Chapter 61 I Miss Canon!

The next morning in Urakyoto...

     A new family of four is sharing a breakfast together and the mood is full of joy.

     "Really father? Can Kunou swim in your indoor swimming pool? And I can meet my grandmother and grandfather?"

     I pat Kunou's head gently and tell her.

     "Yup, but you will have to wait a bit, because they still don't know mothers true identity yet or even that little Sakura is so adorable. But don't worry, I will show them your pictures and let them get used to Kunou first, then bring you over."

     Yasaka in her Sakura facade, is smiling at the warm-table and is very cheerfully at her mate she played to death last night.

     Yeah, now that I know who my Kitsune wife is, let me tell you, her power-level is Ultimate-class-high! Thats why when she seriously moves I cannot see her actions, sigh. She has the strength of Devil King Serafall or a Dragon King like Tannin.

     Today, Yasaka is wearing a Shrine-Maiden outfit while in her black-haired form, and now that I see this, she looks like a more mature Akeno in her disguise wearing that outfit.

     I am wearing a red and black men's yukata again. Yasaka had this made for me as a gift a while ago but was waiting till my school trip to give it to me, but she wanted to match today and could not help herself and made me wear it back home to Kuoh.

     And as I promised before Yasaka whisked me back home, I showed them all my Scale Mail to their delight. Now it's time for a short goodbye after I took pictures with my everyday smartphone.

     We had the Elder take one with me holding my baby and both Kitsune on each side of me, cute.

     I fluff up my Sakura then pass her to the nanny and say goodbye to the almost tearful Kunou.

     "Remember Kunou, this next year is going to be very dangerous to go running off alone with bad-guys wanting us, so don't worry us and stay safe. Be a good big-sister, and we will see each-other more now."

     With that Yasaka and I vanished into her golden-light.

     Back in Kuoh.......

     Yasaka, now Sakura again, walks into the living-room with my peerage and parents waiting for us.

     Sona, Tsubaki, Kalawarna, Yura, and Momo instantly felt the connection of their bonds with me and smiled warmly knowing she is a real sister, and Yasaka also felt the same with the Devils.

     "Sorry everyone, but I had matters in Urakyoto that would not let me not visit, and please everyone this is Sakura I have told you so much about. And Sakura, you should know everyone in the photos I have sent you."

     So we all met and the girls stole away Sakura for girl talk, while my father was stupefied by her beauty. Well when he sees her real normal look he will get smacked by mother for staring too hard, ha-ha!

     Kalawarna was facepalming, due to whatever Precious was telling her about Yasaka's smell, he-he!

     So honestly there were no issues with the visit, and Yasaka is spending the night with me, and we actually only slept due to our longest night last night.

     Sona had quickly deduced the true identity of Sakura and I had also subtly let her read the Consort token, and she now understood her sister's fixation with Sakura, Yasaka, and Kyoto.

     But even she was in awe at my sheer dumb luck to fall in love with Yasaka of all people last year, and she also had a Sona.exe moment at the thought of me having a child already! That look of defeat on her face was priceless.

     Sunday morning came, and it was time for Yasaka to return, but I can call her everyday.

     Oh, you don't know why she has to stay in Kyoto? Yasaka the High-Priestess-leader of the Urakyoto is in charge of keeping the barrier and ley-lines in good working order, and can only leave for short times, due to her needing to oversee its functions.

     One day, Kunou will take over, then Yasaka can move freely over the world. This is the destiny of the Kitsune of Urakyoto. Just a bit of trivia, Kyoto was the old Capital of Japan before it moved to Tokyo.

     Anyway, after a passionate kiss, Yasaka was gone....

     Sona, understanding my complicated feelings, took my hand and said to me.

     "You missed my Friday, so you're in my room tonight, dear."

     Okay so Sona's bedside manner needs polishing, geez.

     "Yes Dear!"

     Pinch! As she pinched my side for being cheeky she whispered.

     "I want a baby too..."

     "Yes Dear!"

     This time I was rewarded with a kiss and a smile!

     Two weeks later......

     After that amazing weekend, a bit more time has elapsed, and one night after doing a job for my Yakuza Boss regular, I was walking home.

     I was walking through my favorite Issei-fountain-park eating Dango I bought at a night-vendor and I heard a noise that made me stop and look down.

     Meow! When I looked down I saw a cute black-kitty. It was looking at my Dango with sparkling golden-eyes, and I could tell it was wanting to say, 'gimme'!

     I swiftly pick up the kitty and sit on a bench. The cat has no collar but he looks well fed and taken care of.

     He is a cute jet black and did not resist my carrying him.

     "Here you go little buddy, a piece of Dango for you. Guess you're hungry, huh?"

     Mofu Mofu! The little guy collapsed into a melted puddle of joy after getting his ears and neck rubbed. A memory of a Black-Panther woman came randomly into my head as I remembered a woman from Gaia, Manya!

     "Yeah, that panther-wife also had silky black-hair and golden-eyes, sigh, she was lazy as fuck though..."

     "Huh? A panther that is lazy ~nya♪?"

     While I was petting the cat and feeding him Dango and my mouth just was in the middle of chewing, I heard that all too familiar sexy-voice of one of the most iconic women of the DxD world. Even without seeing her, I knew it was Kuroka!

     I could tell her voice came from above and when I looked up, I noticed I was trapped in a barrier and I saw her laying on a tree-branch on her side with a grin of catching a mouse in a trap.

     I swallow the Dango and ignore her and keep petting the cat. I am not stupid and really I was getting my smartphone ready in case this is a Vali trap.

     Her face went stupid seeing me ignore her like she was not there, and saw me play with my smartphone, and continuing to pet her familiar?!

     "Hey, are you not going to say anything ~nya?"

     I cant turn around and talk to her directly, she is too fucking hot to look at, and I don't want to get charmed by her, sigh. With out looking at her I say.

     "It's rude to not introduce yourself so I assumed I was not worth talking to. Oh is this Kuro?"

     "How could you know his name ~nya?!"

     "I had a dream that I met him before so that's how I know him, who is a good boy?"

     Mofu Mofu! Kuro is on his back while his chin is getting rubbed, and I believe his meows he is letting out is something like, 'Help it is too gooood'!

     Soon Kuroka unsummoned her helpless cat and it vanished, damn.

     "Wow what a rude kitty, did not even thank me for the food before scramming."

     I stand and look at her up in the tree, now that the cat is gone, keeping my back to her is dangerous.

     "I should still have more time, so I guess Vali is not here yet? Is Bikou hiding in wait for me to move?"

     Kuroka can tell something is up with me, I even know their normal tactics. She says playfully.

     "No, I had errands to attend to, and I happened to bump into the Red Dragon by chance, so I wanted to meet you ~nya."

     I nod due to this making sense. There are only two reasons for her to be in Kuoh at this time.

     "I get it... you're either looking in on Shirone or escorting Azazel to live in Kuoh, or both?"

     Her eyes lost her seductive charm and she sat up in wait for confrontation and asked.

     "Tell me why you know her name of Shirone?!"

     "I told you, I had a dream about you. I even know you protected her and why. Dont worry, I have never once told her anything about you. Hell, I only took her to her class one time, so I avoided her at all costs. I have no intention of getting involved with your sisterly affairs, so if we are done meeting, I want to go home and sleep."

     She stands to her feet and leaps down to the ground gracefully and tells me.

     "You cannot escape my barrier ~nya."

     She lost focus for one moment and then she looked around in horror! Her barrier was not up at all, and the smiling me was giving her a look of... And?

     "Hey Kuroka, I know you're a kind big-sister, and you're not a bad person at heart, so let's just be friends and not fight, Mkay?"

     Kuroka points up and demands.

     "How did you remove my space-time barrier? I did not even feel its connection cut or it vanished ~nya?"

     I smile because she has no memories of me using my Hypnosis App on her, and having her remove her own barrier, he-he!

     "That's my secret naughty kitty, he-he, but anyway, it was nice to meet you Miss Kuroka, see you later."

     She put up her field again to keep me from leaving and she sternly says to me.

     "You're not leaving till I get answers! Show me how you broke my field ~nya?"

     She saw me smile like a fox, she then realized something terrifying...

     She is currently standing in Azazel's living-room while he is on the couch drinking with a look of surprise.

     "Hey Kuroka, what's up? Why are you back?!"

     Kuroka, not sure what was going on, looks a bit speechless and asks.

     "How did I get here?"

     Azazel with a look of amusement smiles and says.

     "You teleported into my home with your own magic, ha-ha! And it's obvious you were a bad kitty, hah-aha!"

     "This is no time to laugh Azazel, I was confronting The Red Dragon Emperor, and then I was here after he broke my Space Barrier twice?!"

     Azazel points to a mirror on the wall and when Kuroka saw her image she went pail. Written backwards so when seen in a reflection it reads perfectly on her forehead... If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     [Bad Kitty Bad!]

     "That little bastard ~nya!"

     Kick! Then she felt a light kick into her butt, and she realized Azazel kicked her while holding back his laughter and she pointed at him only to notice paper on the back of her Kimono?!

    As she pulled it off and read the note, her eyebrows were twitching in agitation as she stomped her foot reading the note...

     [Azazel Please Kick Bad Kitty, Thanks!]

     Azazel could no longer hold it, and dropped to the floor laughing, Kuroka looked defeated...

     "I am going to kill him for this ~nya!"

     Azazel stood up and lost his humorous side and shook his head.

     "No, he was only being playful and saying hello to me. If he wanted he obviously could have killed you or done worse things to you. My guess is you were being forceful and he let his kid-side out on you as a warning. If you take this seriously, it will end badly for you and us."

     Kuroka puts her hand on her racing heart and tries to tell if it's from anger or something else? Then she thought of their conversation. His eyes looked caring and he had a look of pity for her and her sister.

     "Azazel, tell me honestly... How can he know about my past and my familiar? He said strange things about dreams?"

     Azazel sits back on his seat and points to a chair and a glass.

     "Sit, have a drink and I will tell you what I know and what I think I know. I can't tell you everything due to the confidentiality of the Three Factions, but The Red Dragon Emperor of this generation is probably equal to Vali, and their fight will be one for the ages."

     When Kuroka was about to sit, she was stopped.

     "But first, please clean your forehead, I can't look at it one minute more, hah-aha!"