Chapter 30 Lord and Lady Sitri

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We had driven with our security escort all the way to the Sitri mansion, taking about a half an hour. We drove through many beautiful streams and fields with lush vegetation, both crop and natural.

Our convoy passes a security checkpoint at a very long and beautiful wall with red and old bricks, but one can tell it's a very strong wall, just made to look antique.

Driving into the estate I was surprised to see the four-story mansion was like the Gremory home in the anime, but the house had royal-blue and white for its colors.

A massive water fountain with many forms of marine life are depicted, and all are shooting water around in an artistic style to show the family is clearly of the water type, like the Phenex are proud of flames.

Our limo stopped and two servants came to open the doors for us and Sona did not let my hand go as she pulled me out. Cute. She really cares about their first impression of me it seems.

Two people I can clearly tell are her mother and father are standing there with smiles that show they keep their composure.

Her father, known as Lord Sitri, is almost 6 feet tall with a respectable build and a modern human look with shorter hair than most Devil noblemen. He wears glasses and looks like a handsome 30 something doctor with violet-eyes and black-hair.

Sona's mother, well known as Lady Sitri, looks to be in her early 20's with shoulder-length black-hair and pink-eyes. Just imagine a taller Serafall.

"Father and mother, I have returned. This is Motohama Ryu, the man I choose to marry."

Sona, her parents and everyone else was speechless, as I pulled out my noble etiquette learned from my Gaia life and greeted them.

"Lord and Lady Sitri, I greet you humbly. I am this generation's Red Dragon Emperor, Motohama Ryu, the man who met your daughters challenge. I hope joining the family will be allowed."

Sona and her parents looked at my slight bow of the head and the Devil's etiquette I learned.

Lord Sitri, a veteran dealing with unexpected situations, warmly smiled and told me.

"Sona wants you as her husband, so drop the Lord, and just call me father, welcome to the family, Motohama."

Funnily we both pushed our glasses up at the same time and realized he and I share some similarity in general looks. Did Sona like my appearance due to her fathers looks?

Then her mother took the hand Sona was holding and said to us both.

"I was very worried my Sona wouldn't find a decent man with her requirements so high, but it seems I was wrong and one young man could do it. Motohama, please call me mother, now let us go inside, we have much to speak about."

Then Sona's dad saw me look around in fear of an attack and inquired.

"Son, what is wrong, is there a problem?"

Sona and her mother look also, and I say with a nervous smile.

"Your other daughter, the Devil King Leviathan, would not be here would-she, ha-ha?"

Lord and Lady Sitri see my nervous look and don't blame me for being alert, but her mother said to me.

"Motohama dear, don't worry, she will only show at the party I sent her to fetch some things in the human world to keep her busy. don't worry she wont kill you or anything. She really is a good girl."

"Yeah if she gets mad, not even Juggernaut Drive could save me!"

Sona's parents found it amusing how I went from proper and polite with great marks for performance to a frightened joking rabbit, due to their older daughter. This is a clear sign of someone with high potential like with the Devil Kings. They are all serious with a clowning side to them, very excitable.

Our Peerage and her parents all go to the formal greeting-room for tea, a devil custom for meeting new peerage-members and fiance prospects, as well as VIPs.

All of our bags are taken to our rooms for us and will be unpacked. Sona and our rooms will be on the third-floor.

The nine of us sit and the maids pour us tea. Sona and I are side by side, and the others sit on a side couch while Lord and Lady Sitri are across from me and Sona.

Lord Sitri starts with some light questions.

"Sona tells me you have a strong affinity with ice magic, and it's stronger than your water like Serafall?"

"Yes, it is either dumb-luck, or the fact I have a lot of knowledge of ice in-general. I do understand water, but my knowledge of ice and its uses is extensive due to my experiences and studies."

"Yeah, Sona told us you just froze half of her office in a glacier on a whim by instinct. That was impressive for just reincarnating."

"Well I have it under control now and I can better channel it to my will."

Sona's mother then asked me.

"I was told, you refused to become a Devil for anyone else including Rias Gremory. What made you choose Sona?"

"She is the only Devil I trust to marry. Plus she is the only one that based her decision on brains and not pedigree. This is both good and bad, but it made me try really hard to be worthy of her."

"We do trust our daughter and the games are recorded, but may I play one game with you Motohama? I won't stop the wedding, but if others protest, I want to see your chess skill first hand."

"Mother, this was not the agreement!"

I pat Sona's hand and say to her mother and her at the same time.

"Sona dear, this and that are two different things. Your mother said this does not affect our wedding, but this is your mother's duty to make sure you are protected from ridicule from other Devil Houses with loser sons that did not make the cut. Right Mother?"

Lady Sitri put on a genuine smile at my big picture thinking and nodded. Then a maid set up a chess game on the table for us.

"Mother, I insist you take white, the first move advantage, lets begin..."

I can tell her mother is good, but not as good as Sona.

And 23 minutes later... If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

"How? When? I don't see how you predicted that stratagem?"

"I tricked you into Castling, and that locked your King down. If your King would have stayed put, the game would take another 8 moves till its end."

"Will you win?"

"Most likely. I do make mistakes though, so it would not be certain, but I was waiting for that plan as well, I just would have lost my Queen to do it."

Her mother nodded to her father and he smiled.

"Good, you have our full support son, if anyone makes things hard for you two then we will back you."

"Thank you father and mother, I will keep Sona safe."

I see him and ask a question.

"Father, is Devils Sleeping Disease an issue with the body or mind?"

No one expected this question from me and he pushed up his glasses and answered my odd question.

"Our current magic or technology is unable to find the cause or cure to this illness. Even with tests and blood samples and DNA, it has eluded us. So my personal view is it must have something to do with the mind, to cause comatose sleep. This is definitely an odd question, son?"

Sona looks at me strangely due to the fact I should not know about it, unless, that's right, these visions during awakening. Then she noticed my look to her father and she blurted.

"Dear, my father?"

I am surprised she caught that, damn smart wives are scary.

"I would say 90% sure, but my Sacred Gear might have a 20% chance of curing it, if it's not the actual body but mental."

"Sona and Motohama, what are you two talking about?"

So Sona does not freak her family out I say.

"I would like to see any patients in one of the Sitri hospitals to see if I can wake them. Someone I know might have Sleep Sickness and I want to help them. it does not have to be immediately but sooner the better. And don't let anyone know I am trying, the politics would bring enemies to our doors if it is discovered it works."

Sona took my hand and said to me.

"Maids please leave the room and give us privacy. Dear I won't hide this from my family, okay?"

The maids had left and I nodded and closed my eyes to let her tell them. She and I have never spoken about my dream, but Sona has implied she gets it without me saying it. And I don't openly blab everything in fear of really drawing excess attention, well more than I have.

"Mother and Father, it's hard to believe, but when Motohama awakened his Sacred Gear, he almost died. During his awakening he learned many things, including some possible outcomes. And based on his questions, father is most likely going to be affected by the illness in the future and Motohama wants to see if he can awaken someone who has fallen asleep."

When Sona looked at me and I did not open my eyes, she knew she got it right, in her heart this news really sucks, but even the slimmest of chances is more than the Underworld can do.

Lord Sitri thought about what he just heard and he closed his eyes to think. After some silence he asks me.

"You pursued my daughter do to knowing of her in your visions, correct?"


"What is the number one reason you want to marry Sona?"

"Because I have fallen in love with her."

"Second reason?"

"The only way to become a Devil and protect my partner Ddraig's dignity as a proud Dragon and not be a servant or slave and break our Power of Domination."

"Your reason to help me cure a sickness I may not have?"

"Sona would cry."

Lord Sitri smiled at that odd reason to expose myself but he knows a bit about Dragons.

[I am Ddraig the Welsh Dragon. I too witnessed your future, so do not look down on his intentions, that is all I shall say...]

Sona's parents hearing Ddraig's voice looked surprised to hear the Legendary Heavenly Dragon. Then they looked at one another and smiled.

Her mother then asked me a strange question.

"In your vision, had our daughter married another?"

Well that's a trick, she did marry Matsuda in the Dream but not in the Light-Novel, so I will give her the canon answer.

"No one could beat her."

Sona, realizing she would have never married without me trying, looked very taken-aback. Her mother smiled and said to Sona.

"See, if Motohama here did not save you, that stupid agreement would have ended our house, you guys don't listen to me. Good job working hard son."

Somehow I scored brownie points with her mother by beating her daughter in chess, I am so confused. Then her dad asks me.

"How long do I have for us to do testing?"

"At least a year and a half I think till the initial signs. Sona took over for you."

"Even if your possible cure doesn't work, this gives me time to make plans in advance. I will secretly take you this evening to test. If the test fails, then I will make other plans, so let's not panic"

All of us nod and I am glad to see her parents are calm, well mostly. Then Lady Sitri asks me.

"So is this why you're so afraid of Serafall, Ufufu?"

I look around to make sure she is not behind me and they laugh, then I say.

"Anything to do with Sona is life or death!"

"Were you supernatural or a Devil in your vision?"

I shake my head and tell them the sad truth.

"No, I was a sad worthless human. But I worked hard to be stronger. And Ddraig is with me."

Sona thought I was not willing to talk about my dream and lied about being a worthless human, because my skills are not what a worthless human can have, but she does not point this out.

Sona is the best!

We end our tea time and go to our rooms to unwind, and I get ready for my job with father tonight.

I want to pray that it works so I can save Sona's father and no one else, just him. So I thank the only God like being I know...

"Pal, I hope your power can pull this off for me! If it cant I understand, but if my request helps then a little help would be nice."

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