Chapter 55 Demonic Perverted Trio!

    "Shit guys, what happened to you?! Do you want an ambulance?"

     Matsuda and Issei got up off the ground once their heads cleared, and they looked more confused than anything.

     "Hah-aha, No Brosiff, we are just kidding around, right Issei?!"

     "Huh? Yes we are just kidding Motohama, ha-ha!"

     I pat my two sad friends on the shoulders and ask.

     "Man that's good, thought you two joined some scary Devil Cult or something. You know those things are real, right? In fact there are Priests in this town that go around killing real life Devils. Well that's what the Urban Legends say. So if you see that stuff run for your lives. I don't believe in that stuff myself though, ha-ha."

     Well since Rias sucks at being a King, and I don't want my buddies to die, I have to give them enough knowledge to not die. What, should I abandon my friends because they got Honey-Trapped? Fuck no, they are still my buddies even if they are retarded.

     Now that I think of it, I need better friends, right?

     So I point into the Student Councils room and tell the two new Devils. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "The President and the Vice President are inside so go get your new schedules and uniforms."

     Matsuda grins at me and says.

     "I think I might pick up that Number 4 on the top honeys list, Tsubaki Shinra, she has a nice figure."

     "Don't worry brother, I know Momo is off the market, so I will try for Number 3 Souna Shitori, gotta aim high, he-he."

     I shake my head and tell them before they get all happy.

     "I heard they are best friends with Rias Gremory who has family on the school-board, so I would not mess with the girls on the Student Council. There is a reason I don't peep on those girls. Remember our English teacher? I heard they made him Vanish brothers. So take my word for it."

     When they heard the part about them being friends with Rias the two had a defeated look, and thought they might want to not piss Rias off, or they might get benched.

     "Thanks for the warning Motohama!"

     Issei also gave me a thumbs up and told me.

     "Yeah, no that sounds like good advice. Oh and have you made the new update to all the new first your girls?"

     I started to shake my head no, but then got a brilliant idea.

     "Yeah, there is a new first year girl that is in the Loli strike zone with big titties! She acts like a noble rich girl and loves to talk down to boys. But I hear she is worth your time if you get my drift."


     "Anyone who marries her is set for life! Get her while she is HOT!"

     And like anime logic and negative plot-armor I hear a haughty laughter down the hall.

     Walking with Koneko Tojo is one Ravel Phenex, damn what bad luck, sigh.

     "Motohama Ryu, so we meet again. I told you I would come today, and here I am. Thank you for complimenting me by the way, hohoho."

     Koneko first said to me, then to my buddies.

     "Sup, just bringing her to get her stuff and mine. And what are you two numb-nuts doing here?"

     Matsuda and Issei look at Koneko with a mix of fear and hotness, and just smile at her insult. Yes they know she is a Devil in their peerage and don't want to piss off this scary midget.

     "I am surprised your brother did not bring you today and Miss Koneko Toujou came with you."

     Matsuda sees I know Koneko asks me.

     "Brosiff, you know Koneko?"

     I pushed my glasses up and told them.

     "I am this school's #1 Pervert, and I know all the girls."

     Issei without thinking says.

     "I am this school's #1 Pervert and Matsuda is #2!"

     I put my hands up in surrender and I admit defeat.

     "Okay, okay, Issei your piss, and Matsuda is shit, especially in a gym locker."

     From inside because it was silent in the hall, we all heard Momo laughing hysterically remembering last year, Devil hearing is good.

     Ravel never heard the reference to calling #1 and #2 Pee and Poo, just asked.

     "What's so funny? I don't get it?"

     So like a good best friend, I start my tale about the Spicy Curry and Eggs.

     "Well Miss Phenex, it started with me and my friends in the-"

     Matsuda, not wanting his dirty secret let out in-front of the two hotties, pounced on me like a mad dog!

     "I am gonna kill you motherfucker, don't you dare!!!!!!!"

     So Matsuda and I fought on the ground like we did as kids, and had fun hitting each-other. Do remember, Matsuda is weakened by the sun right now and he is only a bit stronger than a normal man by a bit. He is at the bottom rung of power so our fight does not hurt me, but instead is fun.

     Issei, confused, just jumped in our fight when he got hit by one or both of us, trying to break us up, now a three way fist fight is taking place with two Loli's watching with disbelieving -eyes. Ravel asks Koneko.

     "Do those new servants know they are fighting the Red Dragon Emperor?"

     Koneko, eating out of a bag of popcorn from out of nowhere, just flatly answers her.

     "Nope, but it's fun to watch."

     Soon a pissed Sona comes out and says to us fighting morons.

     "Motohama Ryu, Matsuda Tanaka, and Issei Hyoudou! Stop this at once!"

     Like magic, the three of us are standing with military salutes, like we were not just beating the shit outta each other.

     """Yes President!"""

     "You three are lucky school has not officially started or I would have you three stand detention! No fighting."

     Matsuda has a black-eye, Issei has a bit of blood from one nostril, and my glasses are bent.

     "We were not fighting, Student Council President, we were showing the two new girls how good of friends we are!"

     And like a bad comedy gag, my left lens pops out of my glasses frames, and I just smile stupidly. I can see Sona is trying really hard to hold in her laughter seeing me like this but she is good and just walks back in.

     All of us relaxed when the strict Sona left, then we see the new girl Ravel with an open mouth not believing my actions.

     Yes she has a hard time in the human world, because her status means shit to humans.

     The Demonic Perverted Trio just looked at one another's conditions, and busted out laughing. Then the show was over and all four of them went in and got their shit and left.

     Later I went back in and Momo handed me a pair of new glasses with a kiss, and Sona smiled at me and asked.

     "Did you have fun with your friends, dear?"

     "Yup, but I did find out they have to be Rias's members now, due to the fact they knew Koneko, but they did not know Ravel? Why?"

     Sona pushed up her glasses and guessed.

     "Based on their bodies it seems she may have only reincarnated them last night. As far as them knowing the Phenex, I don't think Rias considers his feelings enough to look for him to tell him. He is probably busy doing contracts or fooling around with delinquent Devil friends who may have come to Kuoh to have fun."

     "Well it's a done deal anyway and nothing you or I can do about it."

     "I think Rias wants to use them to keep you from hurting them in matches?"

     I rub her cheek and tell her my thoughts.

     "No, I believe Rias is just recruiting members she can have fun and enjoy life with, and if she gets a lucky draw she will take it. But when Riser meets my friends, they will drive him crazy due to their Riser-eyes."

     Sona looks confused and asks.


     "That look he gets when he is undressing you with his eyes, well Riser is a professional at that, and my friends will constantly stare at his harem. And he cant hurt them directly so he has to suck it up. And if Riser did hurt my friends..."

     Sona looks surprised that Rias thought that far, but she still does not like it.

     "She picked them because of you!"

     "Bingo, but it's fine, because my friends are now Devil friends, so I can have guys I trust in the long future. But, I won't make Rias and her peerage stronger, just protect my friends, that's it."

     Sona stood and hugged me.

     "Sorry my friend sucked your friends into her mess. Thanks for at least looking out for them."

     I kiss her and then smirk.

     "But, Dragons won't help Phoenixes! So don't ask me too, okay."

     "Yes Dear, Ufufu!"

     Ring Ring Ring! I look at my phone and I see it's a call from Aika Kiryuu!

     "Aika, what's up?"

     Sona and I hear running sounds and she is breathing hard, then she says in her phone to me.

     [Motohama, I need help! I am being chased by two women in witch outfits! they are using magic!]

     "Do you have one of my summoning flyers on you?"


     "Then use it, and I will be right there!"

     I hang up the phone and step on to the summon-circle we have hidden under our rug in the Student Council changing-room.

     "Don't worry, if I need your back up I will call you girls. And promote me, Dear."

     "Then promote and be safe."

     I felt her summon flyer calling me, so I activated the circle and I got covered in light as I say.

     "Promotion to Queen!"

     When the light faded..........

     "Crap she has a Devil contractor, this is bad!

     "No matter just kill the Devil and take the girl with us, she has talent."

     It seems I am in the wooded park and there are two female Khaos Brigade Magicians, and they have been chasing down Aika?!

     Aika is on her butt leaning against a tree, and it looks like they have injured her ankle to keep her from running.

     I don't hesitate and use my Hypnosis App on the two Magicians and their eyes go vacant, and they just stand there. I pretend I used Devil magic to fool Aika then I ask her.

     "Can you stand and walk? Also why are these witches after you?"

     Aika stood and felt she could stand and told me.

     "I think my ankle is alright, but it is sore. And I was tricked by these women into thinking they would teach me magic. Then they said they would take me away for training, and I ran."

     I nod my head to her then tell her.

     "Can you get home alright? I need to deal with this, and if you're not here it's better."

     "Yes, but are you?"

     "Don't know yet, I have to investigate first, so go home and put ice on that , never-mind come here."

     I placed my hand near her injury and cast the Demonic Magic I discussed before. I created my own personal healing magic based on my Final Fantasy Gaia memories.

     I created all [Cures 1-4] plus [Heals 1-3] so I can back up heal for my peerage, but it uses a lot of demonic-power the higher the level of healing. It is also easier to cast when I have Bishop and Queen promotions or Illegal moves due to the affinity. So healing without a Bishop or Queen promotion drains me. I am no Asia, but I can hang with most Bishops of strong peerages.

     Boost does make the healing very-strong like Asia however. Sadly my Cure 4 does not recover Demonic Power for some reason, so it's no sex cheat.

    Cure 4 and Heal 3 also drains about half of my current demonic-pool in my bishop or queen form so it's very-very-expensive. But it's like using Phoenix Tears.

     And this [Healing] is my personal spell like canon Issei's [Dress Break.] So all of my potential was used creating this incredible power. Oh and like Twilight Healing, this power heals anything alive.

     "Cure 1! Okay Aika how does that feel?"

     A small green light wrapped her ankle for a moment and all the scratches on her body and ankle vanished. Looks like a low cure was all she needed, and this does not use a lot of energy due to my Queen promotion.

     "Wow, Motohama, that felt great, yes, I am good now!"

     "Good now scram so I can work, we can talk about payment for summoning my services later, he-he."

     "Oh my, am I going to lose my virginity to you Motohama, giggle?"

     "Sigh, Scram woman or I will turn you into a pig, go go!"

     "Thanks and see you at school!"

     She finally left, and my smile is gone as I go to the two witches.

     "You there, why are you in Kuoh?"

     "We are part of a scouting party for our comrades performing operations here. The Church will be sending an Excalibur wielder here in a month or so, and we need to set up operations and clear out some of the local supernaturals."

     Yes this sounds like the Valper plot from Season 2 of the anime.

     "What is your group's ultimate goal in Kuoh?"

     "We are not high ranking members and are not told this."

     "How many more of you are there and where is your base?"

     The woman hands me a book with information in it.

     "The address and map to the house we rented is there. We are the only members right now, but six more Magicians plus two strong Stray Exorcists will come in two weeks to this location."

     I search their possessions and pull out all they have then I give one final command.

     "Both of you open your mouths wide, good."

     When they do I use my ice magic to fill their nose and mouths with ice and then leave with a reverse summon when they fall dead.

     The ice magic will fade and not leave any trace for the real police when they find them suffocated.

     Don't feel bad for these scum of women, they belong to the world ending organization called the Khaos Brigade. These monsters should all be cleansed with fire. This group only wants the universe to burn with them in evil glory, so killing them is justified.

     When my vision cleared I was back in the Student Council room with all of my peerage seeing my killing face, Sona asks me.

     "Have your predictions started, Dear?"

     "Yeah, they have, so in a month things will start to heat up around here till summer."

     Sona just hugs me and I hug her back.

     Well I have my Peerage with me, so I am not alone!

     That night I had a long talk with my team and warned them about things that might happen in the short run.

     I had Sona deliver everything to Rias and suggested using Riser to handle it, he-he!