Chapter 31 I Won't Save Everyone!

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After our family meeting we all came to our rooms to freshen up and bathe.

     After I put on a new school uniform and had a drink of normal alcohol, I heard a knock at my door. Knock Knock!

     "I thought it was alright for me to let myself in?"

     Sona indeed came in after knocking but I don't mind, even if I am having sex, because Devil hearing can catch it.

     "What is up dear? And you're basically my wife, so you can always come in, just be prepared to witness, well anything."

     Sona then sat next to me on my couch and took my left-hand not holding a drink. She looked at the back of my hand where Ddraig lights-up when talking and then said.

     "You felt sorry for me when we met the time when you got ready for school right?"

     "Sona, I don't like you out of pity, dear."

     Sona shakes her head then says.

     "No, what I am telling you, thank you for not holding this against me to force me to marry you. I would have broken my chess rule to save my father. And I know you said the chances are low, but the fact you want to try touches me."

     I intertwine my fingers with her hand.

     "My dreams were not good. A lot of people suffer, but I won't save everyone!"

     Her hand landed on my right-cheek, and she smiled lightly.

     "Dear, a hero that tries to save everyone,usually loses everything. So just do what you can and let the rest save themselves. Just be by my side when I need you."

     "You're beautiful when you support me."

     Sona turned red, then pointed to the wine I was drinking and said.

     "That is only the alcohol talking."

     "Then I will drink forever."

     She closed her eyes, leaned in and gave me a small and fast kiss on my lips.

     "Thank you. Sorry, I am new to intimacy, soplease give me time."

     I squeeze her hand gently and assure her.

     "This is good too."

     Sona nodded and then said. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "Father is bringing you and me with him at midnight, so we have 20 minutes till we have to go."

     I put the drink down then reached over and pulled Sona into my side and held her.

     "Then let me hold my world in my arms for just a while, and let me clear my mind."

     After hearing my words and knowing we are alone, she leans into my arm around her shoulder and puts her head on my shoulder. She closed her eyes and listened to my beating heart.

     Almost 20 minutes later I said to Sona who started to sleep.

     "Dear, does this count as sleeping together, ha-ha, no seriously, it's time."

     The two of us in our school uniforms make our way down holding hands. Then she said to me.

     "I almost felt like we were married back there."

     "Dear Sona, that is what marriage is, supporting one another, so yes it was. Just like now. When one of us is in need or trouble, we are a team and not alone, that's marriage in my book."

     The two of us made it outside where there is an outdoor summon-circle for coming and going visitors.

     Lord Sitri, seeing us hold hands, smiles at his daughter. He then said to us.

     "Right on time as usual, Sona, now let's go you two, I have already made a solitary location for us to do our experiment, and a patient no one will notice if they wake."

     The three of us stand on the now glowing circle and it lights up with the Sitri family crest, and light covers our vision for a moment then we find ourselves in an abandoned floor in a lab or hospital.

     "We are in one of our local hospitals forkeeping patients in long term care. I had the floor emptied earlier from all but one patient. We said we are renovating the floor for privacy, come with me son."

     Soon we walk into a lightly lit room with a single bed and monitors, life support, and the sense of loneliness. Imagining Lord Sitri like this man here, really seems sad. How sad must the Sona from the light-novel have been?

     Some things I had been doing in the past, have prepared me for attempting this crazy idea I have.

     A couple of weeks ago, I had tried using my Hypnosis App on my Boosted Gear on Ddraig's Gem, and it worked, so I had Ddraig bring out some of his forgotten abilities into the Boosted Gear. I did not unseal his Ultimate attack because I am too weak to use it, but I opened the most powerful ability I like... [Penetrate] the power with X-ray vision, he-he!

     So on top of my training in the three forms of [Illegal Move] I have unlocked all of the following...

     [Boost] Doubles the wielder's power every 10 seconds. (2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x, 64x, etc...)

     [Transfer] Transfers increased power to other people or items. 75% if given to two people. (2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x, 64x, etc...) 

     [Scale Mail] Covers the user in red armor that embodies the power of the Red Dragon Emperor and allows the user to [Boost] without delay!

     [Penetrate] Penetrates through all defensive abilities. Can be applied to sight (see past objects, clothing cough) and bypasses the Sacred Gear Canceler ability.

     Seeing the last ability is amazing! It can be used with objects including the phone with my Hypnosis App, that I integrated on the Scale Mail.

     I will use Penetrate and see if it will work. If it does not, I will try Boosting it with transfer, and if that doesn't work, I will use Transfer on the patient then try, so I have three possible methods.

     "Sona and father can you stand further away over there. I will begin now. I have three methods I will test."

     [Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker]

     Sona and Lord Sitri hear the announcement of my armor and watch it form with amazement. Then I look at the sleeping patient and another announcement is heard.


     I then pressed the small red-gem to activate my integrated Hypnosis App, and the gem turned green to show me it was on. I see the targeting and red and green light in my vision with the helmet on like Iron Man's heads-up-display, and I see its on (he missed it turned red at that moment), so I command.


     My heart fell when I saw the patient did not respond, and when I looked, I had not noticed the button that should have been green was in fact still red, meaning my app won't work on him!

     I am panicking a bit now, because if Penetrate did not work then Boosting the smartphone would not work, and instantly all of my hopes fell.

     I let my Scale Mail fall away but keep the Boosted Gear on. I just look at this sad looking devil and we all hear the call from my Gear as it builds.


     "Thanks for trying Pal, but I guess it's gotta be me now?"


     "My first and second method failed, so."


     "Let's see how he acts when I make him 128x stronger than normal?!"


     "If this does not work, there is a much, much, harder way to treat it, but..."


     "Sacred Gears are special, and respond to the feelings of their hosts..."


     "And the Longinus charts are bull shit! The strongest Sacred Gear is Ddraig!"


     "Ddraig lets Dominate this Devil's Sleeping Sickness!!!"


     And like a defibrillator on a heart patient, the sleeping man gasped a deep-breath of air into his lungs fighting the machine attached to him! His eyes flew open like he received an overdose of stimulants!

     I was actually surprised this idea of mine actually worked where Pal did not?! I guess it's thanks to Ddraig this time. I just had the wild idea to make the body surpass its limits and it seemed to suppress whatever put him to sleep initially.

     My idea also came from the thought it might be a Demonic Power illness, for the Devil, since it only affected Devils. So maybe their demonic-power weakened at some point and that triggered the sleep, so by making his demonic-power suddenly 128x stronger was like a kick-starter to wake up the engine of the Devil.

     Lord Sitri was inspecting the now awake Devil and Sona is hugging my back crying into it. I can feel from her hold they are tears of hope and joy. But she is too shy to let me see her moment of weakness, so I give her my back as support.

     "Douglas Render, you are lucky to have survived the beast attack! Fortunately we found you and have been treating you for the poison that entered your body. We of the Sitri hospital, are not going to charge you for your extended hospital stay, so be at peace. Just go live your life in safety,and try to avoid demonic-beasts in the future. Come and visit me every week for a month so I can follow up, good bye."

     Naturally there was more to their talk, but that was the important part.

     An hour later Lord Sitri with a grin says to me.

     "All of his medical records have been altered to the story I gave him. He had no one and was a vagrant, so he will not be missed or noticed for the Sleeping Illness. No one knows now, is this alright for you my son?"

     I smile and say to him.

     "Now my Sona won't have to cry, so I am very happy. well she already cried, ha-ha!"

     Sona's face went red, and she pinched my side lightly. Her father seeing her actions just laughed in relief, yeah he is very satisfied with me I guess.

     "Father, I will have to wait to use it on you when it happens though, I don't know if using it early will help, but I can do it if you want and just hope for the best?"

     "No, let's wait till I feel fatigued, then do it. If you do it now, it might prolong the onset time instead of curing it, now let's go home you two, so you can sleep. The party is tonight and it's going to be very busy."

     It was about 3 am Earth time when we finally came back and I walked Sona to her bedroom, while holding her hand.

     "Thank you Motohama for wanting me as your wife, I feel fortunate to have a good husband who is everything I wanted in a Devil."

     We had arrived at her door and she looked around for anyone. When she saw we were alone she got close and closed her eyes for an obvious kiss.

     Knowing she is shy, I take the initiative and take her lips gently while holding her shoulders.

     She parted her lips slightly and we exchanged a slightly more intimate but inexperienced kiss for Sona, but I helped her along. I keep it simple and light, no hard passion.

     After about one minute, she pulled back and pushed up her glasses and said.

     "I enjoyed that my dear. And thank you for your back earlier, it was warm and safe. I will rely on it in the future, goodnight my dear."

     "Sleep well, and thank you for needing me."

     Her blushing-face then vanished behind the closing door. I smile and walk over to my room, which is actually across from Sona's, nice!

     After I entered, I took off my uniform and only slept in my red-boxers, yeah I know, but I am the Red Dragon Emperor, right?

     For a moment as I was going to crawl into this massive oversized bed, I thought I entered the wrong room.

     But when I noticed the woman sleeping in my bed was Momo, I just smiled and gently climbed in. I did not wake her but spooned this adorable woman in my arms.

     "Night Momo, I love you, Zzz..."

     As I fell asleep I missed the slight smile on the woman I thought was sleeping, as she got more comfortable in my arms.

     Then Momo followed her man into the realm of dreams.

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