back then; I still didn't cherish her. She was like my sister. We used to proudly say we were one soul. She was my precious friend. Now everything has gone...

#To be continued...