Chapter 12: Sona wants to be Checkmated!

To recover my [Stamina] my number one resource without [Demonic Power], I decided to fall asleep to recover faster. Besides, I am skipping school today, and I don't want to worry my parents. they will just think I left for school early.

After I fell asleep....

Sona had walked into the room where Momo was recovering. She too had only woke-up from her ordeal.

Tsubaki was sitting with Momo, looking her over to see if she had recovered.

Even though light is poisonous for Devils, it's a fact a Devil body is superior to a human body and she was already sitting up. Momo is just a bit fatigued because its daytime and devils are stronger at night.

Momo, seeing Sona come in, asks her.

"How is Motohama?"

Sona pushed up her glasses and with her serious-face told her Bishop.

"He is well enough to crack jokes, and he did not ask how you are, but I can tell he exposed his secrets to save you. He won't admit he cares, so don't make it a big deal in front of him. He said he only saved you for his free lunch."

"Ufufu, Yeah that sounds about right. No I won't make him feel uncomfortable, but... I know why he attracted me."

Sona nods and tells her.

"It's because he is the Red Dragon Emperor, and beings will be attracted to his power. Don't worry I fully understand what your gut feeling was."

Tsubaki picks up for her King.

"He is the wielder of the Boosted Gear, the nemesis to the Divine Dividing Gear. They are Mid Tier Longinus with the power to slay Gods. The two wielders are always destined to fight one another. The Dragons trapped in the gears are named, Ddraig and Albion."

"When we fought, I heard a Dragons' voice, so I guess it's true. Motohama really surprised me when he fought. His cheery fun side was gone, and his emotions vanished. He was both terrifying and amazing. Motohama was decisive and did not once hesitate."

Sona makes a guess.

"I believe, when his Sacred Gear awakened, he spent his unconscious days, living a life of battle and he probably learned how to survive in his dreams. Best not to pry into it, in-case it was traumatic."

Tsubaki then asked her King.

"Is he going to join the Student Council?"

Sona then had a very slight blush and confirmed.

"Only if he beats me in one of our weekly chess games, cough."

Momo was confused, but Tsubaki looked a bit surprised and asked.

"Did you tell him about your family's agreement?"

"No, he already knew all about it even when he first met us for the first time. And yes he knew who you were, and yet he still shook your hand."

Tsubaki was then in deep thought, while Momo asked.

"Can I stay as his girlfriend in school?"

Sona looks at Momo with a look of pity due to not knowing how incredible dating one of the two possessors was, but she can't blame her as well.

"Yes, and out of school as well, get to know his family. Also see if your father is willing to hire his father into the company, I don't want him working for the Gremory if we can help it. Also, if you end up having feelings for him in the future, I am alright with it."

Momo's eyes opened wide at this normally stiff King of hers, just bending over backwards for Motohama!

"Yes Sona, I understand, Ufufu."

Sona looked at the still thinking Tsubaki and told her.

"Tsubaki, give Rias Gremory the information about Saji Genshirou, and tell her he is the Prison Dragon King. He should be a good fit for her peerage."

Tsubaki's cute mouth hung open, and she dumbly asked.

"If Saji Genshirou is that Dragon Kings possessor, why give him away? Why not recruit him immediately?"

Sona squints her eyes for being questioned, but tells her Queen and friend.

"Dragons are very territorial, and what would happen when two competing Dragons are fighting for the same thing? A fight to the death is what happens, don't touch a Dragon's reverse-scale Tsubaki. Also who would you choose, the cursed Dragon King or one of the two Heavenly Dragons? Finally, Ryu already does not like him, so should I give him to another force for Saji Genshirou?"

Tsubaki can read between the lines with the chess game and her wish to toss a good peerage member to her competition.

"Yes Sona, I will have that done today, anything else?"

Sona then tells her Queen.

"First, put a hold on all male peerage member recruitment, and second, get Ryu a new set of school clothing, so he can go home respectably and not draw suspicion, you should already know all of his sizes, yes?"

Tsubaki blushed thinking of her healing session with Motohama and that Ryu (Dragon) rising, and she nods to say yes she does. (A/N Ryu also has the meaning of Dragon in Japanese in case you didn't know.)

"Good, now I need to replace my familiar at school, so I will see you later Tsubaki. Come over after Ryu leaves and help him with any simple request he needs, Momo rest till tonight."

""Yes, Sona!""

Later after my nap.....

Tsubaki walked into the room holding a full set of school uniforms including shoes, and a small meal. Seeing I was awake she said.

"Sona asked me to get you new clothing so you can leave without too much suspicion. I also brought you a small meal for you to eat before you go."

I take the clothing from her as she puts the food on the side table. I decided to play with her a bit and said.

"Good thing you brought me clothes, if you saw me naked I would have to marry you. I have never shown myself to a woman before, thanks for the food."

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see she froze for a moment and I think she blushed, probably thinking of the healing, he-he.

"Also, thank you very much for healing my bullet-wound, and without a scar, you're the best Tsubaki! If I ever get injured can I find you for help?"

She turned her back to me, and went to the door and without letting me see her embarrassed face, she said.

"Eat and get changed, and don't get injured anymore, I am not a free healer, also do you have any request before I go to school?"

I think about what I am currently lacking and ask.

"I need books on the Devil Alphabet, and Demonic Magic, and anything Underworld related if you have it. I can give you back the books when I am done."

She looked back at me in surprise and nodded.

"I will get you things we give all new peerage members, and don't worry about returning them. Only the supernatural can read them, so don't worry if your family sees them, they will only see textbooks. I will put them in a bag by the front door, lock it when you leave."

As she was shutting the door I say.

"Tsubaki, honestly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. You're the best Queen any Devil could have."

"Goodbye, Mr Ryu."

And just like that she left.

Yeah my opinion is in the DxD novel, behind Grayfia, it is definitely Tsubaki, even over Akeno. But I thanked her for the healing really. For a shy and proud woman to take off her clothing to heal me, even though I would not die, really made me happy, and not in a perverted way.

I scarfed-down the food and dressed, then I headed out.

I paused looking down the hall and thought of looking in on Momo, but decided it might not be appropriate, so I picked up the big bag of books and locked the door on my way out.

When I closed the door, Momo looked around the corner, and she saw me pause before leaving. She just shook her head with a smile and went back to lay-down.

I took my time walking home so I would show up around school end if I skipped my club. Walking into my home I greeted my mother, and she did not seem suspicious. So I went up to my room and put the books down.

"Ah there you are my smartphone, sorry I forgot to bring you Pal! But it all worked out in the end. So let's look at the missed calls and messages."

[Matsuda: Hey bro, you sick?]

[Issei: Hey where are you? Too much wanking?]

[Matsuda: Hey where is Momo Hanakai? You two are not out on a date are you!]

[Issei: Hey, Mat said you're on a date and getting your V-card punched!!!]

[Matsuda: You have not responded, so I have no choice, I will spread them all over the school now, I hope she was worth it, I hate you traitor!]

[Issei: LMFAO Mat really did it, Sorry not sorry!]

[Motohama: Fuck you guys, I have been sick in bed all day!]

[Matsuda: Oops!]

[Issei: LOL Oops!]

[Motohama: What Oops? What did you BASTARDS do?!]



I just rolled my eyes at my friends, they probably spread bad rumors about me for sure. Then I got a new message.

[Kala: Walking Precious at the same spot soon if you want to play with her.]

"Hey Ddraig, can you hide yourself if I meet a Fallen Angel?"

[No problem, as long as you don't fight or I talk, we won't leak out.]

"Thanks partner."

[Motohama: I am on my way, thanks for the invitation.]

As I put on some casual clothing I reassess my wardrobe, and it's like for the first time, I just now noticed how much red I have in my shirt and tie collection, but I also like blue jeans. I should have noticed this right away, guess possessors of the Boosted Gear inherently like wearing red.

As I make sure I have my Smartphone this time, I realize why Precious and Kala talked to me!

Females of all species are attracted to the strong Dragons! That's why girls flocked to Issei in the novel like idiots. Well no matter, I just wish it did not attract brainless battle junkies as well, sigh.

With that I went out to play, told my mother I was taking a walk and left.

Soon I made it to the fountain where Issei dies in the anime, and saw Kalawarna and her dog sitting on a bench. I wave to the two and hit the anti dog pounce method.

Mofu Mofu! And down went Precious in a one hit KO! Kalawarna shakes her head, and stood up with the leash and handed it to me as if saying you walk her. So I took it.

"When I try, it is not as effective as when you do it. Please walk her a bit."

So the three of us walked around the park as the lights slowly lit up, as the sun was setting.

We just had casual chats about the city and life in general, nothing deep. As she took the leash back from me she asked.

"You have not come to the club yet, you're not embarrassed are you?"

I smile at this incredibly attractive woman and tell her.

"Not at all, but I get up at 5:00 am everyday to start my day, so drinking with my busy schedule is tough, but when this summer break comes, I will show up a couple of times a week. If you really want me to show up one day, I can make a one day exception and stop by?"

She shakes her head and says. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

"Not really, but when the summer comes, make sure and text me before you show, so no one will hassle you in there. My staff won't bother you, but some of the patrons can be a bit difficult. So lets plan that in your break."

I wave to the two and I say goodbye.

I know I should not talk to her because she is a Fallen Angel, but she really reminds me of one of my memorable wives in the Gaia world, sigh.

Sona, Tsubaki, Momo, Yura, and Kalawarna...