Chapter 52 Third Term Starts!

So after I showered and crawled into bed I was awakened briefly by five super sexy women crawling into my bed in their sleepwear.

     Each of my girls gave me a kiss then lay beside me or on me. Sona on my left, Tsubaki next to her. Kala on my right, and Yura behind her. And Momo? Well she hugged my waist with her head on my belly. Sona explains.

     "Even though we have our own rooms, we wanted to sleep with you for the first night. So just sleep dear and good night."

     "Thanks ladies, and good night."

     I pulled Kala and Sona into my arms and then fell asleep in the smell of sexy women.

     That night I had a pleasant dream of Sakura. The two of us were back in her home and making love again. She was very playful and beautiful. At the end of my dream she said that she wanted a baby. I smiled at her and felt warm in my heart. Then she started to pleasure me with her mouth and it was amazing...

     My eyes opened in pleasure, as I noticed I was being hugged by Sona and Kala still but when I looked down at the source of my comfort, I saw Momo staring at me with her blue-green-eyes while sucking my morning-erection with quiet skill.

     When I smile at her antics that she does regularly, she only winks and then I just enjoy her amazing work.

     Soon I gave her a nod letting her know I was finishing, and she then put everything in her throat, and sucked up every last bit to not make a mess.

     Momo wins, she claims the first nut in the new house! Now I know why she slept there.

     I then gently got out of bed and kissed Momo's forehead as she fell instantly back to sleep, and I quietly pulled Yura along for our work out.

     About an hour later, while Yura and I shower in the training area, she tells me.

     "Having this basement training area is so nice, right Motohama?"

     "Yeah, I like not having to run around the neighborhood anymore."

     Then the voice of the other Knight Tomoe said to us.

     "He-he, I am glad you found me that cool room on this floor so I don't even have to leave for training."

     Yes, even though Tomoe and Reya are not my lovers, they don't care about being naked around me for things like showers due to training being almost personal. Plus being naked around me also helps with their shyness of men. They already know I wont take them as lovers and we are just like family.

     "Morning guys."

     Reya the Bishop, comes in half asleep and drops on a shower stool and starts her cleanup for the day. Yura asked Reya.

     "So it looks like you chose the Sloth morning? Only 3 of us trained today?"

     Reya gave Yura the stink eye.

     "Sona will have us train tonight, and we had a long trip, so like the other smarter girls, I slept in a bit. You're a training freak."

     Then the three of us training freaks got evil, and blasted the sleepy Reya with super cold water magic, he-he!

     After we were done clowning around everyone met up for the family breakfast. My dad and mom sat at one end of the table while I sat at the other.

     Finished with eating, I had summoned Blue and fed him a delicious meal of meat a baby Dragon would love.

     I had to explain to my dad not to touch Blue because he hates all other males and my dad nodded in understanding. Well Blue said he would not hurt my dad, but it still is good for my dad to be cautious. I don't want him eating some blue-lightning.

     But my mom on the other-hand fell in love with Blue and held him, he too seemed to like my mom.

     Kala and the other girls stood, and Sona told me with a smile.

     "Don't worry dear, you need time alone with your friends and the walk to school is good for you. Love you husband."

     "Moto, don't forget lunch with me as usual, Ufufu."

     "Sweetheart, if you get a paper-cut come to me, mwah."

     I gave hugs and kisses to my girls and especially the shy Tsubaki who could come up with nothing to do with being embarrassed.

     After a while I was leaving and Linda came to me to see me off, and she handed me an old hip-flask with a smile and told me.

     "Here is a pick me up if you're feeling down, don't tell Sona I gave you this, Ufufu, it's a bit of Gremory Whisky for your day."

     "You're the best Linda, see you tonight!"

     "Goodbye young master!"

     As I left the mansion, I smiled due to my first day at my new home being amazing. Having a caring maid see you off and hand a high schooler a flask of whisky is just strange but cool! Well we are both Devils after-all.

     My new home was only two blocks from my old home so my walking route is still the same, and I will meet the boys and cross the Issei bridge by Matsuda's dad's shop.

     I see Matsuda and Issei waiting for me and I wave to them.

     "Sup brothers, how was your New Years?"

     "My parents made me go to meet my Grandmother near Tokyo, so I was picking up honeys there, cough."

     Issei with a smirk said to him.

     "So your grandma introduced you to her friends in the old-folks home, ha-ha!"

     Slap! Matsuda smacked Issei's head in anger and yelled. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "Bastard! What kind of crap you spouting there punk! No it was their granddaughters! I got numbers and now I aint sharing!"

     Issei remembered something and pulled out the Gremory flyer I gave him for Christmas and asked.

     "Motohama, what's up with this brother, I don't get it?"

     "Don't lose that, that's actually a wish granting demon talisman! I used it to make me popular with the ladies. Trust me when I say that if you use that at night, you can even summon Rias Gremory into your room!"

     Issei and Matsuda skeptically look at the obviously intricate flyer and doubtfully say to me.

     "I don't believe you!"


     "No seriously, I can prove it to you guys at school! I made a wish to be able to kiss my house guest, Kelly Warner! Now I am able to kiss her anytime and she does not resist me!"

     "No fucking way Brosiff! If you kiss her and she does not resist, I will believe anything you say!"

     "So how do the wishes work, anything you want? How many?"

     So on our way to school and to the nurses office I explain the payment system of wishes, of it being equal, the more you pay the better your wishes can be. I purposefully kept telling Issei to think of Rias Gremory as his lust target, he-he!

     "Hey Issei if it works I will come over to see this in action, fuck I hope its real now!"

     After nodding to the Student Council, and them seeing my creepy-smile they knew I was up to no good. Sona just sighs at this side of me.

     [Motohama: Kala, I am playing a prank on my friends and I told them I cast a magic spell on you that lets me kiss you whenever I want, so just roll with me in a minute okay?]

     [Kala: But I am under your spell! LOL, sure I get a free kiss in school so let's do it, I am in my clinic just coming in.]

     [Motohama: I love you so much! You're the best Kala dear.]

     [Kala: I am a Devil now, so I don't work for free, tonight you're in my room!]

     So I led my two friends to Kala's clinic and I told them.

     "Just stay at the door and watch and don't say anything or it might ruin the magic. So watch as I prove those flyers are legit!"

     So I enter and then Kala looks at my face as I wink at her and she smiles. I gently lift her chin and deeply kiss her. I then stroll out to my two statue friends, as I close the door.

     "See, I paid a lot for that wish, so it's true, and now I can kiss her whenever I want for a time."

     "Issei, I am spending the night with you and we are using that fudging flyer bro!"

     "Motohama, if I think about Rias Gremory, can I do anything I want with her?!"

     "I don't know if you can do anything, but she might let you touch a little, remember they are not prostitutes guys, they do charge but they don't go all the way, otherwise I would do more than kiss our school nurse, right?"

     Issei and Matsuda ran off to class to make the day pass faster, and then the nurse door opened and I was pulled in like a horror movie!

     Kala decided to write me a note to my homeroom teacher that I helped her reorganize some supplies in her clinic, cough. I was the first patient of the day, and don't sleep on that bed!

     Remember when I said I was shocked about Rias and Riser?!

     Well getting to inject my school nurse with my love-vaccine, I was in a really good mood, and then I saw something I or anyone else should have ever seen, and my good mood fled!

     From an empty storeroom I had just passed, I heard and saw two people come out and straighten their clothing, and like me they too lost their sexual high and looked stunned!

     Rias and Saji looked at me in shock as I too looked at them, yes those two most definitely fucked just now! Rias coughed and said.

     "Cough, Saji, go to class while I talk to my friend Motohama for a moment, now go."

     "Yes, President!"

     Saji really wanted to stay but he knows better to fuck things up here, so he left for class late like me.

     "Motohama, please let me explain something Sona may have not told you about Devils, come with me."

     I followed Rias to the stairwell where we could quietly talk and not easily be seen. She cast some noise canceling magic then spoke to me.

     "Motohama, You are not a real fan of my husband and I can tell you like him as much as me, right?"

     "I will go with, not a real fan, so go on?"

     "For noble Devils, it is not considered cheating if it's with your servants, or peerage to be more exact. So me being with Saji or even Kiba would not break any rules. The only thing that I would get in trouble for is not having Riser's children, get it?"

     "Servants are considered more like dildos then?"

     Rias smiles at me and corrects me.

     "I don't see Saji like that, but in the most trashy sense, yes the nobility would see it like that. Nobles vent their lust on their servants all the time, especially Riser. So why can Riser do it and not me? I realized when my family made me marry him, I was a tool, so why give Riser my most important thing?! So before Riser claimed me, I gave my first time to Saji, and let Riser have me after, sigh."

     "I understand, but why tell me all of this?"

     She sadly smiles at me and explains.

     "You're my best friend's husband, so I don't want you to hate me for my choices, we will need to be around one another for a long time, and I want to be friends. Just know I love Sona, and I don't want you to hate me for trying to recruit you before or think bad of me for this. So please overlook this shame of mine."

     I know Rias is not a bad woman, and she is going through a bunch of bullshit whoring herself to Riser, so I hold up my note and joke.

     "Well then we are in the same boat! While you were skipping with Saji, I was skipping with the school nurse, he-he, so I cant judge you right? Dont worry Rias, I don't blame you for your crappy situation and sorry I could not help you out, but I just love Sona too much."

     Rias took down the magic and started walking up to the 2nd year's floor, and said to me.

     "Thanks for understanding, Ryu! I have to get to class and so do you. Just ask if you ever need anything, for supporting me at this time! Goodbye Red Dragon Emperor!"

     How can I blame her when she is suffering due to my own selfish choices, but I don't regret them. I did not lie, I love Sona.

     "Ah, Fuck, I am late, gotta go fast!"