Chapter 50 Sona and Motohama Consummate!

After our loving union, it was time for toasts and greetings before we could leave for our first night as husband and wife. Yeah, I really got married! Well at this point in my life, I had no idea I was already a Consort, cough.

     Everyone then got up and moved to the party room across the hall, and as we led the way, some reporters down the hall took pictures and yelled some questions we ignored.

     Sona and I sat in the main seat at the banquet table with our parents to our sides, and our peerage to the other side. Momo's parents are next to my parents as well.

     Sona and I stand and hold up wine glasses to start the feast and say perfunctory greetings, and then start the meal with everyone. The band we hired is playing Devil music that's like classical in the background.

     The center of the room is wide open for guests to gather and socialize, and soon my wife and I have to personally get greeted by everyone one at a time, sigh.

     Sadly, Ravel Phenex came to my wedding as Riser's noble servant, and because she is somehow still considered a high-class Devil, we could not refuse her. Sona finds it amusing I dislike her and Ravel is oblivious to this fact.

     "Congratulations to both of you, Sona Sitri and the Red Dragon Emperor."

     "Thank you Ravel Phenex, we appreciate your greetings."

     "Red Dragon, Thanks you for coming, Riser's Bishop."

     Ravel realizing my greeting is something her brother would say made the encounter strange for Ravel, but before leaving she said some damning words.

     "Starting in April, I too shall be joining your Human Kuoh Academy, so I look forward to our encounters."

     I look to Sona and ask.

     "Can we move to Kyoto? I hear the schools there are better without the hot-air?"

     Sairaorg Bael and Kuisha Abaddon came next to greet.

     "Sona and Red Dragon, I truly am happy you found love. That can be a rare thing in our culture. Also, I am very excited for our gathering in a half a year! Thanks for inviting us."

     "Thank you for coming, it means a lot."

     "Sairaorg, you're going to be a real pain in the butt to fight, but I at least respect you for your hard work. It is a trait most Devils have lost, especially the privileged."

     He laughed, grinned, and they left us, so the next few people could bother me...

     "Dear, his mother?"

     I shake my head no to her and explain. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "As much as I respect him, he is part of your opposing faction, the same faction that destroyed your dreams. I will help him one day, but it has to wait until his family can no longer touch us."

     She nodded in understanding, then Rias and Riser both came to greet us.

     "Sona, I am happy for you my old friend. I am glad you found a good man. And Ryu, no, Motohama Sitri, please take good care of my friend."

     "Thank you Rias, and I am happy you came for me."

     "Rias Gremory, you can still call me Ryu, especially at school. And I am glad you are my wife's good friend, thank you for being here."

     "Riser greets you Sona Sitri and her husband!"

     "I thank you for your greetings."

     "Red Dragon, Thanks you for coming, Riser of the Gremory House!"

     Riser looks stiff being addressed like that. My words are in fact proper, but he felt I demoted him to trivial baby-maker status and not the lustrous House of Phenex he is so proud of.

     Rias however grew a big smile hearing Riser get told his actual place, his family shipped him off to the Gremory and he is acting like He is equal to her family.

     Riser forgets Rias is the next Duchess after her father retires, and Rias forgot she has the higher position till I pointed it out to her, then she had plans for making him miserable.

     Had I known what stupid idea I gave Rias who was in depression and despair, I would have fled and gone to the restroom or something! How did I fucking know my words would have Rias embrace a path of debauchery to spite her husband!

     I found out later that the reason Riser was not in a particularly good mood was... Rias was not a virgin when he hammered her, and when I find out who she gave her virginity to I freak out in shock!

     Yeah, when she said 'I do', she was in fact a virgin, but from 'I do'  till Riser said, 'I did', things took place in a bath-room! Riser got sloppy-seconds, ew, on his wedding day! But I didn't find this out till later in Kuoh.

     Rias really screwed him, and when a woman says she does not want to marry you, don't fucking force her, they do stupid shit!

     Seekvaira Agares also came over and made us look nerdy with all of us wearing glasses, ha-ha!

     Many others came and greeted us, but the last one was so embarrassing...

     "Oh! I am so happy with So-tan and Moto-tan! Come let me give you two a hug~♪!"

     Everyone watched us both simultaneously getting hugged by Serafall in her overly bubbly mood. This normally would not bother me, but the fact Serafall has very nice feeling breasts squishing against me is distracting! Thanks to Yura cleaning me out, I am not sporting wood or something!

     "Sister please put us down now, it's embarrassing."

     "Um, Sister Sera, can you put me down at least?"

     Sona looked at me begging for my own escape, and leaving her behind.

     What, she needs to be sacrificed, and only a virgin will do!

     However I failed to notice what I did horribly wrong! If I had seen my relationship with Pink-Lines, that she went from light-pink to normal Pink due to calling her sister, I would have slapped my own mouth!

     "I think my sister and brother will have to co-star in my next movie! He-he-he!"

     She let us go, but the glint in her eyes did not escape the both of us, so in fear we both ignored her delusions.

     "I will take auntie and uncle back to the Human world now, so... so I-I can't believe this time has finally come, sniff sniff. So-tan, will you still need your big-sister?"

     Sona, feeling the guilt trip, said to her.

     "Of course, why would you think I wouldn't?"

     "And brother, will you still need your sister?"

     Fuck what kind of question is this? Hey look, someone put a landmine right on the floor there with a sign saying [For a blast step on me!] and everyone is watching!


     Hearing the both of us, Serafall's smile grew exponentially, and she put her hand in the air and said.

     "My Magical Heart has reached maximum capacity, now I shall lead the way for you two lovebirds! I'll be back for our Movie. tee-he-he!"

     Sona and I looked at each-other in dread, and when her sister left with my parents, she seriously said to me.

     "So, when we hide, I mean move to Kyoto, we can't tell anyone!"

     We both then said goodbye to Lord and Lady Sitri and our peerage, as we left for the Villa, our two day bridal home for only us.

     They will all stay at the hotel for the two days and then we will all go back to Kuoh together for the start of the third term and Sona's election from being the Vice-President to become next year's President of the Student Council.

     Sona and I are put in a limo by the security team, due to reporters and apparently some new fans of mine for my match last week. Yeah, the Red Dragon joining the Devils is major news to all of the major factions, as Vali's actions are also watched.

     Sona with a smile she normally hides asks me.

     "Husband, so how do you feel now that we are now wed?"

     "I am not sure if I am dreaming or awake, but I really like this feeling of having my very own wife to depend on."

     She held my hand and confessed to me.

     "I was happy you and I became a couple, due to us having similarities, glasses, height, builds for our gender. And I don't feel inferior or superior to you. I only feel we are a perfect fit, do you understand my feelings about that?"

     "Basically you're saying I balance your ego and pride? Well I liked you for your cute but serious side, he-he."

     She smiles and blushes that I get it. Soon we arrived at the empty Villa.

     "Young Lady and young master, we will guard the perimeter of the home for you and give you privacy, congratulations again."

     Sona took my hand and wordlessly brought me to her room that had been decorated for our wedding night.

     Sona brought me to the bed, and silently started to undress me. As I was going to do the same to her she stopped me and said.

     "I want my first time to be while I am wearing my white-dress. I want to save this moment in time for me to look back on. This is my fantasy of my wedding night I hoped for, so take me with my wedding-dress on."

     "Sure, then I will only wear my red-tie and you can keep it as well."

     I pick up my Princess and gently lay her in the center of the bed. Then with only my tie on, I climb on top between her stocking clad legs and just look into her beautiful violet-eyes. I toss my glasses to the side-table and I gently put Sona's next to mine.

     "My wife, I am almost afraid to spoil you with my affection, but... I truly want you."

     Sona put her hands around my neck and said to me.

     "I wanted you last week, but you sadly listened to me, fufu, but I am glad you respect me. Now my husband do your duty as my husband and we can have romance later. We technically are not married till you begin..."

     "Then I will be very gentle for the first time."

     She bravely nodded and I kissed her passionately. While we kiss, I gently move aside her silk-panties and start to softly rub her slit and clit to relax her body, and get her lubricated for my penetration in a bit.

     After about two minutes, I can tell she is ready, so I gently only put the tip into her folds. I release the kiss and see her eyes are misty in anticipation. She is unsure why I only put it in a bit, but she figures it's for her to get used to it. Sona is smart after-all.

     I push in just a tiny bit and then also lower her dress top exposing her modest and cute-breasts for my exploration. Actually she and Yura are about the same size, but maybe Sona just passes her a smidge.

     I suck moderately in intensity on her right nipple making her tighten on my tip.

     She gasped in surprise at the intensity of feelings she was getting. Yes most women with smaller breasts in fact are more sensitive than huge breasted women, so Sona and Yura actually have a pleasure advantage over women like Rias and Akeno.

     When Sona calmed and held my head, I switched nipples and she gasped again due to different nerves being stimulated, but due to her feeling off-balance, I pushed my erection deeper into her depths and she said.

     "Ah! Dear, you're in! I am so happy, fufu."

     I stopped moving my hips and just stayed put for a bit, and stopped sucking her nipples to look into her eyes again.

     Fortunately as a pure-blood Devil, her body is made for lust and pleasure, so unlike a human girl she just nods to me to continue.

     Thump Thump Thump! I slowly and gently pull out and return to her womb to feel her insides and find her pleasure spots.

     In the meantime, I kiss my Sona who, like me, does not close her eyes. Both of us want to remember every single action we take on this first Consummation.

     Thump Thump Thump! After about seven minutes of my deep and gentle thrust and finding her pleasure points, she breaks the kiss and moans loudly, and wraps her legs around my waist while hugging tight.

     Thump Thump Thump! She does not say it in words, but I know an orgasm when I feel it, but I still don't rush and continue my thrust as I also near my finish.

     Sona's body went limp and she looked into my eyes with misty shyness and asked me.

     "Did you also finish dear?"

     I shake my head no, and smile at her confusion, due to her being inexperienced, but I am about to let her know what it feels like when I cum.

     Thump Thump Thump! When she was about to look disappointed in not making me finish, she could feel me stop thrusting and push in her deep, then to her surprise she felt the warm-feeling flood her belly and when she saw my smile, she too had the realization and matched my happy smile!

     [Imaginary Final Fantasy victory music here!]   

     "My beautiful wife Sona, I have completed the mission you gave me! Now it's time for romance, right?"

     With happy tears in her eyes, she only kissed me as my answer.

     The next two days were filled with a happy-honeymoon she and I would never forget for the rest of our very long lives...