First Round: Shinkyō Academy vs. Seirin High

The day of the Inter-High preliminaries had finally arrived. The Seirin High basketball team gathered in the locker room, the air thick with anticipation and excitement. Coach Riko Aida stood before them, her expression a mixture of pride and determination.

"Alright, everyone. This is it the moment we've been training for. Shinkyō Academy is a strong team, but we've got the skills, the strategy, and the heart to beat them. Remember everything we've practiced and trust in each other. Let's go out there and show them what Seirin High is made of!"

The team responded with a unified cheer, their spirits high as they prepared to take the court. Toshiro felt a surge of excitement and determination. This was their chance to prove themselves.


As the game began, it was clear that Shinkyō Academy was not going to be an easy opponent. They played with intensity and skill, their movements precise and coordinated. But Seirin High was ready for the challenge.

The first quarter was a fierce battle, with both teams trading baskets and pushing each other to the limit. Toshiro found himself in the thick of the action, his eyes scanning the court for openings and opportunities.

"Stay focused. Watch for the gaps. Use misdirection and passing to keep them off balance."

With a swift movement, Toshiro executed a perfect misdirection play, creating an opening that left his defender stumbling. He passed the ball to Kagami, who slammed it into the hoop with a powerful dunk.

"Keep those passes coming, Toshiro. They can't stop us!"

The first half ended with Seirin leading by a narrow margin, but Shinkyō Academy was still very much in the game. During the halftime break, Coach Aida gathered the team for a quick pep talk.

"You're doing great, team. Keep up the pressure and don't let them find their rhythm. Toshiro, your misdirection and passing are throwing them off balance. Keep using it strategically."

"Got it, Coach. Let's finish strong." said the team in unison.


The second half saw Seirin pulling ahead as they tightened their defense and executed their plays with precision. Kuroko's misdirection and passing created numerous scoring opportunities, while Kagami's dominance in the paint kept Shinkyō on their toes.

Toshiro found himself using his Phantom Mirage sparingly, relying instead on tactics of misdirection and passing that he and Kuroko had practiced tirelessly.

With just a few minutes left in the game, Seirin held a comfortable lead, but Toshiro knew they couldn't afford to get complacent. He focused on his positioning and timing, ready to make his next move.

As Shinkyō attempted a fast break, Toshiro intercepted the ball with lightning speed. He dashed down the court, using a quick misdirection to throw off his defender. With a swift crossover, he left his opponent behind and drove to the basket, scoring with a graceful layup.

"Nice move, Toshiro. Let's keep the pressure on." said Junpei

As the final seconds ticked away, Seirin's lead grew insurmountable. The scoreboard flashed the final score: Seirin High 98, Shinkyō Academy 67. The gym erupted in cheers as Seirin celebrated their victory.

"Well done, everyone. This is just the beginning. Keep this momentum going as we move forward in the tournament."

Toshiro felt a surge of pride and relief as he looked at his teammates. They had faced their first challenge and emerged victorious. The road ahead would be tough, but with their skills and determination, Toshiro knew they could go far.

As they left the court, Toshiro couldn't help but feel excited for the future. The Inter-High preliminaries had begun, and Seirin High was ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead. This victory was just the first step on their journey to greatness.