Great Fame

Stepping through the gates was like entering an entirely new world after the dreary desolation of the Ashen Woodlands. 

Here, the scenery was quite gorgeous - the buildings masterfully crafted from exquisitely carved stone shimmering with indecipherable runes that radiated faint ambient magic. Even the very streets underfoot were pristine and refined, with an elegant sophistication that reminded Gladius of the richest districts back in his previous home world.

The residents, too, appeared different from the typical peasant folk - their attire and accoutrements suggesting a culture at once modern yet deeply steeped in the arcane arts. Even the commonest laborers wore garments akin to the mages' flowing robes, though rendered in simpler yet eminently practical materials that molded to their forms regardless of size or shape. 

It seemed that in this world, ritualistic attire was the norm rather than the exception.

As their party made their way along the pristine thoroughfares, Gladius expanded his senses, detecting the faint but unmistakable emanations of magic wielded by true Mages amidst the populace. Yet these auras paled in comparison to the four Ember Forge mages, their very presence commanding a degree of awe and reverence that was profound even in this place so suffused with the arcane arts.

"Ember Forge mages walk among us? Truly, our humble town has been blessed this day!"

"Indeed, good fortune is bound to follow wherever those who have achieved such lofty Magical heights."

The Ember Forge mages' renown only grew as they reached the town's inn. Snatches of awed muttering and furtive gestures trailed in their wake, the party's passage drawing no small amount of attention from the admiring residents. 

Yet the four red-robed mages seemed to take the reverence as their due, striding onward towards their destination with scarcely a glance towards their admirers.

If Gladius were being honest, there was an undeniable appeal to being regarded with such overwhelming respect and awe. 

Back in his home world, even the most celebrated luminaries could only dream of commanding the effortless deference these mages took for granted. To be recognized as walking repositories of esoteric power and wisdom, to be held in awe as something more than mere mortal men - it was heady, addictive.

These powerful Mages demanded a level of awe and deference that commoners wouldn't dare breach, even to simply approach them. Some might find such fame a burden, but others relished the attention, and Gladius thought it an aspect of life worth savoring – being recognized for one's achievements typically fostered positive emotions. Even he hoped to attain such renown one day.

Lost in his contemplations, Gladius followed the group to the inn's counter.

The receptionist's radiant smile seemed to brighten the entire lobby as she cheerfully greeted them, "Ah, esteemed Mages! If rooms are what you desire, allow us to accommodate you with the finest our humble inn has to offer."

The lead Ember Forge Mage gave a curt nod, his chiseled features revealing little beyond a sense of practiced composure. 

"That would be appreciated. Separate quarters for each of us..." His steely gaze flickered momentarily towards Gladius, an inscrutable light flashing across those impassive eyes before returning his attention to the receptionist. "Including him."

"Him?" The woman's brow furrowed ever so slightly as confusion creased her delicate features. But a single sweeping look at Gladius's unassuming figure seemed to provide the answer she sought. 

Professionalism took precedence as she visibly suppressed the judgmental look that threatened to surface – though Gladius's heightened senses still detected the unmistakable undercurrent of disappointment, perhaps even disdain.

It appeared that in this world, a person bereft of any discernible Mana presence commanded far less respect than he had initially presumed. 

Before he could further ponder this revelation, the receptionist produced a handful of exquisitely crafted blue orbs, passing one to each of them.

"Here you are. Your rooms await on the top floor. We hope you thoroughly enjoy your stay!" Her warmth and enthusiasm towards the accomplished Ember Forge Mages rang sincere and unforced.

The lead Mage gave another terse nod before turning on his heel and striding towards the staircase, his entourage falling into step behind him like a trail of shadows. 

As they ascended, Gladius allowed his senses to drink in every facet of their new surroundings, keenly aware of the weight of the many gazes that slid over him – most opting to simply ignore his presence entirely. 

Yet, amongst those who did spare him a passing glance, their furtive looks betrayed an unmistakable air of pity, or in the case of any Mages they encountered, outright disdain.

To Gladius, these judgmental appraisals were little more than ephemeral ripples across the glassy lake of his steadfast calm, unable to stir even the faintest tremor within his meticulously maintained emotional equilibrium.

Upon reaching the top of the stairs, Gladius noticed a series of doors lining the corridor, each emblazoned with a softly glowing number – undoubtedly indicating which room belonged to whom. 

Studying the azure orb cradled in his palm, he noted the distinct numeral 6 etched into its smooth surface, signifying his own lodgings for the night.

The lead Mage pivoted to face his group, those austere eyes sweeping over each of them before settling squarely upon Gladius. "Well, you're free to explore the town or sequester yourself in your quarters if you prefer. Come morning, we regroup in the lobby. By then, we'll be prepared to move on."

"I see..." Gladius replied with a measured nod, betraying no outward reaction to the fact that he had essentially been given no choice in the matter. 

It was abundantly clear that these Mages believed issuing directives to a mere mortal would be a trifling affair. The only reason he surmised that he wasn't being treated with even greater disdain was likely due to his previous act of valor in saving one of their own, coupled with the impressive display of swordsmanship they had borne witness to. 

While being afforded a modicum of respect was preferable to outright scorn, Gladius would much rather extricate himself from the company of these arrogant Mages and their inflated sense of superiority.

Yet, he was no fool. These Ember Forge Mages represented his most viable chance of safely obtaining vital information and finding a way out of the treacherous Ashen Woodland. Only then could he truly forge his own path forward. 

However, should they become an impediment after their inevitable parting of ways, Gladius would not hesitate to neutralize them with decisive swiftness.

For now, his expression remained an inscrutable mask of tranquility as he simply stated, "I will retire to my room for a time, then explore the surrounding town."

"Mn. Carry on, then..." The Ember Forge Mages offered a series of dismissive nods before swiftly ushering themselves into a single room, no doubt to discuss whatever clandestine plans their mission entailed.

Gladius made a brief detour to his own quarters, placing the azure orb beside the door and watching as it swung open automatically. 

The interior exuded an aura of cozy comfort, the subtle fragrance that wafted through the air carrying an inexplicably calming quality – the kind that could soothe even the most turbulent of minds. A plush, inviting bed occupied one corner, a window that gave a view of the town while a modest bathroom stood ready to accommodate any personal needs that might arise.

Given the indeterminate amount of time Gladius had spent embroiled in ceaseless combat against the relentless onslaught of beasts, one might have expected him to exhibit at least some semblance of fatigue. 

Yet, such was not the case. He felt not even the slightest pang of weariness, his vitality remaining utterly supreme – to the point where the very notion of sleep seemed almost frivolous.

In this strange new world where danger could potentially lurk around every corner, Gladius knew that he must utilize his time with the utmost efficiency. 

He dared not ask these Mages to lend him their currency, for that would only serve to deepen the debt he already felt he owed them. And who could say with any certainty that Magic – that mercurial force which still remained so enigmatic to his understanding – might not tempt them to rig the transaction against him in some nefarious manner?

While he may have lacked funds, Gladius still resolved to explore the surrounding town, keen to ascertain what potential resources or opportunities might avail themselves to his cause in the future. 

Wasting no time, he swiftly exited his quarters and descended the stairs, making his way through the lobby with purposeful strides. 

Just as before, his presence went largely unnoticed, with those pitying or disdainful looks trailing in his wake – perhaps even more pronounced now that he was unaccompanied by the Mages.

Gladius paid them no heed, simply passing through the inn's entrance and emerging onto the refined streets beyond. 

He began to walk at an unhurried yet focused pace, his piercing gaze roving across the surrounding buildings and establishments as he expanded his Sword Senses outwards. He scanned each structure, each shop, in search of the one that radiated the most potent flow of Mana force – a pivotal key to unraveling the intricacies of this mystical new realm.

It didn't take long for Gladius to sense the unmistakable emanation of Power pulsing from a quaint storefront just up ahead. 

As he drew nearer, the very design of the signage made its purpose abundantly clear – this was a Magic Shop, undoubtedly catering to the needs and proclivities of the local Mage population.