Chapter 53 Third Term Ends!

Well things have gotten into a calm for me and my family. It's been just shy of three months and we are on our last day of school for our Spring Break.

     In two weeks after the break, it will be the beginning of April and the start of my second-year. So let me tell you what has happened to me and the important figures around me.

     Sona, my first and only official wife...

     As predicted and with an overwhelming vote, my wife became the Kuoh Academy Student Council President. Sona has really put her all into taking over for the soon to be graduating Soto. Naturally she is pulling strings to get me into next year's Student Council because who sober would vote in a Perverted Trio member?!

     Sona blamed our drop in Devil contracts on Riser's peerage taking a fair share of Kuoh citizens, and the higher-ups bought her bullshit. Sona has had us training like mad due to the results our Peerage has shown her privately, and will implement this in her future Rating Game School.

     On a personal side, Sona and I have truly gotten close and we only depend on each-other more as time passes. She even made me edible chocolates on Valentine's day, and she cried for a while when I told her it was pretty good. Didn't tell her I had the runs for a day though.

     Sona had implemented a harem schedule for my sleeping arrangements, and it goes as follows. Momo on Mondays, Tsubaki on Tuesdays, Kalawarna on Wednesdays, Yura on Thursdays, and Sona on Fridays.

     The weekends are left for me to either sleep alone, make up for one of my five missed nights due to unforeseen events, or simply bring anyone I want into my bed. So Monday-Friday I stay in their bedroom or mine with them. So far this seems to keep the ladies satisfied, but they do get sneaky during the days however.

     I would currently evaluate Sona's power-level to be around High-class-high.

     Momo, my first girlfriend and woman to move my heart...

     She is truly the perfect girlfriend! She is attentive, cooks the best of all my women, is adorable, and goes out of her way to make me happy. Out of my lovers, she has become the giving-type of woman that never tries to be pleased, but instead only wants to see my smile.

     Momo however does have a jealous side she tries not to let me see. Any woman that is not a Pink-Line with me, gets told bluntly to 'Scram', 'Beat it Homewrecker', or 'Fuck Off Whore'!

     Yes, I have personally heard all of those terms thrown-out, when she thinks I am not around. Am I the weird one to think that's hot?!

     The only women she ignores are my regular-clients like Murayama, Katase, and Aika. Also she gives the blushing Abe Kiyome a pass due to being human and in an arranged marriage, plus she is my mailbox to Kyoto.

     Momo's power-level is probably about Mid-class-middle if I have to estimate.

     (Abe Kiyome AKA Mailbox and rescued girl.)

     Yura, my martial-sister and second girlfriend...

     She has finally calmed down sexually once she got it out of her system and is not as aggressive in our lovemaking, but she still likes me to be firm with her. Yura no longer gets self conscious about her looks, due to the fact Sona is my wife.

     She realizes I don't look only at breasts, so she entices me with boldness instead. She is currently experimenting with things like sex on the rooftop and places we can get caught in school. Hot!

     Yura would probably be counted in her power-level as High-class-middle for her Rook traits.

     Why are we so strong? Because I have been pushing my group everyday to be-ready for the things to come. Plus with continuous uses of Transfer ability, they can more easily feel their next levels of strength and aim for it.

     Tsubaki, my third official girlfriend, and my pure love.

     Tsubaki and I have not yet crossed the final barrier of love making, why? Because I am waiting till after we can't hold back anymore. She and I want it to be full of spontaneous passion and not planned like everything else she does in her life. I too want us to be spontaneous.

     Don't think we are not getting freaky though! Tsubaki is a strong supporter of the number 69! She and I just do everything but cross the final line. I learned the real reason why she wants to wait a bit using my App, is in hopes that Sona would get pregnant before herself. But she will only wait till the next school year.

     Tsubaki and I have gone to the University campus a few times during lunch on days Momo was busy, and she liked the school there. She had also admitted to liking me due to being younger than herself. I actually forgot about this part of the canon Tsubaki. She is not a Shota-con like Tomeoe, but she likes boys a year or so younger than her. Fuck I am perfect!

     Tsubaki with her Queen piece is also reaching the power-level of a High-class-high.

     Kalawarna the Fallen Angel who gave her everything for me...

     Hands down, our sex life is the most fulfilling, and I cannot get enough of her mature charms. Kala's yellow-eyes just suck me into her embrace.

   Kalawarna's Knight skills have just gone beyond our expectations. Her speed is terrifying, and she has started to duel-wield her light-lances and can accurately throw them and make them shatter mid-flight into a spray of light-needles, strong enough to drop any Devil weaker than High-class with a single attack.

    We have jokingly named her, The Yellow-Flash, because when she is moving at Godspeeds, you can only see her yellow-flashes!

     Kalawarna's power-level is a solid High-class-mid, almost High-class-high.

     What about my Youkai Fox Wife...

     Sakura told me she would visit me soon. Her boss Princess Yasaka is 8 months pregnant and after she gives birth, the security around her will lessen a bit due to her not being under house arrest for her pregnancy.

     Sakura told me she will be given a 3 day vacation when her boss is safe. So she told me to expect her in May.

     I told Sakura that I will drop everything then and only spend time with her, and I will introduce her to my family and parents. She has also been having me send presents to the three of them for a while now, due to the fact my gifts are making the Kitsune royalty very happy, well whatever...

     I sent Sakura an album with many pictures of everything at my home, my parents, and peerage. I have explained everything honestly with her so she wont feel I don't care about her feelings.

     The odd thing she told me about was when Yasaka met Serafall again, the two grew even closer. Sakura told me that Serafall broke out my baby book to the Princesses, and they all had a great time at my expense?! Why the fuck is she showing Yasaka my pictures!

     Sakura also introduced herself to Serafall to explain our relationship, and Serafall supported me and Sakura apparently. Well this one can be explained due to the Pink-Lines.

     Tomoe has been like a female-me and causes trouble in school due to her hyperactivity and she is like a fun sister. She keeps telling me about all the cute new 1st year boys she is excited to meet when she is a second year, sigh. Shota-con remember, ha-ha!

     Tomoe's power-level is far behind Kala but she is currently stronger than Kiba at this point, so she is at Mid-class-middle strength. Remember Kiba has a Sacred Gear, so to be passed by her is a shame.

     Reya is our spy-master with her security-magic, so her being the weakest in our peerage is acceptable. Even her weak Mid-class-low strength is very good at this stage in the time-line. She is kinda just there in the background though. I wish I had room in my heart for her, but I just don't love her or have an attraction that makes me want to put babies in her belly. But as a friend she is terrific.

     My parents have finally gotten used to life in a mansion with the ten wonderful and kind maids help.

     Linda my personal-maid, has become like a doting older-sister, giving me advice and sending me away and receiving me everyday when Tsubaki or Momo is not doing it. Yeah, if I was in a horn-dog collecting them all mode, she would have been in my bed for sure.

     Precious has also taken well to becoming a familiar for Kalawarna, and regularly is still giving me winks while I fill up her master. Her aging has slowed down thanks to her bond with Kala, and now she will keep her best age so long as she is not killed. Kala has learned to ignore her insubordinate dog.

     Blue has gotten just a tad-bigger and now is the full size of his anime self when he was found by Asia and the ORC members. I have used him to hang out with Issei and Matsuda when they go to the arcade and such, and Blue loves it.

     What about my best-friends Matsuda and Issei?

     Apparently they actually summoned the naughty red-head herself! Both of the boys refuse to tell me what wish they asked for and what was granted, but somehow, due to knowing them for so fucking long, it was lewd in nature.

     Yes they are now simp-fans for Rias Gremory, and smile at her with dopey-faces whenever she walks by with her grin at the two perverts. No, they always looked at her like that, but I have this gut-feeling that she really granted them some perverted wishes. But it's none of my business, right?

     Well our peeping seems to not be as bad as in the anime, due to the fact Issei and Matsuda are only half as lustful as before, so whatever Rias granted them took the edge off their perverseness. Sad really because I love the three of us getting beat up.

     Actually I was surprised when I would get texts from Katase and Murayama on a good time to catch them in the act?! Damn what pervert girls.

     They have tried to make our business relationship more, but I always politely deflect them. Yeah, my harem needs to stay as is. I already have the best lovers. If it was a one night thing with the two or three girls, it might be one thing, but I would feel guilty and take them in like a real idiot.

     So yeah, the three girls Katase, Aika, and Murayama have been my class regulars for contracts, and throw money my way for anything they can, mainly ken-do practice, school work, or chasing off perverts, that include Issei and Matsuda.

     Aika had an interest in magic so I got her a beginners book most magicians learn from, something amateurs can safely practice, plus a fun witch-outfit for her uniform, cough, she is a pervert.

     Saji and apparently Kiba look to be walking around more like real men now, and not stuck up jack-wagons. It's safe to say Rias brought Kiba into her rotation?!

     Saji even gives me respectful nods now, for not blowing his fun times, whatever.

     I did meet Riser and his peerage one time at their new home, when Sona made me visit. From what I could gather without using my App, Riser does not seem to know he got green-hatted, only that Rias was not a virgin on their first night.

     I did still notice him molesting Rias like a blowup doll, so he is unaware of Rias and her peerage boys, it seems? But when I looked at Rias being fondled in front of me and Sona, she gave me a grin of she likes green-hatting the prick! Wow, just wow, Riser your a fucking idiot.

     Ravel, and a few other peerage members I forgot and don't care about, will be attending next school-year and Ravel will be in the same class as Koneko. Glad I am a second year, phew!

     Akeno? Man she really tries to tempt me and my horny dick wants her so badly, but I don't want to get involved with the Gremory in any way, more than just through my wife Sona. If you think about it, hit it and quit it?! Then no, if I got her pregnant just from one injection, how would it make Sona look? No, I won't disrespect Sona like that.

     I already had to give up on my Yasaka dream, so not being with Akeno or Kuroka is just the hard facts I must accept.

     School was just let out today, and I am coming to the Student Council room that Sona now has full control over, and our Devil work will officially happen here from now on. Only our peerage can be in the student-council from now on to protect our secrets. And this is why I can get brought in with no fuss.

     The official reason for me being in the Student Council is they need at least one male in it for avoiding sexism claims, plus it is well known I am Momo's boyfriend, so it looks right.

     Knock Knock! I hear the voice of Tsubaki who is now officially the new Vice-President.

     "Come in Motohama, we are almost ready to go."

     When I come in, I see my five lovers packing their bags with mine with theirs. They are following me to the Underworld for my Noble Middle Class Promotion Test. This is how my two weeks are mostly being spent, sigh. Sona smiles at me and says.

     "I gave Reya and Tomoe vacation to go visit their families during this time, but the five of us will follow you dear. So we are ready to go, and be back in one week. I need to be here to hand out the materials and uniforms to the new students, and you can help us, Ufufu."

     "Is it too late for me to rejoin the Music Club?"

     "And every-other club smart-ass, now let's go, Linda has our limo waiting."

     "Yes dear!" If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     Kala, Tsubaki, Momo, and Yura never get tired of seeing Sona get flustered when I start my 'Yes dear' crap, he-he!

     Then we left for my exam, which is a joke, and got ready for the new school year with a destroyed Canon!

     The only thing I might be able to be assured will come, is maybe Cock-and-Balls Fallen Angel, Kokabiel!