Chapter 9: Welsh Dragon in Kuoh Japan!

While my Protagonist seat felt a bit uncomfortable, there were other events happening at this very moment...

South America, some ancient Aztec Ruins....

A team of young supernaturals are sitting on some rubble eating instant noodles.

This team is working under Azazel, the Governor General of the Fallen Angels.

The leader is a Half-Devil by the name of Vali Lucifer and he is currently having a magic-circle call with Azazel.

Cooking the noodles is a Monkey Youkai named Bikou. He is a handsome and charming man that is descended from the Legendary Sun Wukong.

And off to the side is a super sexy Youkai Nekoshou named Kuroka. She has twin-black-tails and cat-ears. Her breasts are illegally spilling out of her sexy Kimono.

[My sources in Heaven had confirmed the birth of the Red One in Japan around 16-17 years ago, and one of our operatives found traces of his Dragon Aura leaking a couple of months ago. We have not pinpointed who it is yet, so do you want to challenge him?]

Vali sighs then tells him. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

"He sounds like a weakling if he is so hard to trace, so just send some low-class grunts to eliminate him. I want the Red One to find a stronger host, otherwise there is no point in our fight, right? If I am wrong about the human, then I will challenge him, but now, I can't be bothered. I got a lead to the City of Atlantis, so I want to go look there."

[Yeah sure, we don't want a rampaging Juggernaut Drive to erupt in Japan, so we will just nip it in the bud early then. I will send Raynare on this one, hell if we are lucky he might surprise us and the possessor will kill her, sigh, she is so eager to up her rank, but her hobby is distasteful.]

"Bye, my noodles are done, click!"

"So is the new dragon a boy or girl ~nya?"

"Don't know or care because they are weak. Thanks for the noodles, Bikou."

"Ha-ha, Sorry this is all I know how to cook without Le Fay, sorry, sorry."

Kuroka asks Vali again.

"Come on Vali, I need a strong Dragon for my babies, why are you always turning me down ~nya?"

Vali shook his head and said.

"I only want to get stronger and reach the top of this world, I want to challenge the strongest, and making babies and romance is the fast way to ruin all of that. Your re-population instincts are none of my business."

Kuroka pouted and stuck her tongue at Vali and taunted.

"Then I curse you Vali, I curse you that this generation's Red Dragon Emperor will mop the floor with you, and it's a man, I will make babies with him and rub it in your stinky face ~nya!"

Vali slurps noodles thinking of that woman he yearns for but won't chase, and says to Kuroka.

"I hope your curse comes true then, because I want to fight the strongest, and if I have to look at your stupid kids to get my fight, then so be it."

Thump! Thump! Two empty noodle containers hit Vali in the side of his face leaving noodles hanging from his ear. Then Kuroka pouted.

"Take it back! My kittens aren't stupid ~nya!"

Bikou, seeing Vali's face, just busted out in ridiculous laughter, and Vali just ignored his two annoying companions.

A few hours later in Kuoh Academy's lunchroom....

Although it's not my first time here, for Matsuda and Issei, this is an amazing sight! The girls fluttered around with their lunches, some homemade, some bought at the cafeteria kitchen, and all of it high-quality!

The seating is both indoor and outdoor, with spacious tables. This is not your elbow to elbow run of the mill school lunch-room after all, but more like a cafe.

Then a charming voice was heard.

"Motohama dear, over here~♪!"

Matsuda elbowed me and growled out.

"What the hell brosiff? You said she would use you for free-lunch then dump you! What the hell's that? That is a fucking four-course meal just waiting for you, you bastard!"

Issei nods with him and points.

"Motohama, if she feeds you I am going to suplex you, you damned-deceiver! And if you touch her breast I am gonna punch your face!"

Facepalm! Yes you fucking idiots, she is a Devil and she can hear you two morons clearly even from here, sigh...

I put on a smile, and walk over to sit next to the happy Momo, the damn sadist!

I know she is doing this on purpose, right?! And as I sit, I speak.

"Thank you for inviting me to this lunch, you made a large variety, and a lot."

She began to spread everything out and the food definitely looks good, probably made with magic, otherwise she did not sleep.

"Since I don't know what your favorite foods are, I did a bit of everything to see what food you like the most, this is what a good girlfriend should do!"

Man I almost feel bad for her, but I am sure she has her own reasons to do this. Maybe to have a reason to reject other boys, probably. I clap my hands together and say.

"Thank you for the food!"

And as I was trying things, like Matsuda and Issei predicted, she was feeding me this and that, to watch my expressions. The two numb-nuts are crying in a corner seeing this and some other students look at us like a zoo-exhibit.

Then a nostalgic taste entered my mouth that triggered an Elf memory of his first-wife feeding him.

The food in my mouth was a piece of dark-chocolate covered green-apple. Momo seeing my expression was surprised, because I seemed to like everything, but this bite of food made me smile.

"So did you like that one Motohama?"

I realize that if Momo had black-hair she might look a bit like his first wife Sally. I nod to her and say.

"Seems, my new favorite treat is dark-chocolate-apples, particularly the green one. It makes my heart happy, thanks Momo for that."

I will have to get used to things like this, triggering memories from a life I did not personally live, but I still love the feelings I feel from those wives. Even if I die now, I at least have felt what love should be, and that Sally was important.

"Then my efforts were rewarded with your smile. Ufufu, you look so cute right now."

As the two of us finish up, I ask.

"Honestly Momo, you should not normally have just accepted my random confession, so what really made you say yes? I don't mind if it is a selfish reason?"

As she finished packing the large box, she looked at me with serious eyes.

"There is something about you that made me say yes. I don't know what it is, but I figured it can't hurt to find out. Worst case, I have a boyfriend to chase off other boys, but your eyes seemed kind. So that's the real reason, my gut said to call out to you. So why did you confess to me?"

I scratch my cheek then push up my glasses and tell her honestly.

"I was not looking for a relationship, just fooling around with my dopey friends, but fate seems to pull the-rug out at weird times. I don't think we were destined to meet, but in the end, it is good for me as well. Momo, even if you don't really care for me, please be my girlfriend during high-school."

The two of us just looked into each other's eyes, not sure how to take our brutal honesty. It was super refreshing that we did not lie to each-other. Somehow, I feel respect for her? Maybe this is how one feels for a female friend?

Momo then smiles and says.

"Sure Motohama, I will stay with you for high-school, but don't deny you have a girlfriend then, okay, Ufufu."

I shrug and say.

"Okay, but don't get mad at me for peeping with my friends in the future, I have to support my brothers as fellow perverts. Just know I am not really looking at them."


She then put her hand out for a handshake like it's a contract, hmm, I guess it is.

And that's how Momo and I became official boyfriend and girlfriend, not a very romantic start, but who cares.

During this time after school, the clubs are actively recruiting new members and I was among them, trying to find something fun. And fuck no, I wont go anywhere near that Old Schoolhouse, not even for free sex!

In the Student Council room overlooking the club recruitment drive, the four Devils watch the crowd.

Sona looked dumbly at the smiling Momo and just said.

"He really said all of that? He wants you to just be his girlfriend during high-school?! That seems oddly specific as well."

"Everything he told me was the truth too, I used a lie detection spell, he was really adorable with the apple, fufu. He even meant it when he said he would not even care about the girls he peeps on, how honest."

Tsubaki rubs her forehead and scolds her.

"No Momo, encouraging him to peep on girls is not proper behavior at school, or for society in general. I don't understand what you're thinking?"

"Tsubaki, remember we are Devils, I don't think we should judge him too much right?"

Sona looked tired about the topic of Motohama and said.

"Rias warned me that the Fallen Have been a bit more active in Japan lately, and a few have been spotted around Kuoh, so be very careful when you're out doing contracts and just alone in general. On the surface they won't start anything in Rias's territory, but if they don't get caught they will pull anything."

"""Yes Sona."""

Sona then looked out the window at a boy wearing glasses, with a dumb smile on his face.

She sees he takes only two club applications, the music club and the chess club.

"Was I overthinking why he was studying for Chess? Is it only because he wants to join that club? I felt like he knew something he should not. I sometimes overthink things, sigh."

Yura smiles, hears Sona, and supplements.

"He wanted to join Ken-do, but my father told him to pick an arts or mind-building club, so that's why he picked them."

Sona nodded to her words and then sighed.

"Sigh, I think I raised my standards too high. All the smart Devils are married already, and I don't want to be a second wife, my pride won't allow it."

Back in the school club-fair, a [Protagonist-in-Denial] got a creepy chill up his spine while looking around.
