
Wtf??? Who gave the form for the piano concert competition? I yelled at him.

"Of course, it's me," he said as he pinched my cheeks and replied to me.

I rolled my eyes, I can't do it. Especially with you. I grabbed his collar.

After that notice, I was enraged with anger. I only gave forms for the writing competition and mentioned the solo piano competition, not the concert competition. I rushed towards his office. Luckily, no one was there. I slammed the door, then found him. The devil himself, Vante.

Still, I grabbed his collar tightly. I was so frustrated. "Chu~" I got a kiss on the edge of my nose.

"Ehhhhhhh?" I pushed him and screamed.

"Wait... Did you..." I covered my nose and glared at him.

He smiled mischievously, "Yes, I kissed your nose. It's a calming kiss," he chuckled.

"You pervert, stay away," I yelled at him.

About the competition, I already submitted it to the teachers so I can't help it, he explained.

"Why you!!! Are you even listening to me?" I blurted at him.

"Sorry, Adira. This competition, we both are going to win. I have full confidence. See you in the music room. I'll wait for you there," he ignored me and left the office.

"Damn you, Vante. You want to practice with me, right? I will show you what I can do too," I furiously stomped towards my dormitory.

The day came to an end. Still, I couldn't believe how he did that. What are his intentions?

After a few hours, I decided to meet Vante. While walking towards the music room, I heard beautiful piano music... At the same time, a sweet voice singing along with it. I don't know what happened, but I forgot my anger for a second. Curious, I walked towards the music room to amuse myself. It was him waiting for me. I didn't know he could sing and play the piano well.

I was speechless in front of his talent. But mine was nothing compared to his.

"How long have you been here?" Vante touched my shoulders. At that moment, I recognized I was in a daze for a long time. "Damn it," I covered my face with embarrassment.

"Come on, let's practice together," he dragged me near the piano.

"Sit down," he forced me near him.

"But, I am not good at playing," I told him. "That's a lie," he pinched my cheeks. "I will teach you," he touched my fingers. We had been close, but why didn't I push him away?

But the music he was playing was really seductive.

I really loved his melody. I closed my eyes to listen to him. I came here to decline his offer and resign from the competition. But why I am going along with him?

I am doing things that are exactly opposite of what I wanted to do. In the end, I couldn't refuse to practice with him. I loved playing with him and admired his music.

In the upcoming days, I was eager to practice with him. I worked hard along with him. This was an old music room, so others wouldn't bother us. The day after tomorrow is the Arts Festival.

"You play very well," he complimented me.

"No, I am not as good as you. We are different, I don't have any confidence in my piano playing," I sulked and admitted my weakness. I was so ashamed to admit that I was nothing in front of him.

Vante came near me, and I gazed at him in confusion. "What?" I asked.

In the next moment, he kissed my forehead.

I felt like my heart skipped a beat.

I was stunned, I unconsciously touched my forehead.

"That was a motivation kiss, ADIRA. JUST BELIEVE IN YOURSELF," he smiled and walked away from me.


#To be continued...