Chapter 54 Stupid Middle Class Promotion Test!

Seekvaira Agares is the next head of her family, of the Arch-Duke, and we are in their territory of the Agares House for the promotion test.

     There are a few different sites for the test, but it depends on the time of the year. For this test this is the location. This was also the same place Issei, Kiba, and Akeno took their Middle Class Tests in the light-novel.

     We are currently eating breakfast in the bustling hotel restaurant next to the testing arena. Sona asks me.

     "Dear, all Pawns may be promoted in the practical part of the test, so do you want it?"

     I finish chewing the strawberry-pancakes in my mouth and tell her.

     "No, because most of the test applicants will all be low-class in strengths, and I am not here to show everything, right? Plus I have Illegal Move if it gets sticky."

     Yes, when Issei did his test he used his Scale Mail Boosted a lot and almost killed the poor Devil he was fighting, and blew a hole in the stadium's walls.

     "Well, I give you permission to promote anyway just in case, don't let your pride blind you dear. Just leave your options open. Promote to a Knight at the very least."

     Momo cutely shoves a piece of her omelet into my mouth, and it's a meat-lovers style. So I nod to her.

     Kalawarna says to me. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "After I became Sona's Knight, I received a formal letter from the Government telling me, even if I one day become High Class nobility, I cannot have a peerage due to my former affiliation as a Fallen Angel. Well I would not make one even if they let me anyway."

     Tsubaki also tells us.

     "Same here, I too would pass on that."

     Sona, hearing the loss of possible strength to the House, tells Tsubaki.

     "No, all of you that can get Evil Pieces should. Getting your own peerage does not mean you will not be part of one team, just it lets you recruit good talents for the Sitri House. Even your husband will get your Evil Pieces due to the fact, I may take over my House even if my Father is fine. If I do this, I want you to take my peerage as yours to continue our Rating Game legacy."

     Tsubaki in disbelief asks Sona.

     "What? You want me to be Motohama's Queen in the future?"

     Sona squints her eyes at her, and asks or tells her.

     "I guess if you're not willing, we can find him some other willing woman."

     Tsubaki covers Sona's mouth with her hands and panics.

     "NO, NO, I meant no I am very willing my King!"

     Then Tsubaki removed her hands, she sees Sona has an evil-grin like she fell for her King's trap.

     When Sona sees me in deep thought she tells me.

     "Dear, I won't retire soon, I just need to let you know my plans. I don't want our family to separate from you?!"

     I shake my head due to her words and I had considered the 8 Pawn slots but only one person fits that bill and it's doable... Tannin's son, Bova.

     "No, I thought of the perfect Pawn who could use all 8 Pawn pieces, Bova Tannin. He will follow me in the future, I think."

     Yura looking at her watch says to me.

     "Motohama, it's time, good luck."

     I nod to the ladies and take my schoolbag with my letter, other documents, and writing necessities.

     I enter the guarded entrance to the exam hall and am pointed to a classroom for the test.

     The first part of the exam is the written portion with two parts. The first is the actual written portion that quizzes knowledge. The second half is an Essay Question.

     After this we will all be taken out into the arena for the practical combat portion, and this is the largest chunk of one's grade.

     Through fate or plot-armor, I was assigned the protagonist seat. I look around and can tell most of these guys are all reincarnated Devils due to their base race being obvious, a Cat-girl, a small Dragon, and like that Fox-man Youkai turned Devil.

     All the Youkai in the room turned their heads in my direction when I sat down like they sensed something from me? Maybe some Dragon Aura leaked? Well the small Dragon did not notice me. (A/N Yasaka's aura, leaking from his token.)

     Soon the Proctors gave us our exams and told us to start. So I will skip most of the questions that belong to this test and point out the ridiculous ones...

     Q: In the third movie of Miracle☆Levia-tan, how many angels were wiped out with her finishing move, Glitter?

     Q: Name all five of the Satan Rangers colors and who plays their roles?

     Q:  Who does Sirzechs Lucifer dote on the most?

     Q: In the fifth movie of Miracle☆Levia-tan, what color were her panties during her explosion scene when her dress blew up from the blast?

     Q: What is the Capital of the Devil Underworld?

     SNAP! That was the sound of my seventh pencil snapping from the retarded questions!

     I think I have anime black-lines on my forehead right now, and the whole room can't figure out why this reincarnated Devil is showing his test paper killing-intent!

     After I finished that retarded test, the question for the Essay was...

     What does it mean to become a Middle Class Devil, and what does High Class Devil mean to you?

     This was at least reasonable, and Sona told me what kinds of things I should put down, so I did.

     After we are done with the first part, we are all given a break to eat some food and drink prepared for us. Then we are taken outside for our practicals for the instructors to witness our skills.

     Our group of 20 was split up into teams of two for one on one and it is like a one on one match style and my opponent was a low-class Devil of common birth, and not a reincarnated Devil. So this guy is a mixed heritage devil and seen as low as a commoner for sure.

     A good example of a Mixed Heritage Devil is Coriana Andrealphus, the Bishop of Sairaorg Bael. This means only one of her parents, the one with the last name is a pure-blood Devil, but her mother was a common devil of another house, so even though she is a pure Devil, she is not considered to be like Rias and Sona, a true pure-blood. Her mother was probably a Reincarnated human and was just her master servant giving birth to this sexy woman.

     The Devil in front of me has pointy ears and his skin is blue. He taunts me.

     "So let me show you my great power! I will defeat you here oh Red Dragon Emperor and claim my glory, now bring out your Balance Breaker low-class!"

     I can tell he only has the strength of a Mid-class-low Devil, so I don't even promote or use my sword, hell I am not even using my Boosted Gear for this dick.


     I have recently acquired the unmodified strength of a High-class-low due to my strengthening and rich experience with our daily training, and I zigzag to the Devil who panics due to my decisiveness.

     He throws a bolt of demonic-power the size of a softball at me, and I lean into it letting it pass my shoulder as I close on him.

     While I narrowly dodge to not slow down, my Sitri-attack-circle activated, and I glued his feet to the floor with ice magic.

     Realizing his feet won't budge he throws up a defensive-circle to block my incoming attack. Seeing this, I leap high and do a jumping-spinning axe-kick into his shield, shattering it, and knocking him out when the remaining force of my axe-kick connected. Then I pushed up my glasses.

     "Good now take your seat over there."

     Why did I only do that and not overkill? I have to show my power which I did by not promoting. Second I showed my fine control over demonic-power with my ice magic. And third, I used only enough force to one-shot my test partner and not kill him.

     The results are not given to us today, but will be evaluated and then we will be told later. One of three Devils will give me my promotion, Sirzechs, Serafall, or Rias due to her being the Lord of where I live. Only the High Class exam promotion gets more attention and the support for the Devil varies.

     After we were let go, I met up with Sona and the others, to sightsee a bit, then return to Kuoh early...

     Sadly, I am stuck doing work for the Student Council a week in advance of school.

     Another short time skip later........

     It is now Monday morning one week before school starts, and I am holding a naked Kalawarna in my arms while she still has me inside of her, due to us finishing our morning lovemaking. I told her.

     "Today is the one year anniversary of when I awoke from that nightmare. And now my second year will begin. Kalawarna, I will live with you for a very long time, I promise."

     Kala on top of me, has her large-breasts squished on my chest, and smiles at me with affection.

     "You better, or I will hunt you down and we will die together. No I am serious, I can't live-without you my sweetheart, so always be with me, forever."

     As a chill ran up my spine due to her being serious, she deeply kissed me. After a short while she disconnected our messy coupling and she told me.

     "Now get out of my bed, you have Student Council work, and I am sleeping now, due to not having to be there just have a good day my lover, fufu."

     After Kala kicked me out of her bed, she went instantly back to sleep without even cleaning my evidence from her body, sigh.

     I went to my room through our adjoining door, and due to my Gaia memories of the Hypnosis App, I took a look at my smartphone as I took it off the charger. I had a hunch of what Kala's creepy words meant, and I had to look.

     Under the Relationships Option, I confirmed that Kalawarna's Pink-Line has officially wrapped around my name, to never separate. This signifies Yandere level of devotion, meaning she would end her life rather than leave me.

     This both warms my heart and tells me, I can never be without her, ever. I guess last night must have been the peak of her heart. Surprisingly Kalawarna was the first of my lovers to reach this level of love and devotion.

     "Not even Georg's magic or that one sinister Longinus can move my Kala's heart now, this is a blessing in disguise. Well I was never going to leave my Kala for anything anyway. I just hope my sister-in-law never reaches this level, or I am screwed!"

     Linda came in at this moment and said to me.

     "Come with me young master, I need to get you cleaned up and dressed for the day, you're running behind, Ufufu."

     Yes, it's embarrassing but Linda indeed washes my body almost everyday, but nothing sexual. It's like an older-sister washing a little-brother. Sona told me to get used to servants doing this, and Linda is trustworthy.

     So we of the Student Council had our breakfast, and then was driven by Linda to the School for us to handle the incoming students.

     When Sona opened up the office, she asked me to be the door greeter like she and Tsubaki did last year. Basically I stand there and point clueless first years into the room, easy.

     Later that day.........

     Two tired and sluggish looking students I recognize are shambling down the hall, like the sun is killing them and their shit-eating grins cannot be hidden.

     Due to me being stronger than them, I can sense their auras of being Low-class-low Devils! What the actual Fuck?!

     "Sup, Virgin-Hama?!"

     "Mat is right, where is your V-card? He-he, Still collecting dust?"

     Huh? They still can't sense I am a Devil?

     [Partner, don't forget you have learned to hide your aura, so only a High-class-low or higher can tell you are a Devil.]

     "Did you two go to a hostess bar and hook up with a pay for play, tsk tsk tsk."

     Matsuda scoffs at me then says.

     "No my hot as fuck girlfriend helped me out, humph."

     "That's right! My girlfriend is amazing as well!"

     I wag my finger at the two morons. I can tell it must have been Rias that reincarnated them, but why?

     "Don't believe you bastards. When I introduced you nut-bags to Sakura you did not believe me so without proof, fuck you guys."

     "Motohama, are you telling the truth about that Kyoto woman? Did you two really do it?"

    Matsuda realized this world was bigger than he thought honestly and gave me the benefit of the doubt this time.

     "Yeah, she was my first lover and I lost my V-card that day. Then when I prayed to God, my luck with women skyrocketed!"

     Both Issei and Matsuda's eyes opened wide in shock and they looked at one another and nodded!

     Rias is a bad King for never teaching her servants what to avoid or not do, so I am having fun here, he-he!

     Both boys put their hands together in a praying gesture, closed their eyes, and then said.

     "Thanks for the good luck, Amen!"

     "God, thanks for those awesome jumbles! Amen!"



     Thud Thud! Both young men hit the floor grabbing their hollow-skulls and roll on the ground crying in tears.

     Tsubaki and Sona soon stood by me. When they saw my evil-smile they figured out what was happening, and then they saw I put my finger over my lips telling them they don't know we know.

     The two girls then shook their heads and went back in, but Sona was not one bit happy with Rias recruiting my friends.

     She knows Rias did it so I would not hurt them in the Rating Games. Sadly she was only half right,giggling.