Chapter 11: Ddraig’s Request!

 When I open my eyes, I find myself naked floating in a world of flames. In front of me is the massive Welsh Dragon, my new partner, Ddraig.

     "Sigh, I am both happy and sad to see you Ddraig."

     With his proud and majestic voice he replies.

     [I witnessed your entire nightmare with Issei being my host, but I assure you Motohama, I have been with you since your birth. But that dream, what I saw makes my soul tremble in disgust! What would have been my glorious fate if I was reduced to a Breast Dragon! No this won't do.]

     "Yeah, I too did not like how I ended up, and don't worry, I wont shame you like that, Ddraig."

     The Heavenly Dragon looked at me and said.

     [We better not be called the Loli Dragon Emperor, Porn Dragon Emperor, or Ass Dragon Emperor! My pride as a Dragon refuses it.]

     "No, I don't plan on being like that, but I think Insemination Dragon Emperor has a nice ring to it? Ddraig, that was a joke partner."

     [So I at least learned, my fight with the White One was pointless. So I guess that bad dream was worth something. So I wanted to tell you what happened when you awakened from your fever.]

     He gets closer to look at me and tells me.

     [Before you activated that Hypnosis App, I was going to finally talk with you, but the moment you pressed the button, I was unable to speak with you. It both sealed my aura and communication, and the last two months or so I could only watch your progress.]

     I nod to his words.

     [This morning when you went out, the seal had finally broken due to you leaving your phone behind. That's why you could finally bring the Boosted Gear out. I think it was only a temporary seal to hide you.]

     "I agree, because the Hypnosis App only helps the host, so it's kinda like another Sacred Gear."

     [Yes, and it's power far exceeds anything I have felt in my memories that I remember. Don't worry, I won't reveal the secret to others, I am sure I would be punished if I did, it is my gut telling me.]

     "Lets not worry about the small stuff. Partner, do you know what is happening with me right now? I blacked out on Sona's front steps."

     [Yeah, they brought you and Momo in and started to heal you both. That Tsubaki is the one healing your wound, but the blood loss is what is harder to recover from, and that's why you passed out.]

     "Wait, how is Tsubaki healing me?"

     [She is spooning you, while using her demonic-power to heal your wounds.]

     I thought of how Rias healed Issei in the anime and I asked.

     "Um, is she healing me while we are both naked?"

     [Yes, and she has even removed the scar that you would have had if you healed normally. Oh? Seems your dirty thoughts have made your body react and she has started blushing, ha-ha!]

     "Fuck, my first time in this life laying in a bed naked with Tsubaki and I wont remember it, sigh."

     [Hey Motohama, I need you to do something for me. My anger won't be satisfied unless you do this for me. Just do this one request for me, and my heart will be at peace?]

     "What's up then Ddraig, what can I do for you?"

     [Slap Issei really good, make it shameful and embarrassing! I can't believe he would use my strength to summon Boob Gods! The horror and shame I feel just seeing that makes me furious, so please.]

     "That is a small request, partner! I am more than happy to do this, he-he!"

     [Looks like our little chat is done for now, you are waking soon, good luck partner.]

     An unfamiliar ceiling, I think?

     My glasses are off and I can't see shit.

     "Don't get up, here you're looking for your glasses, right?"

     I heard Sona's voice as she handed me my now clean glasses. 

     I put them on, and I see I am in a white and tan guest room. I just look at her and wait for her to talk.

     "First, thank you for saving Momo."

     "Nah, it is what a boyfriend is supposed to do."


     Sona looked confused on my words so I smiled and playfully said.

     "If she died, how would I have had her feed me her lunch? So naturally I had to rescue her, or I would have had to buy lunch."

     Sona, realizing she is talking with a crazy man, just goes on. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "I see you are this generation's Red Dragon Emperor?"

     "Yeah, and it sucks bad. Don't get me wrong, I like Ddraig and the power is nice, but every bastard is going to flock to me now, and I am going to have to leave too many dead bodies in my wake. I just wanted a chance of finally having a peaceful life, but it's up in smoke now."

     Sona knows I know but she is thorough in her questions.

     "You knew who I am and we are, even when you first met us, right?"

     "Sona, you're too smart to lie to, so yes I did."

     Sona pulled up a chair to sit next to me hearing that, and she figured this conversation would be longer than she thought.

     "So if you knew who we are, why date Momo when you know it was not serious."

     I smile at Sona, because she loves puzzles.

     "Because you're much less of a hassle to be around than other troublesome Devils, sigh. With Momo around, I won't be nagged by other recruitment offers."

     "So, you even know who is in charge of the Territory?"

     "Yeah, the same territory that almost got Momo killed."

     "The Priest?"

     "Dead, one by Momo, I offed the rest."

     "Your interest in Chess?"

     "Next Question."

     She pushed up her glasses like her chess move was blocked.

     "Are you trying to become a Devil?"

     I put on my thinking face, though I mostly know the answer.

     "If there was no slavery and servant bullshit attached to it, in a heartbeat, but I am the proud Red Dragon Emperor worth 8 Pawn or one Queen Pieces, how could I be a silly butler just to be a Devil? It is not equal payment, is it?"

     "You have really planned your moves carefully. So what do you want?"

     "You, not Rias, but I refuse to be a little bitch. In just over a year, I will be stronger than your sister. How can I settle for a trashy Pawn servant status?"

     Her eyebrows furrow trying to piece all of it together, especially the part about knowing her sister's strength, and me always having time-frames. Her glasses glinted and asked.

     "Somehow you seem to know about future events, hmm, it was during your Sacred Gear Awakening, you must have dreamed things, right?"

     I put on a big smile because she really is as smart, as Rias is beautiful, but I like brains over body, both together is the best, but meh.

     She sees my smile and does not need me to speak, so like a good Devil or salesman she counters.

     "What will you do If I refuse your plan?"

     "I most definitely won't become a Devil then, but it's not the end of the world. I can wait a year and join Heaven, or the Fallen Angels as one of theirs. I don't trust any of the other Devils, and Rias is nice, but she is the fast path to my ruin."

     "Angels and Fallen Angels cant be created!"

     I put on my Devil's smile and salesman face.

     "Yet, but thanks to the Devil's help, they will, giggle."

     Her eyes opened wide and she blurted.

     "The Reincarnation System?!"

     I just smile and say nothing. She crossed her arms under her modest breasts and was in deep thought. Then her eyes opened wide!


     "Bingo! Oh, that's funny, that is a game too, ha-ha!"

     Sona's face went red, thinking about what I admitted too brazenly, then she asked.

     "But why? You don't seem to want my House?"

     "Because, if I am the husband of the great Devil next head Sona Sitri, who would dare call me a slave? I get to hold my head up in pride, and I can help you while helping myself. Marriage is forever, and a good partner is important, to not walk this or any world alone."

     [Thank you partner for respecting me, sniff...]

     Sona looks dumbfounded at the glow on the back of my hand as Ddraig was being emotional. Yeah I don't mind being Sona's servant, but the Dragon in me would suffer the shame every-time he was referred like that. That is what Vali does, he serves no one.

     "I see, is it for the Heavenly Dragon? But... I too have my pride as an heiress of the next head of Sitri, a pure-Blood Devil."

     I nod to her for following along. She is not so stuck up on love and emotional connections, outside of friendship, but even friends have to take a back seat to her duty. Unlike Rias, she lives for her family and would never betray-them.

     "Yeah, that's why I am training my body and mind. I don't think I can beat you now, but I have potential. I want to claim you and your heart, fair and square. I won't even cheat. But, I don't know the rules or details, in fact not many others do?"

     Sona looks a bit more calm and goes into business mode...

     "You have to challenge yourself officially. I am required to let every suitor try once, more attempts are up to me. A win in a casual game does not count. No cheating of any sort. I can't hold back. And if a victor wins with these conditions, my hand, mind, and body will be my husbands, and I must marry the victor if they are capable. That's it."

     I smile because this is the reason, no one could marry her. Devils only respect strength, and Intellect is strength, but it is nothing in front of overwhelming power. Rias taught her this in the Azazel Cup.

     "I, Motohama Ryu hereby challenge you for your hand every Friday till I win, do you accept Sona Sitri?! Or is this unreasonable?"

     Sona puts out her hand to signify a deal, so I shake her hand and then add.

     "And please tell no one outside of your peerage of our deal, especially Rias and your sister, I like breathing, thank you. Also if you add a male peerage member to your team, I will officially stop trying to challenge you, so you have options."

     Sona's eyebrow raised.

     "Saji Genshirou?"

     "Fucking hate that asshole!"

     "Oh? I see,is it due to his gear?"

     "Prison Dragon, no, it's because he lusts after you to a disgusting degree, and I don't want a male competitor for the woman I am pursuing, simple male ego."

     Sona, put on a very charming smile, not at all one I am used to seeing in my dream or in the anime, and she said to me or asked depending on how you listen.

     "So you're telling me, you are not doing this only for profit, but is it because you like me? Interesting."

     "Hey lady, slow your roll, I don't know if I like you like that! I am interested, but I still don't know the real you. So don't think I am delusional."

     "So let's say if you married me, and found out you did not like me, what would you do?"

     "Oh?! Sona, are you telling me there is something to not like about you, oh wait, never-mind... whistle."

     Sona stood up and looked down on my guilty face, and asked with a not so amused face.

     "What exactly am I lacking, Mr Ryu? And if the next words that come out are about my body, I can just end you now?"

     Sona is holding a Royal-blue attack-magic-circle in her hand and her eye's are half closed. So I blurt out the truth.

     "It is your cooking! Everything about you is perfect except that one thing, promise!"

     Sona's pride took over 9000 critical damage, and her circle fell apart, and she looked defeated, with teary eyes she said.

     "Please never bring that up again Mr Ryu, I seem to be a bit unsure why even with exact measurements it goes wrong. But my sister loves it."

     I try to make her feel better by saying.

     "I think it's cute you have at least one flaw, and I think feeding your sister like that is adorable!"

     Sona with a blush starts to leave the room and she leaves parting words along with her embarrassed self.

     "I look forward to our future games Mr Ryu, try not to let me down."

     Thud! The door closes abruptly, and I can imagine her having a mental breakdown for showing shame, like in the anime when she met her sister, he-he.

     [Good job handling that Devil partner, now go find that breast-friend of yours and slap the fuck out of him, he-he.]

     "Got it Ddraig!"



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