Chapter 57 Riser Lost Pawns!

We have just started our second week of school and life has been peaceful for us at the Sitri House. However...

     Momo and Yura were upset with Sona for not fixing the classes so they could all be with me. Seems due to fate, the class I belong to has the same canon cast in it, like my first year minus Momo.

     Sona told everyone that she let the humans do their work like normal and let the classes stay as is, plus Momo had been slipping in her grades being with me all day and refused to comply with her. The second reason was that when our peerage goes missing, it will be obvious if half the class is out at one time.

     The day after my little prank Saji, Issei, and Matsuda were walking funny and the looks of pain on their faces when they sat in class was hysterical. Seems my prank went unnoticed.

     I was also surprised no one told my two friends I am a Devil yet? This I don't understand. Or maybe they were told but threatened a paddling if they blab they know?

     It is currently after school and I am carrying a box full of reports from the teachers offices and doing the chore of following Tsubaki around and carrying shit for her, so students don't know how strong she is. Plus I don't have real work to do in the Student Council because Sona does not want me to get in a rut with mindless work.

     "Thanks for doing this with me Motohama, I like spending time with you, even for school work."

     "Nope, this is my kind of job! I get to follow you around and up my pervert reputation by drooling at your sexy body, and the other kids get disgusted. I am soiling you with my lecherous eyes."

    Tsubaki blushed and looked at me funny, then smiled just a bit, then she said.

     "But we both know I like it."

     "Tsubaki honey, if we were not a couple I would never look at you like this, so just keep looking pissed while in-front of the humans, and be happy when they can't see us."

     Tsubaki tries really hard to look disgusted, but it's just plain funny, so she passed many of the leaving students, trying her hardest to look annoyed, cute.

     The two of us made it back to the Student Council room, and we see that Sona is on a magic-circle call with someone, then we hear her say.

     "Sure Rias, we will all be there in 30 minutes in the Occult Research Club-room, got it."

     She looks at us putting away all of the boxes then tells the two of us.

     "Seems the Gremory House had some issues and wanted to speak to our Peerage, so you heard the rest. Motohama dear, could you get Kala for this, I need to bring the whole Peerage to the meeting."

     "On it dear!"

     Soon I found my way to the second floor clinic and saw Kala working on files, and she smiled at me when I came in and asked.

     "Business or Pleasure?"

     I hug her and tell her.

     "Sadly its business, we have a meeting at the Old School building with the Gremory."

     "It's been two weeks so it must be about the Stray Priests and magicians, right?"

     Kala stood up and hung up her lab-coat and fixed her favorite maroon-outfit we both love a bit too much, and I said to her.

     "I would think so, my gut is telling me that guy I told you about, Freed Sellzen, is probably among them."

     As we walk down the halls we don't hold hands or anything due to humans still being around.

     We met up with the other six in the back of the New School Building and Sona and I walked in the front with Tsubaki and Kala behind us, followed by our Bishops and then our Rook and last Knight. This is our normal walking order for peace or combat.

     Soon we enter the Old School Building and make our way to the second floor and then knock on the main club-room door and all walk in closing the door behind us. Sona and I stay in the front while the other six line up behind us as we smile at the group already in the room waiting for us.

     Rias sitting on the left couch with her peerage behind her greets Sona.

     "Hello Sona, thank you for coming on short notice like this, but things have happened out of our expectations."

     Behind her stood Akeno Himejima (Queen), Koneko Toujou (Rook), Yuuto Kiba (Knight), Saji Genshirou (Pawn x4), Matsuda Tanaka (Pawn x2), and Issei Hyoudou (Pawn x2).

     "I guess the incoming threats were more than we anticipated?"

     Issei asked Rias.

     "President, they are?"

     "Sona Sitri is her real name, heiress to the Sitri Devil House and that is her Peerage with her, you should know most of them."

     Rias just smiles at her two new Pawns stupid expressions, so it seems she did not blab, well she is good in that regard I guess. Matsuda points to Kalawarna ignoring the fact I am here and says.

     "Kelly Warner, the hot-ass nurse is a Devil?!"

     Issei points at me and shouts. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "Motohama Bastard, you tricked us into praying! I prayed like 4 times till the President told me!"

     Matsuda hearing Issei's indignant cry pulled his eyes from Kala's impressive-cleavage to notice me and joined in.

     "Fuck man, I prayed 6 times you son of a-!"

     Rias put up her hand and said.

     "No, that was my fault for not teaching you boys about it not his, he was only having fun with you, sigh. Please Sona sit on the other couch before my husband shows up."

     So Sona and I both sat on the couch with Sona on my left and the rest of our peerage sat on seats provided by Rias in advance. I say to the Gremory Peerage.

     "Sorry for the trouble, and Issei and Matsuda, sorry for not telling you guys, but I wanted Rias your King to teach you about being a Devil, due to us being in different Devil Houses. I was surprised to find out you two became Devils, oh, and I became one after our Kyoto trip in case you wanted to know."

     Akeno brought over a tea cart and started to hand Sona and I tea, then pushed the cart to the rest of our team. Matsuda points to me and Sona and asks a question that seems off.

     "I thought we servants stood behind our King? So why are you sitting there Motohama?"

     Sona, who finished her sip of tea answers before me.

     "Because he is Motohama Sitri, my husband..."

     Issei and Matsuda's mouths hang open in sheer horror! So I shrug and say .


     Rias, amused with the soap-opera drama, surprises us.

     "My luck was fantastic recruiting them, they each had a dormant Sacred Gear! Issei has the Twice Critical, and Matsuda has the Light Wings! They each used 2 Pawn Pieces."

     (A/N Light Wings are the generic version of Vali's Divine Dividing Gear, like the Twice Critical based on the Boosted Gear, they can only Boost or Divide once.)

     I look dumbly at the two, of having Sacred Gears at all, let alone the basic versions of me and Vali. Issei does not shock me as much as Matsuda having the Light Wings! Perhaps the World is fixing events from the canon and my dream life?

     Not to mention, Rias really does have luck from her Gremory blood finding treasures in poop!

     Issei, seeing my look, does his Dragon Ball Z pose, while letting out his generic Twice Critical with a showbiz flair.

     Matsuda puts on his proud face and extends his Light Wings like a super-hero.

     The light on the back of my hand lit up briefly as everyone heard Ddraig chuckling from the show of both boys.

     [Phht, brouhaha, oh sorry I did that out loud, carry on...]

     Yeah in my mind Ddraig is laughing his ass off for the two who had the mightiest Sacred Gears in my dream turn into well... This!

     The two boys in confusion stopped monkeying around and Akeno told them.

     "That was one of the two Heavenly Dragons, The Red One, Ddraig. Motohama is the possessor of the Longinus Boosted Gear like your Twice Critical but much more powerful. Motohama is also known as the Red Dragon Emperor and is kinda a big deal in the Underworld."

     As Akeno gives me adultery-eyes, I give her a thumbs up for her short explanation.

     Issei looks bummed and Matsuda says.

     "Well brother Saji here is the 4 piece Black Dragon King, so we have that!"

     Rias smiles at her poor cute Pawn and says.

     "Motohama used up all 8 Pawns from Sona. So the difference between Heavenly Dragon and Dragon King should be obvious. right?"

     Both Matsuda and Issei's heads tilt and they speak at the same time.

     ""We suck!""

     At this time the summon-circle lit up on the floor with the Phenex magic-crest and some Devils emerged with gloomy looks on their faces, like someone died.

     There was Riser Phenex, Ravel Phenex, Yubelluna, Mihae, Karlamine, Siris, Isabela, Xuelan, Marion, Bülent, Ni and Li!

     As Riser walked in moody, I noticed some missing members and asked.

     "Where are your Pawns Shuriya, Mira, Ile and Nel?"

     Riser took the tea offered by Akeno, sipped it and glared pissed and spit-out.

     "They died in the ambush we set on the Exorcist and Magicians. They also had a Fallen Angel with them who was adept at his Light Spear, and only Karlamine escaped with her life to report."

     I look confused and clarify.

     "Wait, only one Knight and four Pawns went there? I told Rias to send your whole Peerage due to your light tempering?! That guy Freed is no joke."

     "My Pawns were promoted to Queens, so don't think Riser does not know how to strategize, Riser is not a Rating Game virgin. And Riser blames your intelligence for not reporting the Fallen Angel, so this is your fault."

     I calmly ask Rias.

     "Who is the Lord of this Territory, the Gremory or Sitri?"

     "Naturally it is the Gremory."

     "Lord Riser is part of the Gremory, correct?"

     "He is my husband, so yes."

     "So as part of my intelligence was documented, I recommended your husband's entire Peerage deal with the dangerous elements, correct?"

     "Correct, and I passed him the intelligence with your recommendations."

     "So is the Gremory going to back the claim I am responsible for the deaths of your servants, even though I am not obligated to even report it, let alone warn you guys? I think if your husband wants to take this up with the government they won't side against me. So I expect a retraction of guilt."

     Rias is actually helping me out with this face slap to Riser and Sona backs me up.

     "Riser Phenex, I the next head of the Sitri House also wont tolerate this slanderous remark. I was the one to report this, and not my husband, so think about your words carefully."

     Matsuda and Issei look taken aback at all of this stuff as Riser is gritting his teeth.

     "Riser is in remorse for his servants and Riser may have accidentally blamed incorrectly so my Rias can rest assured."

     I just put on my Green Goblin smile at his words, and he feels I still did it on purpose, well who the fuck could guess their was a Fallen Angel replacement. I then ask them.

     "Did you get his name, light-weapon color, or appearance?"

     Riser still butt-hurt snaps.

     "What does any of that matter? He was a Fallen Angel, that's all that matters."

     I point to Kala and say.

     "Sigh, It matters because Kalawarna here used to be a Fallen Angel and she may know the man and his strength. Sorry but I am only a Rating Game Virgin, so I guess this is a stupid observation of mine."

     My last jab pissed him off, and he stood with a fist sized fireball in his hand and a look of wanting to throw it at my face, so I stood really fast and...

     [Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker: Scale Mail]

     Kala stood next to me with two yellow Light Longswords ready to strike Riser down. She moved too fast for his eyes.

     [I dare you to throw that Riser! Are you a God?]

     SLAP! Rias, pissed, stood up and slapped Riser in his face waking him from his anger and he looked stunned, well I did not expect that as well.

     Just as he was going to get pissed at her, she pointed at the floor and told him.

     "Everything at this school is recorded and can be viewed in playback by my brother and Sona's sister, can you guess what will happen to you if Serafall sees this?! Sit down or go home to the Underworld!"

     Rias pointed to me and said.

     "And you! I don't care if you two want to whip out your dicks and kill each-other, but not in my clubhouse, got it?!"

     Kala put her light weapons away, and my Scale Mail vanished, and I smiled, sat and said like a scolded child.

     "Cough, Sorry Lady Gremory, next time I will go outside, ha-ha!"

     Rias and Sona looked at each-other and shook their heads, but I can tell, Rias loved that slap, so I listened like a good boy. That slap was cool!

     So the rest of the meeting went off without issue, and Karlamine made an image of the Fallen Angel and he is a Mid-class-low Fallen that is dangerous even for high-class Devils due to their light weapons, so that explained the deaths of Riser's peerage members.

     If Riser and his full Peerage would have been there, he would have killed Freed and the Fallen, but I guess even the bad guys have help from idiots like Riser.

     Sona is putting a hold on all Devil Jobs for us, unless they are important customers we value.

     Well the enemy is Rias and Riser's problem as the Lord and Lady of the territory.

     I guess some asshole should have warned Riser how dangerous Kuoh is, but nah!