Gale Academy Mages

For her part, the maiden mage could only gape at him wordlessly, her mouth working silently as a torrent of conflicting emotions – rage, shame, incredulity, and a simmering astonishment– warred across those exquisite features. 

It was the convoy's grizzled leader who mastered himself first, a rictus sneer twisting his leathery countenance as he leveled his staff in a sharp, authoritative jab.

"Enough of this prattling," he growled in a voice like flint striking steel. "We press onward at once!"

Though they fought to regain their composure, falling into obedient steps behind their scowling vanguard, it was impossible for the mages to completely disguise the way their gazes kept flickering back toward Gladius. 

A heady mix of awed disbelief, wariness, and naked curiosity flitted across each furtive look, a clear indication that their encounters with this strange wayfarer were far from concluded.

With the beasts slain, the group pressed onward through the gnarled trees and ashen undergrowth of the foreboding woodlands. 

That rampaging monkey horde had been their most formidable obstacle thus far. Any other creatures that crossed their path, whether lone beasts or pairs, were swiftly dealt with by Gladius. 

The young man eagerly volunteered for every skirmish, relishing each chance to put his newfound profound understanding of the world's forces into practice.

Each sword strike flowed smoother than the last, his blade seeming to move in harmony with the essence of creation itself. Gladius could sense the great wellspring of sword energy pulsing within, guided by the rhythms of the universe towards ever-increasing perfection. 

He consciously held back, not wishing to reveal the full depths of his prowess to the prideful mages studying his every movement with a mixture of wariness and curiosity. Yet even at this modest display of power, it was becoming increasingly evident to the mages that Gladius's slaying of the Nascent monkey beast had been no mere fluke. 

This supposed common mortal commanded formidable means that even they, as mages, could not afford to underestimate.

Time slipped by unmeasured as they trekked across the unforgiving terrain. 

Eventually, Gladius's enhanced eyesight detected a faint glow on the horizon - a well-constructed town radiating an aura of magic across its buildings, streets, and reinforced gate. It seemed their journey through these blighted woods would soon reach its conclusion.

But at that moment, the entire group sensed two powerful presences rapidly closing in from their right flank. 

The Ember Forge mages and Gladius came to a wary pause, their eyes locking onto the new arrivals - two fellow mages garbed in robes of shimmering emerald. 

The green-cloaked mages' gazes flickered with undisguised curiosity toward Gladius before focusing on the Ember Forge group with hints of both arrogance and begrudging respect.

"Well, well," one of the green-robed mages smirked. "If it isn't some Ember Forge mages. A welcome sight compared to the riffraff we've been stumbling across in these forsaken woods."

The leader of the Ember Forge group nodded courteously, his tone bearing a hint of deference typically afforded to esteemed peers. "Greetings, mages of the Gale Academy. It's indeed uncommon to cross paths with such prestigious mages traveling lands as perilous as these."

The Gale mage gave an insouciant shrug, though his eyes glinted with ambition. "Well, what choice do we have? The competition grows fiercer with each cycle. Fail to seize every opportunity for advancement, and many of us won't even qualify for the Mage Retreat, let alone the revered Arcane Competition."

The lanky Ember Forge mage sighed, shaking his head ruefully. "Too true. And that's not even accounting for those monstrous geniuses from the Noble Families and the Royal Academy. Prodigies like Kaltharius Starforged make a mockery of us mere other Mages with the way their power compounds each day. It's grievously unfair to compete against such freakish talents."

At the utterance of that name, the Gale mage's eyes gleamed with evident interest. "Speaking of which, have you heard the rumors about some uppity woman who had the temerity to reject Starforged's munificent gifts for some asinine reasons? A meddlesome wretch like that should count herself fortunate to even receive such an opportunity from one of his caliber. In any case, we've been tasked with locating this Arianna and escorting her back to face Starforged's judgment."

The woman among the Ember Forge mages scowled, clear disdain etched across her features at the mention of Arianna's name. 

Gladius, too, felt a spark of recognition, his curiosity piqued. When he had first arrived in this strange new world, the very first mages he encountered had been discussing someone by that very name.

"Tch!" The Ember Forge woman spat venomously. "If I'd laid eyes on that contrary fool myself, I would have put her in her place then and there. But we'll keep a weather eye out for any signs of her."

"Your assistance would be most appreciated," the Gale mage replied with an amiable smile that held not a shred of warmth.

They spoke of hunting down a fellow mage with such callous nonchalance that Gladius harbored no illusions - should these mages encounter the elusive Arianna, they would show her little mercy.

The Ember Forge leader gave a measured nod. "I assume the true purpose behind your ranging so deep into these blighted lands is the pursuit of those rumored treasure crystals? And I can further surmise from your dour expressions that you've met with no success on that front, either."

The Gale mages' demeanors soured further at the painful reminder, their leader offering a curt shake of his head. 

"None whatsoever. The rumors proved unfounded. However..." A sly smile played across his lips as his eyes regained their avaricious glint. "We've since caught wind of an even greater opportunity. Supposedly, not far from yonder town, there stands an ancient Densh Ash Tree saturated with potent Spiritual Mana - the very essence we seek to refine and attune our Innate Spirits. The one obstacle is the powerful Nascent Appretience beast lurking amidst the tree's boughs, a foe we dare not engage alone. But together, as a unified alliance? I have no doubt we could slay the beast and claim the treasures of that Ash Tree for ourselves. What say you?"

The Ember Forge mages traded indecipherable looks, communicating silently as they weighed the proposition. 

Advancing through the arduous realms of magical mastery was a grueling, Soul-trying process requiring decades of dedicated study and meditation to grasp the ineffable mysteries of the mana permeating all creation. Any chance to hasten that glacial progression, even slightly, was an opportunity no ambitious young mage could afford to squander, danger be damned.

Deferring to their acknowledged leader as was their custom, the other three mages waited as he contemplated the offer. 

After a momentary pause, he gave a decisive nod towards the Gale mages. "Very well. Provide the map detailing this Ash Tree's location, and we can convene to plan our strategy."

"Excellent!" The Gale mage's smile regained its sharp edges as he produced a small, intricately-carved pouch and tossed it to the Ember Forge leader with a cavalier flick of his wrist. "Take this compass focus - it will lead you true. We have some...personal business to attend to, but we'll reconvene at the town inn come evening and lay the final groundwork. Until then."

With final nods of shared purpose, the pair of Gale mages turned and strode away, disappearing amidst the shadowed treeline with ethereal strides. 

The Ember Forge group watched them depart for a few beats before continuing their own march towards the promised sanctuary of the nearby town, Gladius following in their midst as before.

They made the final leagues of their journey unbothered, the only sounds their measured footfalls amid the ghostly stillness of the woods. 

As they neared the sturdy gates encircling the town's perimeter, the armored sentries snapped to attention, eyes hardening with equal parts deference and wariness at the sight of the Ember Forge mages' distinctive crimson robes.

"Esteemed Mages," the two guards intoned respectfully with dipped heads, their postures radiating the awe in which all mages were held by the common folk.

The Ember Forge mages acknowledged the guards with indifferent nods, striding through the open portal. Since Gladius remained in their company, the sentries made no move to impede or question his presence.