Chapter 51 Sona's Surprise!

Sona and I really lived the newlywed life for the two days. Sona looked sad when I cooked for the both of us and she said that her food always looked beautiful, and she keeps practicing.

     Well after our first time, Sona as a genius figured out really fast how to pleasure the both of us, and became adept quickly in the art of lovemaking. I did not realize this hidden perk of marrying a super genius.

     The two of us sadly ended our honeymoon, and met up with the others at the Agreas Hotel, and our Sitri group left to drop off the parents.

     (A/N From now on, when Motohama talks to his real parents, they will be called Mom and Dad. When talking to In-Laws, he will call them Mother and Father.)

     The whole trip to the Sitri territory mother would not let me go with a huge smile and her pink-eyes happy I am now her son. I realized that she hid her playful side that Serafall obviously learned it from.

     Father just grinned at my silly face like he was laughing that his eldest daughter did not fall far from the apple tree!

     "Mother, don't scare Motohama! You acted properly all this time and now that he can't run, you pamper him too much!"

     "Shush you, I always wanted a son so let me spoil him a bit before you steal him away. Motohama dear, I am not bothering you right?"

     Note to self, never, and I mean never use the Hypnosis App on this woman, she scares the crap out of me!

     "No mother, I am not bothered at all. My heart is warmed to be accepted by all of you into the family, and I will be a proud Sitri."

     Lady Sitri, hearing my words, stuck her tongue out at Sona and said.

     "See Sona, you are too stiff and need to lighten up like your husband. Son, before you go we have gifts for you, Ufufu."

     Sona and her dad just roll their eyes knowing how high spirited she is. It was amazing she hid this side of her personality from Motohama this long.

     Clearly, I thought this woman was the strict-type, but now that I think of it, Serafall can act very proper and noble as well, until you make her happy that is. I guess it's the curse of pink-eyes.

     Finally when we got to the train-platform to say goodbye, Lord Sitri said to us.

     "Sona and Motohama, now take this."

     He hands both me and Sona a set of keys, and then waved over ten beautiful maids, each carrying bags and boxes and they all bow to us.

     "Sona already knows what the keys are for and these ten maids will go to the Human world with you and live in your new home. I have also sent plenty of your favorite Sitri Wine as well my son. Now don't reject this. Motohama, you have not asked for anything from us, and this gift is nothing for the next head and her husband. You are not a greedy Devil and this is nothing to us in wealth or reserves."

     I have a hunch this is a mansion-trope for sure, but Sona never did tell me what our living arrangements would be, so she probably planned this knowing Riser and Rias had a new home as well. Mother said to me.

     "Son, your parents have also been told everything, and you will all live together. This will protect your parents as well so don't worry. Just go to school and take great care of Sona. Also the ten maids here are all loyal to our house and volunteered to live with you all."

     One of the maids with a blonde-drill-ponytail waved and I recognized her as the maid from England, so I waved back. Lady Sitri said.

     "See, no big deal, they all have met you and look forward to living in Japan for a while. Now you two go, you have school soon and good luck you two. See you in about two months for your promotion test."

     After Sona got her hugs, we all boarded the train and left for the Human world. Sona and I sit in the peerage-car till we need to cross the Dimensional Gap.

     Travel time-skip montage, and I am arriving home in a limo...

     The 8 of us get out and the first thing I say is...

     "What the fuck?!"

     My wife standing next to me with a devilish smirk says.


     "Surprise my ass! You said this was Rias and Risers home they would've lived in, and it was made by a Gremory Devil?!"

     Sona slaps me with logic, while the other six women laugh at me.

     "Dear husband, if I told you the truth, it would not be a surprise now would it? I had shown you the house before to see if you liked it. It's built by a famous Devil designer, but he is not a Gremory Devil. He does work for them though, Ufufu."

     "Then where are Rias and Riser living?"

     Sona said with a grin.

     "My old mansion, fufu. Rias loved the private spa of mine, so I gifted it to her as a wedding gift, and it's big enough for both of their peerages and it's close to the School."

     I am freaking out because this is in fact the same fucking mansion Issei in the anime lived in. Why does this suck? Because every cocksucker comes here like it's their own home, sigh.

     The ten maids begin to take the bags into the home like they were already told where everything was. Sona and the girls pull me along to tour the new home of mine and Sona's.

     At the door we are greeted by my parents and a happy mastiff-familiar, named Precious.

     So the 8 of us do the tour of everything from the ground up and then down. It is set up like this...

     Six floors on the surface and three massive basements, all connected with an elevator.

     First Floor: Includes guest rooms, the living room, kitchen, a bathroom, and Japanese-styled rooms.

     Second Floor: Includes Tsubaki's, Momo's, and Yura's rooms.

     Third Floor: Includes Motohama's, Sona's, and Kalawarna's rooms, with Motohama's room being in the middle. It has two interconnecting doors on each side: one connecting to Sona's room and one connecting to Kalawarna's room.

     Fourth Floor: Includes Motohama's parents' room, a study for dads work, and a storeroom for all of their personal things.

     Fifth Floor: The ten maids of the home live on this floor.

     Sixth Floor: Party, Gather, or Leisure Room (also known as the VIP Room and Bar for Motohama).

     Rooftop: The rooftop is a communal garden decorated with flower plots and there is a small vegetable farm planted. There is also a table and chairs to drink tea at, and an outdoor BBQ grill.

     First Basement Floor: Includes a movie theater, training rooms, changing-rooms, and a large indoor bath which has a refrigerator filled with three different flavors of milk (fruit milk, regular milk, and coffee milk).

     A hidden bedroom is located here as well. Both Tomoe and Reya will live here.

     The second hidden room also contains an assortment of baths of various sizes, but are noticeably larger than the first and are decorated gorgeously with ornate patterns, tropical plants, Dragon statues pouring water into the bath, and the Sitri's symbol.

     Second Basement Floor: Includes a heated indoor swimming pool. This is used for water magic training as well.

     Third Basement Floor: A mostly vacant floor that is generally used for Incoming and Outgoing Teleportation magic-circles. It also includes a library.

     After the girls picked their rooms, and we finished the tour, Sona said to me.

     "You knew where to find those hidden rooms from your dream, right?"

     "Yes. But this house was built for others and I only visited and did not live here."

     Seeing it was a sore memory, Sona hugged me and kissed me to distract me.

     "Well it's 'our' home now while we live in Japan, so let's go get settled in, come along dear."

     When I came into the living room I saw Yura's dad, my teacher and his soon to be wife talking with Yura, and Sona and I separated of course to not expose our marriage.

     "Hello teacher, glad you could come and visit my home."

     He pointed at me in surprise and said. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "When you dropped two years of tuition like nothing and always paid for our meals out, I thought you were showing off! How in the hell did I not know you were a rich kid?!"

     I sat next to Yura and took her hand and said.

     "It did not matter. I only wanted to learn to fight and defend what I cared for, so money was not important."

     My mother rolled out a refreshment tray the maids helped her with, and she offered tea and snacks to Yura's dad and his fiancee.

     "Ah, thank you Mrs Ryu!"

     "You're very welcome, and did little Yura already ask you about moving in with us? She will have her own room if you would like to see it?"

     "Yes dad, you're getting married soon and I don't want to cramp your fresh start, so I and my friends are all moving in. All of the Student Council is moving in and we have our own private luxury rooms, come and see them."

     So Yura took the two for a tour of her new room up on the second floor. Her new room is the size of their house so they would be impressed.

     My mother smiled and said to me and Sona.

     "Thank you both for our fourth floor home, it's so beautiful and gorgeous. I cried when I first saw it."

     Sona patted her hand and sat next to her and also said.

     "In the garage there is also a new white-sedan for you and father to use. Also the maids will all help you with any task you need and will assist any way possible. They are Devils with magic, so they can do a lot of things for you."

     My mother and Sona went on with other topics as I went to see what was in the Kitchen.

          "Young master, can I make anything for you?"

     Like maid magic, Linda from London was there to assist me.

     "No Linda, I was only curious about what kind of things we had on hand."

     "Very well young master, and to let you know, I will be your primary maid while other maids will attend to the other women and guests of the home. So only call my name in-the house and I will magically get a notification of your location in the mansion and will attend to you swiftly or send my backup maid, any questions young master?"

     "No, thank you Linda, I will remember that."

    She then bows and goes off to ready supper.

     When I came back to the living room I saw teacher and his fiancee follow Yura down the stairs in a daze. No, not from her using magic, just pure shock.

     Teacher walked up to me and pinched me.

     "Ow? What was that for?"

     "I was just seeing if I was dreaming."

     "You have to pinch yourself, teacher!"

     He shakes his head and says.

     "Nope, if I was dreaming you would just be happy I pinched you, ha-ha! No seriously. Do you plan on staying with my Yura?"

     "Even if you don't like it!"

     "Nah, you've been my favorite student, and she's a woman and can make up her own mind. But now that I know you can take care of her, my main bitch with you is gone. Even if I don't like your two timing ways, you're still a good brat, so I approve, but don't forget to keep training."

     Yura hugs her dad and says to him.

     "Thank you daddy! I love him and he loves me so it's good, and I want you to also be happy with my new mother, Kim."

     Sona likes to never use magic if possible, so seeing Yura's father give permission is good. Now the entire Peerage can train, live, and do Devil work under one home.

     Tsubaki really wanted the second bedroom next to mine but being close to me was one of the deals that Kala and Sona agreed on to get her as a Knight. But Tsubaki can come to me anytime anyway so it's only a one floor issue.

     Yura's parents stayed for the fancy dinner with my family and peerage, and teacher was speechless at Kalawarna and the maids' sexyness.

     But he calmed down knowing Kelly Warner was only the school nurse and not my lover. He is not ready for that reality, he-he!

     The first floor is pretty much the Human Zone, and no supernatural is to be exposed here when humans are around. Fortunately the maids all have many years of Earth experience and wont make silly mistakes.

     After our guest left, Sona told us.

     "Tomorrow we start school again, and the Student Council will ride with Kala in the new minivan, and Dear will walk with his friends, fufu."


     Everyone laughed at me for my speechless-look of going from young master to everyday school Perverted Trio member, but this is fine too.

     "Just have fun with your pervert friend's husband, and enjoy life."

     "Fine, but Yura we run in the training area now in the morning, okay?"

     "Yup, I will wake up at 5:00 am!"

     "I am going to bed early tonight everyone!"

     After I went to shower and sleep....

     Sona, Kalawarna, Tsubaki, Yura, and Momo all put on knowing smiles...