Chapter 62 New Transfer Student!

It's Monday the first week of June and only two months till the start of summer-vacation and the Young Devil Tournament.

     Issei and Matsuda looked bummed last week, but they said it was a peerage drama and could not talk about it. Translation, they wanted me to ask but I don't want anything to do with Rias and Riser's affairs, literally and figuratively.

     In the mornings not much has changed with the Riser drop off with Rias other than Rias no longer looks as annoyed but has become more distant . I think she more or less ignores him, and he has lost the luster he thought he loved in Rias before.

     Riser used to think he felt love for Rias but now he realizes it was only his fantasy, and now he is married to a woman that forgets his birthday, on purpose.

     I hear the homeroom teacher call out to the class.

     "Everyone, it's a bit late in the semester, but we have a new transfer student to welcome, please come in and introduce yourself dear."

     Slide! I really was shocked out of my mind when I saw the new Devil walk in, Asia Argento! What the actual fuck?!

     She picked up the chalk and wrote her name on the board. Tic tic tic tic! [Asia Argento]

     "Hello everyone, I am Asia Argento, please take care of me!"

     Random boy A: "Wow, she is a European hottie!"

     Random girl A: "Oh, she is so pretty!"

     Random boy B: "Hey, new girl, do you have a boyfriend?"

     Random Aika: "I want to put her in Cosplay!"

     Then Asia saw Matsuda and Issei, and put a smile on and waved to them and said.

     "Hi Mat and Ise! I am here now!"

     Matsuda stood up with surprise in his face and said to her.

     "Wow, you're in our school, Asia?"

     Issei jumped up and pointed to a seat between his desk and Matsuda's and said to her.

     "Asia, quick come sit here!"

     The teacher said to Asia.

     "Miss Argento, you may sit in any open seat, not just there."

     Murayama stood and said to Asia.

     "If you sit there you are going to catch pervert!"

     Matsuda growled at Murayama for dissing him.

     "Can it Mai!"

     "Hey Pervert Glasses, Matsuda is being mean to me, he-he."

     I finally got dragged into it and I tiredly said to them.

     "Sigh, Then Mai, you sit between the two and the problem is solved, right, don't bother me with any topic related to boys."

     Oh, did I forget to tell you? I was forced to be the class representative by Sona, and all my trash contract girls voted for me for a free job from Sona, so I am in the first seat by the door and my contract girls surround me, sigh.

     Sona is using the human girls who regularly summon me as a kind of wall from the other students, smart actually, due to the fact all three know my Devil status. But they flirt with me while causing me headaches by saying I touch them inappropriately when they walk by me. So they bump into me, promise!

     Aika sits on my left, Kat on my back-left, and Murayama on my back. And no, Issei and Matsuda have no clue they are my human clients, so they really think I am molesting them, sigh.

     Asia happily trots over to sit between the two, and I see their pervert faces brighten, and Matsuda gives me his iconic pervert thumbs-up if he is going to score! Then Issei, not seeing Matsuda looks at me and fist-bumps the air like he is going to score as well. And Asia is blushing in-between her doom!

     Well none of my business, but I am curious, was there some Church Battle, I or Sona did not know about?

     With Raynare dead, I thought the ritual wouldn't happen? Well I think in the anime, Sona's peerage was left out of a lot of events, so it seems Rias is still the same as before in her lack of sharing intelligence.

     Guess I should not have given them that folder to kill the hideout after-all, sigh.

     This is what happens when canon dies. But, I feel I have gained more doing my own thing. I definitely won't tell Rias where to find Valper then and can claim the credit for myself. Shit no if I kill him early than Kokabiel might kill Sona outright in anger, sigh.

     As class ended for the day I heard the conversation going on with Issei, Matsuda, and Asia heading out the door.

     "So its tradition for me as a new Devil to get initiated in a Devil's Three-way? Well if it's with you two it will be fine, right, please take care of me?"

     "Don't worry Asia, Issei and I are professionals with this!"

     "That's right! President said we are the best for this task!"

     "Oh, then I am assured!"

     As I see them leave, I am left open-mouthed at what those two just admitted with Rias, and what they will do to Asia!

     (A/N This is really bizarre but it was almost done to Asia in the anime, ha-ha... Devil's Three Way: has rules mind you. 1- Never look the other guy in the eyes. 2- By no means may you ever cross swords. 3- Keep high fives to a minimum. 4- Make sure if and when one devil goes backdoor, it's the last move... no one wants to share an Oh Henry bar.)

     My soul shivers thinking of the depravity my two friends are now doing on a regular basis, along with Kiba and Saji, just, ew!

     I find Sona at the 2nd floor balcony ledge, looking down on the leaving students and the ones going to clubs. I stand next to her and say.

     "Asia Argento joined my class today as a Devil, so she must be Rias's new Bishop. I didn't think she had been inside Kuoh all this time, and any event that took place."

     Sona pushed up her glasses and quietly said.

     "Ever since Rias lost her number 1 spot on the top popularity school charts (Due to her being married to Riser and the students know), she has been distant and depressed. She and I have not been as close as before as well. This is due to Riser, her depression, or her lack of caring. So tonight we will slow training and do full contract work till the events you said would happen do."

     I nod seriously to her and agree.

     "Tomoe and Reya are stuck at peak Mid-class and the rest of us can't break past our High-class thresholds without real life and death fights, so training is just not paying off till we break our limits. And if they have Asia, then the serial killing will stop and contracts are safe again. I will tell the others now to have the familiars flood the city tonight. We should also hand out making it doubly fast."

     While no one looked, Sona kissed me and smiled a bit.

     "I wont tell the Gremory we are back in business, like they did not tell me of important things, so go play and have fun."

     "Yes President!"

     "Please don't call me that, it feels wrong in my ears, especially in bed, so stop or I will greenlight your deskmates."

     "No, don't! I mean I love you Sona dear, bye!"

     Sona, seeing me run down the stairs and out the door, smiled and said to herself.

     "Never thought I would meet a man afraid of increasing his harem, Ufufu."

     A voice down the hall got Sona's attention.

     "Who in the Underworld is afraid of a large harem?"

     Rias came next to her friend and asked Sona.

     "Oh, hello Rias. Seems my husband won't take more lovers so my House will have fewer Dragon children it seems. He is very picky of who he will love or have sex with. Not even his personal maid has been loved by him once."

     "Wow, really! My husband won't stop finding girls everywhere. He already got two university students pregnant already and I sent them to the Gremory territory for their children's sake, sigh. He said he will make them Pawns after they give birth, so not to worry about it."

     "I heard a new Devil was added to the class of your two Pawns, congratulations, that must mean she is special, right?"

     "Ah? Shucks, I forgot to tell you about her. Yeah, she was a sister that was being imprisoned by that Mid-class-low Fallen Angel. We performed a raid on him as a terrorist and recovered her from a cell. We killed the Fallen but that Stray Freed got away. She is my new Bishop and she will guarantee my Rating Games for sure. My Pawns almost died fighting that Fallen named Valor."

     "Wait, why did Riser not help you fight him?"

     "He told me he would only fight that Fallen if he got the Sister, so I did it without him. It seems Sister Asia was very good friends with my two Pawns, so they begged me to save her. They were so cute, persuading me I had to risk it, Ufufu."

     "So Freed escaped because you and Riser could not work together? No I'm glad you guys survived, but letting him go will definitely be bad for Kuoh in the future."

     Rias firmly shook her head and denied Sona.

     "No, Freed was weak and a coward, he is long gone and won't be back, so don't worry. Anyway I have to go before Riser gets off from school, I have a manga to read and a foot rub owed to me, fufufu, see you Sona."

     Sona sees her friend leave and sighs at her lackadaisical views.

     "So Freed is harmless you say? Seems your actions did not change from my husband's dreams in the end."

     Sona then left to tell the girls in the office about the new work plan.

     Back with me, later that night.......

     Damn, I just sent out flyers and I got a contract in less than 5 minutes?!

     "Good luck on, Yura Cheerleader Job, ha-ha!"

    Yura, dressed in her old uniform, blushed and threw her pom poms at me as I vanished into my summon light.....

     When my eyes could see, I was in the entrance-way of a high-rise condo building for the wealthy, then my long ago memories reminded me of a possibility. I walked in and saw him in his Japanese style robe with a grin. So I greet them with a smile of my own.

     "Haven't done a real contract in a couple of months, and this is my first one, but I warn you, I only do women!"

     Azazel then busted out in laughter at my words and then held up his hand towards some sake bottles on the side.

     "Ha ha, No I only wanted a Devil to drink with, can you do that with a man?"

     I scratch my head at his answer and sit.

     "Fuck, you got me there, I guess I have to change my slogan to 'I only have sex with women' then, lets drink!"

     Azazel pours some high quality sake into tumblers and we start.

     30 minutes later...

     "So you took a break with new contracts to avoid the killings, that must have hurt your credibility in the Underworld, right?"

     I shrug and say. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "It's a matter of priorities, do I go for small profit or keep my loved ones safe? Plus there are plenty of Devils still working."

     "So why start working again if it's for small credits?"

     "Because the War Credits I will earn are tenfold better than stupid contracts, but I had to start doing them again, to meet you, right?"

     "Sigh, I guess if you did not recognize me it would be more of a surprise. Kuroka is pissed by the way, ha-ha!"

     I shake my head.

     "Not really, otherwise she would have bothered me and I have not seen her since I sent her packing. Cough, Did you do it?"

     "Hah-aha, Do you mean kick her butt, of course! I would insult your effort to not do it right? It's like not pressing the big red button!"

     "Wish I could have seen that!"

     "Well kid, it's getting late, so how about the payment? All I have is this painting here, or my soul?"

     "Cant exchange your soul for Yen, and the Painting is too valuable, so let's call it like this. You gave me free Sake, and you sent Kalawarna to me, so let's write this one off as paid."

     "How is that little girl doing anyway?"

     "She is my heart and I will even fight Trihexa to save her."

     Azazel looks out the window in a daze and says to me.

     "Kid you sure know how to ruin a good buzz, ha-ha! Your jokes are very grand."

     "Ha ha, I'm just kidding, but we are very happy, and hell we might name our kid after you if we have a boy!"

     Azazel gets a strange look on his face and says.

     "Naming a Devil after the Fallen Angel Governor is a bit much, right?!"

     "It is not, if you do things worth being respected for, other than boobs that is, he-he!"

     "So does he really have Lilith?"

     "And Lucifer's cook-book for Super Devils, but I can't prove shit."

     "Sigh, So it's Rizevim Livan Lucifer? Just fucking fantastic."

     "And many many more, so good luck with that mess. I am going home, call me again if you want to drink. Best Job I have ever done."

     "Yeah, I learned a lot from our talk, will you get involved?"

     As my return summons lights up I smile at this hero in my eyes and ask.

     "It depends, will you get involved?"

     And then I was gone......