Preparation for the Tournament

With the taste of victory still lingering in their mouths, the Seirin High basketball team shifted their focus to the upcoming tournament. The air crackled with anticipation as Coach Riko Aida laid out their training regimen, her voice firm and unwavering.

"Alright, everyone. We've shown what we're capable of, but we can't afford to rest. The Inter-High preliminaries are fast approaching, and we need to be ready. That means stepping up our training, refining our plays, and honing our skills to perfection."

The practice match against Kaijō High had ended with mutual respect. As the teams lined up and shook hands, Toshiro found himself facing Ryōta Kise once more.

"You were impressive out there, Saito. I look forward to our next match."

"Same here, Kise. We'll be ready."

With the formalities complete, the Seirin team made their way back home, the excitement of the upcoming tournament buzzing in their veins.


At Toshiro's house, the evening was spent in a mixture of relaxation and preparation. His mother, Yuki Saito, watched him with a proud smile as he meticulously went over his notes and game strategies.

"You've been working so hard, Toshi. Make sure you get enough rest."

"Thanks, Mom. I will. It's just... this tournament is so important. I want to make sure I'm ready."

"I know you will be. Just remember to take care of yourself too."


The next day at school, the atmosphere was electric. Toshiro and his teammates discussed their strategies and goals during breaks, their minds constantly on the upcoming games.

"We've got this in the bag, guys. With the way we've been playing, there's no team out there that can beat us." said Kagami with his iconic grin plaster in his face.

"It's important to stay focused. Every team in the tournament will be strong, but we have our own strengths." respond Kuroko wisely

Agreeing to Kuroko, Toshiro said "Exactly. If we play to our abilities and trust each other, we can go far."

Their bond as a team had only grown stronger through their shared experiences and hard work. Each player knew that they could rely on the others, both on and off the court.


As the days passed, the intensity of their training only increased. Early mornings and late nights were spent in the gym, sweating and pushing themselves to the limit. Toshiro threw himself into each drill and scrimmage with relentless energy, his passion for the game driving him forward.

Amidst the grueling workouts and endless repetitions, moments of camaraderie and friendship strengthened the bonds between teammates. Whether it was sharing a laugh over lunch or offering words of encouragement during a tough practice, Toshiro knew he was part of something special a team united by a shared goal.

As the tournament drew nearer, Toshiro could feel the excitement building in the air. The Inter-High preliminaries promised to be the ultimate test of their abilities, a chance to prove themselves on the national stage. And as he stood alongside his teammates, sweat dripping down his brow and his heart pounding with anticipation, Toshiro knew they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The stage was set, the stakes were high, and Seirin High was about to make their mark on the basketball world.