Chapter 6: Kuoh Academy Class 1-B!


     Smack! Damn, oh I am still here, and man I am sore all over. After shutting off the alarm, I get ready for my first day of high-school.

     "Fuck, why did Teacher beat me up so bad last night? And worst of all, every time he did, the fucking bastard would look at his mirror by his office, and smile with a thumbs-up?!"

     Despite my body feeling like shit, I go do my early morning jog. While running I think about if I have everything I need for school.

     All of the glasses I ordered have already been delivered and my clothes have been fitted. For some-reason, my uniform is missing the tie that we are supposed to wear, so I will have to use one of my own. Fortunately my father got me plenty.

     My week had been super busy with training, studying, and sneaking out for a late night beer, he-he. Fuck man, addiction is hard to give up. Fortunately I don't turn into a world-ending asshole like Drunk Matsuda when I drink. Also, even with my subpar-constitution, I seem to be able to hold my alcohol, so that's good.

     I also squeezed in a slight trim for my hair. My hair did not look bad, but I want to take better care of it, this is due to my Elf side making me care. No, I still look very average, just decently average now.

     After explaining my school schedule to my parents, I went to get dressed after eating.

     I strap light-weights to my wrists and ankles, to help slowly get my body accustomed to weight training. Teacher said this will not only help with punches and kicks, but this will also help increase my speed of movements when the weights are removed. Makes sense to me.

     After getting most of my uniform on, I go to grab my tie. Sigh, why does my dad like buying me red-colored ties?

     Well when I asked he told me as a child I told him, red was my favorite color. No my favorite color was blue in my dream, and also in the Elf life, he likes blue and black.

     Well whatever, I am used to my dads strangeness. Looking at myself in the mirror, I actually look alright, well compared to me before now and in my dream. I think it is confidence? Hmm, that red-tie actually looks good on me, so maybe my dad was right?

     I unplug my phone and grab my bag, then head off to my second time in Kuoh Academy.

     "Bye mom, wish me luck!"

     "Try not to get suspended on your first day dear. Good luck."

     And I make my way with my bag over my shoulder.

     Soon, I see a running Issei Hyoudou, as he makes a beeline for me. Surprisingly he is not wearing his uniform like a total retard, and is just open-jacketed and no tie like Matsuda Tanaka wears it.

     "Good to finally see you bro, you have finally recovered, right?"

     "Sorry man, after getting that sick, I decided to take up exercise and martial arts. So I have been doing that lately."

     Issei looked at my third head, and asked, confused.

     "Did you go cray cray? I can't believe you would learn martial arts?"

     I cover my mouth to whisper to him, like it's a secret and say.

     "I do it to pick up chicks, girls love a man that can fight, he-he. Also there are girls in my class, and I get to touch them when we practice throwing and grappling, he-he!"

     Issei grabs my shoulders and shakes me back and forth comically and declares.

     "Holy crap Motohama, you're a goddamn genius! sign me up, I wanna grapple and feel the pillows of destiny! I will even let them hit me, he-he!"

     "It costs xxxx¥ a month."

     Issei let me go and glumly walked to school with a defeated look. So the two of us finally met up with Matsuda, who gave his signature thumbs up and greeting.

     "Sup my brothers, ready to start our harem's today, oh snap, I am going to have sex today for sure, hmm!"

     Issei did a fist-bump and shouted.

     "Hell yes! I will lose my V-card for sure now, he-he!"

     I decided to not be a downer and said.

     "I will walk up to the first hot-chick and tell her to be my girlfriend!"

     Both Matsuda and Issei look shocked then high-fives me saying...

     Issei said to me...

     "Dude if you do it I will too!"

     Matsuda muttered while looking at his phone.

     "He-he, Where did I put that picture of him, he-he!"

     Mat looks a bit creepy right now?

     After another 15 minutes, we arrived at the front-gates of the school, Kuoh Academy.

     So out of every ten students, only one of them is male, yes this is Heaven for any male that wants to build a harem, poor fools.

     Actually thanks to that bad dream, I actually know who all the easy girls that sleep with male teachers for grades, or paid dating girls. But I won't tell these two for sure.

     When Azazel taught chemistry class here, he gave a phone list of easy girls to Mat, and he shared it with Saji and Issei, yeah I was left out, sigh.

     Issei said to me, as he pushed me to someone.

     "Okay stud, here is the first hot-girl, ask her out, go for it!"

     And as I am rudely pushed to a random girl, my glasses slide to the edge of my nose, so I did not see her clearly yet, but I just say my line and then push up my glasses like a professional pick-up artist.

     "Hello beautiful, my name is Motohama Ryu, and I have been struck with love at first sight, please become my girlfriend!"

     A young, beautiful girl in Kuoh Academy girl's school uniform, with white-hair and blue-green eyes, stands there dazed at this sudden encounter. Oh fuck me!! I know her!

     "Oh, your Momo Hanakai! Ah, sorry sorry, I got confused there! Um, I will see myself out, ha-ha, bye-bye!"

     I blush in embarrassment for fucking up so badly! The first girl I fake-confess too, is a fucking Devil!

     In the light-novel, Momo Hanakai is one of Sona Sitri's Bishops. She and I think the Pawn, Ruruko Nimura had unrequited-crushes on Saji Genshirou, who only had eyes for Sona that did not have romantic feelings for him, yeah tragic right?

     But in the Matsuda dream world, she and Yura had been Issei's first girlfriends and lovers, till they broke up with him for being a bad boyfriend, but then the two joined in Matsuda's harem?! Yeah I don't get it either?!

      Momo seeing my flustered look realizing she was one of the popular girls, made her sadistic side kick in. Why not get a fake-boyfriend to stop the male population, plus he seems kind.

     (A/N This is not random bullshit happening with her right now, unknown to both Momo and Moto, there is a real reason she thought like this, and the hard core DxD fans have already figured it out. But if you have not, just enjoy the Rom-Com.)

     "Student Ryu, please wait!"

     I stopped in my tracks, and like a robot with rusty-gears turned to look at the blushing Momo.

     "I will gladly be your girlfriend, please take care of me from now on!"

     SILENCE!!! Absolute freaking silence envelops the area at her acceptance of my proposal! Why are my Elf life memories not helping my brain here?! What married to 25 wives, even his memories are stupefied by Momo!

     She came up smiling at my statue-form, and held out her phone to exchange-numbers, and I reflexively shared our info.

     "Let's have a date sometime, Motohama, good luck in school, Ufufu!"

    Momo Hanakai then walked to the senior President Soto at the gates, to help new students and track tardy students. When I saw her stand behind Sona and Tsubaki, my brain kicked in, and I power walked into the school-yard!

     Thud! Ouch, I was punched in the side of my cheek making my glasses tilt, then the bellow of a mad bull roared.

     "Fuck Bro! You betrayed us! You got a hot-girlfriend even before entering school, you bastard, I hope you rot in hell!"

     Issei said while crying. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "Momo Hanakai's breasts are perfect! Oh I want to motorboat them so badly! Life is sooooo unfair! Sob-sob!"

     With a glowing red-fist print on my left-cheek, I push up my glasses and tell the two retards.

     "It's fake guys, she is probably going to prank me and shame me. I think she is just a devil kind of girl, and will use me for lunch and then dump me."

     "Really! Phew!"

     "Damn bro that sucks! Pump and Dump that bitch!"

     I shake my head, and the three of us head to the auditorium for opening ceremonies.

     Back at the front gates.....

     Unknown to the other student council, three Devils are having a hushed talk.

     Sona with a flat-expression asks.

     "Momo you know the Student Council frowns on relations, so why did you accept that boy's confession?"

     Momo tilted her head in thought.

     "At first I was going to let him go and not accept him, but he looked really surprised to see me, and his blushing-face made me want to tease him. So I thought a fake relationship will keep the other humans away from me. Plus it seemed he did not want to date me, but his brown-haired friend randomly pushed him in front of me. My gut-feeling told me to keep him around, so on a whim I did, Ufufu."

     Tsubaki gave her King the 'I told you so' look, and Sona frowned. She then said.

     "Then Momo, I will make it your job to keep tabs on that boy. He seems to be different but we don't know how, and for hell sake, don't let the Gremory know anything about him. Rias will want to take him in if she thinks I was watching him, sigh."

     Momo thought she would get scolded, but surprisingly, her new pet-boyfriend is an official job! Nice!

     "Don't worry my King, I won't fall for the human."

     Sona sighs, and tells her as a friend.

     "It just is not fair to love humans. They will grow old fast and you will have your heart hurt. I have heard many stories from my fathers harem, when he fell for a human that did not want to be a devil. Then a piece of him would die when they did. Sorry this is the one down-side of being a Devil, Momo."

     She shakes her head and smiles.

     "No, I wanted to be a Devil and help you like you helped my entire family. We Devils believe in equivalent-exchange, right? I have always liked that way of thinking."

     Tsubaki then told Momo everything she discovered about me, and their conversation came to an end, due to needing to be at the opening ceremony.

     Back in the auditorium....

     I am between Dumb and Dumber, while we listen to President Soto give her speech, and this too was different from the Dream World, when it was Sona giving it.

     So is this also different from the light-novel? I can't recall. When I saw Momo sitting on stage with the rest of the council our eyes met and she gave me a warm smile. How did this happen to me?!

     With a defeated expression, I just smiled back, and that made her happy. Sigh, If I did not know who she was and had all these memories I would have been in love, but now, I don't even know how to deal with her. Guess I can just ignore her and only talk with her when she looks for me.

     I can't just break up with her out of nowhere, so it is best she breaks it off with me, to save me the hassle of drawing Rias's attention. On second thought, if I am known to be Momo's boyfriend, Rias has to stay away, right?!

      Hmm? Okay, then if I fake it till Issei joins her peerage, I will be safe and can break it off after that year, so it should not go badly. I am not trying to put my baby-juice in Momo anyway, so we won't fall in love. Alright, let's roll with that plan.

     The three of us make it to room 1-B our new class homeroom. And like the Protagonist Gods gave me a middle-finger, I was assigned the back-left seat by the window, the very same seat that Matsuda had in my dream! Fuck me!