Chapter 56 April Showers Bring May Flowers!

The day started out nice and cozy with all my lovers waking up with me. Since it was Sunday I had invited my 5 lovers to sleep in my room, hell even Precious and Blue slept in their pet beds behind the couch.

     It is the beginning of April and it's grey out with some rain coming down, not awesome for the first day of school right? This too is different from my dream I had because my first day in the second year was sunny and clear.

     As the six of us got dressed for school Tsubaki asked me when I was watching the rain.

     "Motohama, do you like the rain?"

     I kiss Tsubaki and smile at her blush.

     "I don't like being in it, but it's necessary for life to live on Earth, but today's rain gives me the feeling of a fresh new start, like anything is possible."

     With my poetic outlook revealed, our peerage, no I meant Student Council got ready for our first-day. I also get to ride in the car with the ladies due to being on the Student Council, yay!

     Kalawarna drove the van, I got to sit shotgun, and the other six ladies sat on the two bench seats in the rear, so this vehicle is perfect for us, well Sona thought of everything from long ago.

     When we got into the school parking-lot, Kala went to open her new nurses-office on the second-floor for the second-years, well to be near me, he-he.

     After we put our bags in our shoe lockers, we took our umbrellas to stand at the gates and help all the new students with their classes, mainly first-years.

     From outside, looking at the school, Sona, Tsubaki, Reya, and Tomoe stood helping on the left-side. While on the right-side it was me, Momo, and Yura helping new students and greeting the new second and third years.

     Due to us using umbrellas we can't stand too close to Momo's dissatisfaction. Yes she wanted to stand shoulder to shoulder but the rain was her enemy, plus Sona told her no, due to setting a bad example for open relationships, especially on the first day.

     Murayama, Katase, and Aika walked to school together and came to Momo for a greeting but they were whispering hellos to me as well. Then as they walked away, Katase turned to me and said loudly.

     "No touching, Pervert Glasses!"

     Momo just giggled at my wronged look. Well the three girls really do make others think I target them. As long as they enjoy the attention it's all good.

     Soon a white-stretch-limo with a small fire-bird emblem on the hood stops in front of the school, and out stepped Yubelluna in an official-lady-suit holding a large umbrella for the occupants.

     Out stepped three Devils Riser, Rias, and Ravel. Oh, so Akeno must be living at her shrine to avoid Riser, and Koneko must be living in her apartment still, I see.

     Rias and Ravel pull out umbrellas for the rain and right in front of everyone, Riser makes out 'passionately' with Rias to let the boys know she is taken. Rias is just letting him do whatever and is faking her feelings.

     Sona told me that Riser is going to Kuoh University as a college student to be near Rias. Ravel is watching her brother like anything he does is the best ever, sigh.

     Cough! Sona helps Rias by making it obvious to Riser he is crossing a decency line doing this in front of all the students, yeah Rias letting him do that looks, well like she is easy?

     "Ah?! Riser is sorry Miss Shitori. Riser will miss not having his Rias today, and wanted to show my love. Well I will leave now, and Ravel, be good and listen to your big-sister Rias."

     "Yes big-brother, hoho!"

     Riser squeezed Rias's ass one last time, then smirked as he got in his car, with Yubelluna following him in for whatever he did with Bomb Queen.

     "Pervert Glasses hates Fire-bird so much, my tummy hurts after eating that fried chicken."

     Momo and Yura laughed at my fake drama, then Rias went to greet Sona and chat as friends. I mutter a curse under my breath as Hot-Wings comes to our group.

     "Greetings Motohama Ryu. Could I request an escort to find my classroom?"

     I smiled, then looked at Yura and said.

     "Yura, could you please take Lady Phenex to her class, since you know where it's at?"

     "On it Ryu!"

     Ravel's eyes twitched due to me being dense to her flattery and trying to get us alone. Well she does not realize she is the dense one, he-he.

     To not be rude, she followed Yura into the school. Momo laughed and said.

     "For a genius young lady, she really is slow on the romantic uptake, right?"

     Koneko and Akeno both walked together and Akeno waved and then stood by Rias who was still talking to Sona and Tsubaki. Koneko came to me and said.

     "Red Dragon, where is my class at?"

     I can tell this unemotional girl actually doesn't know, and does not seem to have ulterior motives, so I help.

     "Yeah, it's close so I can show you, follow me."

     As I take Koneko to the same damn class Yura took Ravel to, she asks me.

     "Hey Ryu, you smell like a strong Youkai, why is that?"

     "Ah?! Yes, my mate gave me her token so I can visit her in Kyoto. She is a Fox Youkai."

     "Really?! Does your peerage know?"

     "Yup, and Issei and Matsuda met her in last summer's vacation, but they thought she was human."

     "Your mate is very powerful to have a strong aura like that."

     I smile thinking of how fast Sakura moved to hug me, and due to the fact I did not see her movement, like teleportation, she has to be strong.

     "She is Princess Yasaka's handmaiden, so of course she would be strong, but I never asked what her power-level was."

     "I smell chicken so this is my class, thanks Ryu, see you later."

     As I walked back, Yura was faking helping other students and then walked back with me.

     "Do you like that kind of girl, Motohama?"

     "Not as a lover if that's what you're worried about. I just see her as a troubled broken cute girl. I would help her out with her problems, but she belongs to Rias, and it's none of my business."

     Yura looked at me and said.

     "Even when you want to help others, you don't when it's burdensome. I admire you for knowing your limits, like we do in martial-arts. Can't fix everything, or everyone, but only oneself. I am proud of you, Motohama. That's why I love you."

     As I walked outside I noticed the rain had stopped with a rainbow, then the sound of a startled girl could be heard...




     "Nice, I got the picture, he-he!"

     A gust of wind blew up a girls-skirt and she pushed it down but not without three perverts yelling at the amazing lucky pervert moment! (caused by demonic-power.)

     The girl was a third-year senior, and the first to yell was Saji, followed by Issei, and the photographer was Matsuda! What, why the fuck is Saji taking my spot?!

     Yura seeing this nonsense just kept on walking to the front gate to do her duty, and I went to the three, perverts?

     "Why are you two hanging with Saji Genshirou? Saji, are you one of the new Perverts?"

     Saji just had his butt-pucker in fear again, and he nervously laughed and explained.

     "The President asked me to show our two new ORC members the best bizarre locations in school like training, if you get my meaning, ha-ha, so I was showing them the Ghost Skirt Flipping Spot here, he-he!"

     In the distance I see Rias and Akeno coming this way, so I nod to Saji and smile at the three and just walk by, and accidentally dropped an envelope on the ground on his foot, with the name [ORC Confidential] on it, but he did not notice I did that, he-he.

     As I walked past the two third-years, I said.

     "I think your club-mates might be doing something naughty over there, sigh."

     Saji just noticed the envelope on his foot and picked it up and after reading it looked inside and was shocked to his core! Sure he has seen Rias naked plenty and they had their first time together on the bathroom counter at her wedding, but he has never seen Akeno naked!

     He found a priceless treasure! He failed to notice the two women in question, standing behind him admiring the pictures with him.

     Issei and Matsuda curious at what the three Devils were looking at also came to look, and their eyes bulged in horror at the pictures they have secretly memorized every night!

     Akeno covers her mouth with her smiling, but not happy eyes and says to the group.

     "Oh my President, your juniors have an interesting hobby, Ufufu, oh what should we do with our naughty underclassmen?"

     Rias, knowing all three are her lovers and does not care about herself, still does not like her friend and the Queen being stalked.

     "After school, Akeno give all three 1000 paddles, I think this is good enough punishment for their hobby, right?"

     Akeno's sadist eyes light up and she no longer cares about her nudes, and just happily says to them all.

     "Oh my, I am getting all wet thinking of 3000 paddles, and if you boys are late, I will double it! Bye now, Ufufu!"

     The three pale-white boys gulped audibly at their punishments!

     As Rias and Akeno were going into the school, Kelly Warner was passing by them and had heard and seen everything. She just kept walking to the front gates to where I was.

     Matsuda, seeing the tree picture that I saw the first time, said to Issei.

     "Shit, look Ise, that's Koneko kicking over the tree on us!"

     "Damn Mat, you're right! I never noticed because there was no naked girl in the picture!"

     Saji asked them.

     "Crap you two took these pictures and Koneko knows, oh nooooo!"

     Back with me and Kala.....

     Kalawarna stood next to me grinning and said to me in a sexy voice. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "So back when your friends did that when you came to my office, you planned for this very day? That's amazing sweetheart!"

     "Cough, No Miss Warner, I wanted to use it on Kiba, but Saji was in the wrong place at the right time, so I just did it, he-he, 3000 Akeno paddles, good fun!"

     Chime Chime Chime! So with that the first day of school began on a good note for me and my friends, and the rain began once we were inside, and for the next week it continued.

     I made a special visit to third-year Abe 'Mailbox' Kiyome, for a delivery to Kyoto...

     Youkai Palace, Urakyoto.......

     Yasaka, sitting on a short daybed with her daughter Kunou, is going through a large box of goodies sent by the Red Dragon Emperor.

     The mother-fox was reading a letter she held in one hand, while rubbing her large pregnant belly with a happy smile.

     "Mother, Kunou loves this candy father sent, it's so yummy! And the clothing is wonderful as well. I just wish I could thank him...."

     Yasaka grins at her daughter and suggests to her.

     "Then write him a thank-you letter, but don't call him father in it, just call him Motohama Sitri or Red Dragon, and say you will show him around Kyoto as thanks when he comes for the school Trip in a few months, fufu."

     "Kunou will listen to mother and I will write it now! I have received so many pretty things from my father, he-he!"

     Then Kunou went over to the calligraphy station and began, so Yasaka peaked into the gift box for Sakura while her daughter couldn't see, and she looked at the sexy sleepwear I sent her. She grinned and muttered.

     "I can wear this for you at the end of May my dear mate, Ufufu. I will make you extra happy for loving another daughter you don't know about, I just hope you will accept Kunou, sigh. But my heart tells me you will based on your gifts to me and her."

     Yasaka reads the letter for the fourth time with a dopey smile and a few giggles.

     If I would have seen this sight, my soul would have left my body for real!