Lightning Training

Starforge, a young man whose handsome features belied his terrifying potential, lounged on a cloud of pure magical energy. His presence alone was enough to make the air heavy, an invisible pressure that could bring lesser mages to their knees. Even in meditation, his calm demeanor carried an edge that could unnerve battle-hardened veterans.

A sharp knock cut through the silence, followed by an urgent voice. "Sir Starforge! I have important news you need to hear!"

Starforge's eyes snapped open, a flash of annoyance crossing his face. "Chiel?" With a lazy wave of his hand, the door swung open.

Chiel burst into the room, his usual swagger replaced by barely contained panic. Normally, the young man exuded confidence befitting his status as an Origin Attunement Novice - a remarkable achievement for someone in his mid-20s. 

But now, worry etched deep lines on his face.