Chapter 10: Ddraig’s Anger, Red Dragon Emperor Kills!

     It has been two months since the day I had chosen my club. I actually went with Music Club, so I could improve the piano skills I inherited from the Elf life. I can play chess anytime, even on my phone, but I don't own a piano so this works for me.

     So what have I accomplished in these two months?

     First, my body and physical fitness has taken a really nice turn. With my new diet and my Teachers guidance, I am now above average and can even see some muscles form on my abdomen! I have also increased my endurance by a large amount.

     Shotokan Karate has exploded due to my inherited combat experience and my body now responding better, in fact I am now officially a brown-belt, and just a couple of months into stepping into the first stage of black-belt.

    My in-dojo relationship with Teacher and Yura has become like family, well kinda. For some reason, whenever his daughter is around, he really hands me my ass. And when she spars with me I eat mat every-time, sigh, a devil body is a cheat!

     Matsuda, Issei, and I have really earned our reputation as the Perverted Trio. Just yesterday I saw Murayama Mai completely naked!

     Yeah her body is actually hot for a human girl for sure. I give her an 8 out of 10! Naturally they beat us with their wooden practice swords. Little did they know I purposefully got us caught, because seeing my friends get beat really puts a smile on my face. I take the beating as a form of training for injuries.

     I met Kalawarna once by accident. I was leaving the Tanaka book store and I saw Kala walk out of the nightclub Underworld Delights. She was surprised that I saw her due to the magic around the place. She looked a bit embarrassed when I flagged her down.

     When she realized I did not care about her job as the manager of the Club she gave me a membership-card and we exchanged numbers so I could play with Precious. Yeah, she straight-up gave a high-school kid a stripper-club membership card, ha-ha, the Fallen Angels are great. I guess she figured if I could see it it was fine.

     Just when I was wondering who to rob, I meant to borrow some cash from, I bumped into an interesting character, Dohnaseek! Yeah he was just walking down the dark-street one night I had a drink, and I saw no one around so I used my Hypnosis App on him, took his wallet and bailed! That guy had a shit ton of Yen! Do I feel guilty? Fuck no, I feel only wealthier.

     My school grades are also doing well for my second time going through Kuoh, and I am now in the top 10% of students. I cant ace shit, but I look like a hard working young-man.

     Issei and Matsuda are pissed because I write my notes in a language no one knows. Also, it seems the supernatural tongue cannot understand the language from the Planet Gaia.

     I know this because of my new seatmate to my right, yup you guessed it, Momo was transferred to my class the day after our first lunch together. She too was baffled by my notes and when she heard me greet her in that language she tilted her head in confusion. I told her it's a language I invented, in-case Sona asked.

     Our fake relationship is actually nice. I don't have to try and impress her and I would say we are friends now? We don't hold hands, kiss, or anything like that. All she will do is make lunch for us about two times a week, and then smile at me while walking besides me.

     Actually our relationship is like one of those old fashioned no touching kinds. I like it after a 100 years of harem life. Do I miss constant sex? Yes, because I am a man! But I like being friends with Momo. Yeah, friends.

     "Hey Moto, let's have lunch tomorrow, is that okay?"

     Hearing Momo's words as I was leaving my Music Club, I smiled at her and said.

     "If you're cooking, I would never miss it, sure, be safe, see you tomorrow."

     I throw my bag over my shoulder and then whistle on my way home. I loosen my red-tie since school is out for the day. The Normal Student Council would also go home, but the Devils work at night, fulfilling contracts to try and raise their noble rank. Too bad they are wasting their time right now.

     Yup, the credits they get from doing contract work is super weak compared to the credits you get for war and fighting the foes of the Devils.

     In one year, the war will slowly ramp-up and really explode over the next 14 months or so. Thankfully I can dodge most of that shit. I do have to kill Hero Faction members though, sigh. No, I don't care if they are kinda redeemable, no they are sacrificing humans for their selfishness and destroy the Underworld, fuck those D-bags!

     Soon I arrived home and had a wonderful family dinner with my parents, and no they don't know about Momo and I don't ever plan on telling them.

     After doing my homework and studying with my App, I sleep early so I can get up while it's still dark.... If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     I had a nightmare. In the dark, I heard a woman crying for help, and then I woke with a startle and my heart was pounding! That dream really freaked me out?!

     I normally get up at 5:00 am but It looks like it's 4:23 am. No point in sleeping now so I turn off the alarm and throw on my grey-track-sweatpants and a red-shirt to go jogging. I tie my shoes and sneak out quietly.

     As I was running I realized, I fucking forgot my smartphone due to the dream, I best be careful!

     While I was running past the park, I saw some lights and hear combat, then I noticed the sky was under a purplish red and blue barrier, fuck!

     I decide to hide in the bushes, due to not being supernatural and forgetting my fucking smartphone of all times! This thought in hindsight was overlooked by me, due to my mental state. My first question should have been, 'If I am not supernatural, how did I enter this barrier?' Yeah I found out soon.

     I can finally see who is doing battle and my mouth opens in horror at what I am seeing!

     An Exorcist squad of five Priests are using light-guns and light-swords to fight a female Devil! And the one they are trying to kill to my shock is Momo!


     No, they should not be openly fighting on Rias's territory, and they can see her Defensive Magic-Circle has the house of Sitri on it, so why?

     Fuck if I had my App, I could just end it in one go. But why am I trying to save her? Yeah she is my friend. How can I save her?!


     Just as her shield got breached she took a light-bullet in her right-thigh, and she fell on her back in horrid-pain.

     Shit she does not have training in light-tempering, no I gotta go fuck-it!

     I had grabbed a stick on the ground and my feet rushed on their own, I had one thought in my mind as I charged in like a fucking idiot!

     {"Hey Moto, let's have lunch tomorrow, is that okay?"}

     It was the last thing she said to me, and my heart moved for the first time in two months....

     As I closed on the guy who was trying to aim for her head, I yelled and threw the stick I had at his arm.


     Whoosh, Smack, Bang! My yell and sneak attack made the shot go wide!

     My anger finally reached its max, and I took my stance and rushed in anger, but then it happened while I rushed to hit the next guy!

     In my left hand a burst of light appeared, but I ignored this sight and as I was about to kick the guy we all heard it....


     When my kick hit the guy's ribs, it made a sickening-crunch and that guy will die from collapsed ribs for sure, but I ignored it and threw a right hook on the next Priest trying to block.

     My fist took little damage from him trying to deflect my strike, and his jaw caved in with his lower-jaw actually flying off, I ignored the blood and gore, due to my 100 years of battlefield slaughter.

     Right now I am in a zone of concentration. Then I heard the Dragon's voice.

     [Partner duck now!]

     I tumbled forward avoiding a sword strike on my back, then I heard it as I was coming up for an uppercut on the next guy....


     SMASH, Splatter! That second Boost multiplied my power to 4x my normal ability and using the Boosted Gear gauntlet as the striking weapon, that guy's head is missing in a spray! I see Momo just killed one Priest, and that only leaves one attacker, so I launch at him!

     Bang! I felt my lower-right side take a bullet and I flinch in pain, but continue with my instinct and point my Boosted Gear at the guy and copy Issei's iconic move..

     "Dragon Shot!"

     Whoosh! A Royal Blue ball of light the size of a basketball shot out and sucked up a bit of my stamina or endurance, and the upper-half of the Priest was now missing.

     I quickly ripped my shirt off and tied it around my bullet-wound to help stop the bleeding if any, and then I turned to Momo who looked at me, then passed out from her wound and pain.

     "Hey Ddraig, let's talk more later, but how long can I keep the Boosted Gear up, I have to carry her body somewhere I know, and I need to move fast?"

     [Alright partner, you can probably maintain it in your wounded state for a half hour tops, and it is good you know me already, we can talk later]

     "Thanks for helping me."

     I princess-carry Momo carefully to not aggravate her wounds more. Fortunately thanks to my nightmare life, I know where Sona's home is, so I run-swiftly thanks to the power of the Sacred Gear.

     My head is slightly fuzzy due to my wound because I am still weak, but stronger than Issei was even during his first Rating Game. 

     I dodge and jump over many obstacles (Parkour from Elf life) and am trying to keep to the back-rout to not be seen. Shortly I see the same mansion as in my dreams, a Japanese classic mansion. 

     I pound on the door rudely when I get here, I of course used my foot due to holding Momo.

     Soon both Sona and Tsubaki open the door, and Sona does not panic, assessing the situation. She took Momo from my arms, and I said.

     "It was light-bullets, five Priest, I am going to take a nap now, and I won't be in school tomorrow-"

     As I fell-forward the Boosted Gear faded, and Tsubaki caught my bleeding body, only then did they notice the bullet wound I ran with.

     Sona gave orders.

     "I will heal Momo, you save him, and don't complain, he risked his life for her."

     Tsubaki princess-carried me inside, and the door shut.....