Chapter 7:  Crap, I'm the Protagonist!


     I walk slowly to my Protagonist-desk, and I can imagine funeral-music in the background playing for me. No seriously, this is bad if it's in the DxD world right?

     But I calm my heartbeat now that I think of it, Issei never sat in the Protagonist seat, phew, I think I dodged a bullet! Oh, wait, no its transmigration and reincarnation guys that sit here.

     So that would explain why Matsuda sat in it in the dream I had. He knew the plot like me! Fuck!

     Looks like Kiba is not sitting next to me, so he is in another class? So that bad dream was more wrong than right then.

     Issei is sitting in the middle window seat and Matsuda is sitting in the dead-middle.

     Aika Kiryuu is sitting by the front door. And the two Ken-do girls are sitting behind her side by side.

     I just have normal students from my first-year around me, and no one worth remembering. This is a blessing in disguise actually.

     Slide. With the door opening the teacher in charge came in. Our homeroom teacher is a younger blonde-haired man that the girls are all feeling dreamy for. This too is good right?

     "Alright everyone, I know you're all excited to finally get started in school, but today is going to be a short day, so use the afternoon to get used to the school and find where your classes will be. As you know this building we are in is called the New School building. That's because the first Kuoh school in the back is old and was the first until everything here was rebuilt years ago."

     "Excuse me Teacher, are you single? Giggling."

     He smiled used to this and told the class.

     "I am happily married, with two adorable kids, and I have been teaching English for 6 years now, so that's me in a nutshell."


     The girls here are really obvious! Damn I bet this teacher bangs about 5 girls a year at a minimum, and I think his two kids are from students, he-he!

     I look out the window after attendance was called and I can see the track-field and the woods with the old school building. Then I froze and had a shocking thought that my Elf life overlooked!

     Anywhere with a Barrier like here in the school, I have to be careful about using my app to do strange things, why?

     Remember in the anime, how they could always see past-fights and events like they are watching it as a recorded show?! Yeah if I do something with the Devils, they can look to see me giving commands and such! Fuck I need to be careful even more.

     For example, if I hypnotized Akeno for some fun, they could pull up the feed and see me going to town having a good time, then I would be fed a Sirzechs Lucifer destructing-sandwich.

     Sure, I could make him kill himself, but then the entire Underworld would hunt me down, then other Gods would want a piece of me, and how much charge can my smartphone really hold, right!

     So it is good I have the memories of Kris the Elf to warn me of the dangers of abusing my power. I will be more careful from now on for sure. Plus the Elf lost his urges to take women with the App thankfully, and me as Motohama never would force girls to have sex, so I wont be abusing my power in my life. 

     I will only use it to kill enemies, rob thugs, and gather intelligence! Yeah I don't mind killing, the Elf killed thousands to save his world. And now I don't mind killing ass-holes I know will kill us all. Sacred Gear Canceler wont work on Pal, he-he!

     The good news is, my Hypnosis App can even bring a raging Juggernaut Drive under control, so that is reassuring.

     Soon I was brought out of my thoughts by two annoying friends.

     "Brosiff, the class is over let's go scope the girls, he-he, and make some fun-holes, if you know what I mean?!"

     Matsuda pulled out one of those hand-manual-drills, and put on his perverted eyes.

     Issei looked nervous and said.

     "I don't know Matsuda, that sounds like a big gamble to do on the first day, right?"

     Yeah, Issei might just be a coward, but he is right, so I say.

     "Matsuda, that is something you do when it is less crowded. All the students are going to be walking around, so just be patient, it's best to do that during class when no one can see you. So count me out till it's safe."

     "Fine, fine, I will do it during the time I need to use the restroom and tell the teacher I am dumping, he-he!"

     Issei asked me.

     "So what is the plan for today?"

     I handed him the DVD I had gotten from Matsuda's dad and said.

     "Take this and have fun, I have Dojo practice today, so I have to skip fun, plus we have a full day in school tomorrow."

     Issei and Matsuda's eyes bugged when they saw the Porn, and told me thanks and ran off to beat-meat, I meant beat-feet to go to Matsuda's house, cough. Yeah, I am not going to watch movies with those guys anymore!

     There is no need for me to walk the campus due to me knowing it already, so I start to walk out of school to eat at the mall. Before I leave...

     "Are you already leaving Ryu?"

     I saw Momo at the front door seeing students off and answering questions. She had called to me when I was going to leave the front doors.

     "Hanakai, yes I have already seen the Academy and know where all of my classes are, so I'm off to the mall for a meal before I go to my dojo."

     She put on a disappointed face and said.

     "That's too bad, I really wanted to show you around, and I wish I could go to eat with you, but..."

     I smiled at her mostly-act and told her.

     "I am touched you waited to tour me around, sorry to let you down, but we can do things in this upcoming year. I am in no rush for us to race to a finish-line of getting to know everything. Just take your time and do your Student Council duties, I understand, see you later, Hanakai!"

     "Just call me Momo, and I will call you Motohama. We are dating, right?"

     I waved at her and said.

     "Sure then Momo, be safe."

     Then with my bag over my shoulder I left....

     Behind Momo, who was waving goodbye to me, Tsubaki stood next to her and asked.

     "So he did not need a personal tour?"

     "Nope, he said he knew, probably studied a map or memorized it by sight. He seemed very calm talking with me when we were alone. Don't worry if he is in trouble, my familiar will let me know."

     "Alright, I think I found that girl that has been killing weak monsters around Kuoh, so I will go follow her. Sona thinks she is a possible candidate, if she wants to join us. Sona needs a Rook after-all and a human that can kill monsters means she has potential."

     With that the two Devils split up to do Academy work.

     Back with me, I had finished my mall visit and made my way to my dojo later that afternoon.

     Ding Ding! When I walked into my dojo I saw something that almost made me walk out to see if I came in the wrong place!

     Sitting there behind the reception desk, wearing my dojo outfit was one Yura Tsubasa! Holy fuck, no wonder my Karate Teachers name seemed familiar, plus they have the same damn hair color!

     "Nice to meet you student Ryu, class will start soon, so go change, oh and I am the Teacher's daughter, Yura Tsubasa your martial sister."

     I bowed and said. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "Nice to meet you sister Tsubasa, I will get ready now."

     Meh, I am here to learn martial arts not pick up on chicks! Well I paid for two years so for better or worse I am stuck with her, but her dad is cool.

     Whether she is a devil or not it does not matter. I just need to get fit and learn to fight.

     So class was not as bad as I thought, and yes Yura participated and she is really good at fighting. I can tell she has been in life and death battles, and I see in her movements and eyes she sensed the same from me.

     She was cool and never pointed it out or even asked weird questions.

    Now don't underestimate this woman, because in the light-novel she kicks and punches cars around like cardboard-boxes! Yeah she can kill me right now if she wants. Fuck she might be as strong as her dad if she is still human.

     In my dream where I died, she was neglected by Issei for not having massive boobs.

     But actually from my Elf life, she has the body of an elf.

     When class ended, I carried my abused body home for a shower and to have a big dinner with my family. My mother increased my portions of protein to keep up with my hard work.

     It's only been a week, but I can already feel a little difference, sigh, I wish it was overnight like in fan-fiction...

     Finally I set my alarm and prepare for an early rise to do my run, and I will try to enjoy what little peace I can in this life, till I eventually meet my end, by my own stupidity or some crappy nutcase! Wish me luck guys!

     After Motohama went to bed to have strange dreams of murderous Loli's chasing him down, another scene was happening in downtown Kuoh...

     A tall blue-haired girl was in a fight, in a dark-alley with four 5 foot tall supernatural rats.

     Bam! One of the large rats went flying from a kick the girl called Yura launched, and it was clear that many of its bones had broken in that hit.

     That rat did not get up but was still breathing, however the girl Yura was not going to let the rats surround her so she kicked again with a fierce look...

     Bam! And the second met the same fate, she was feeling good about her progress of getting stronger, but soon her smile vanished!

     From a sewer entrance behind a dumpster she had not noticed, a group of 16 more rats came in response to the wounded rats' cries.

     Yura frowned seeing she was surrounded now, and she was not going to make it out with only light injuries this time.

     Then suddenly a group of water-arrows came raining down on all the rats killing them effortlessly.

     When Yura turned to see who was the cause of the strange magic, she was stunned. It was two of the Student Council members still wearing their school uniforms. Both women had glasses and one had very long-hair while the other was shorter-hair. She Saw them when she got her uniforms and at the front gates today.

     "Hello student Yura Tsubasa. I am Sona Sitri of the house of Sitri, and I am a Devil, may we talk somewhere nicer? Perhaps over tea?"