Emberstar City's Fair

With a thought, Gladius summoned his spirit sword. Blue-white electricity danced along the blade, arcing between his fingers and sending sparks flying with each movement. The very air seemed to hum with anticipation.

The bear, sensing the threat, let out a roar that shook the earth. It brought one massive paw down, flames engulfing its claws. The ground cracked and split under the impact, waves of heat distorting the air.

But Gladius was already moving. In a flash of light that left afterimages burned into Arianna's vision, he struck. 

The Lightning Sword Force howled as it met the bear's flames, shattering them into beautiful, ephemeral embers.

Blood sprayed as Gladius's blade sheared through the bear's paw like it was made of paper. The beast's agonized bellow was cut short as Gladius pressed his advantage, electricity-wreathed sword plunging into its eye socket.