Vs The Cheater Pharaoh

Both Yugi and I step into the arena as the we wait for Pegasus to announce that we can begin our duel. "Riku! I won't lose I've got to save my grandpa and I need the money for Serenity's treatment so I won't go easy on you!"

Yugi talks to me from across the arena. "Oh I know I wouldn't have it any other way I've been looking at your game and I've always wanted to know if I could beat you."

'That's true I feel like anyone whose watched Yu-Gi-Oh wants to know if they could beat Yugi using DM era cards.' "Yugi-Boy and Riku you may start your duels now for the title of King of Games and the chance to duel me!"

"Then shall we start Yugi?" Once again Yugi's Ba shifts into a much more potent form and his aura changes. "We shall begin let's. 2x Duel!"

Taking the initiative Yugi starts after winning the coin flip "I'll be going first and I'll draw and I'll summon the card Elf Guardian! and I'll set one card face down."

'Elf Gaurdian has to be a different version of Celtic Guardian.' "My turn and I'll draw then I'll activate Fissure to destroy your Elf Gaurdian!"

"Not so fast I'll activate Magic Jammer to discard my Griffore to negate your Fissure spell and protect my Elf Guardian."

"Fine then I'll summon my Starship Roulette Bomber and I'll activate its effect to roll a dice and depending on the result an different effect will happen!" Starship Roulette Bomber animation starts as a holograpic dice is rolled landing on a 3. "Because it landed on a 3 I can target your Elf Guardian and destroy it! Then I'll set one card I'll end my turn.

Yugi 2000---> 1300

"Ugh! My turn I'll draw then I'll summon my Berfomet The Winged Phantom then I'll activate it's effect to add from my deck to my hand Gazelle The King Of Phantom Beasts and Polymerzation. Then I'll activate Polymerzation to fuse Gazelle and Berfomet to make Phantom Beast Amalgamation Chimera!"

"Then I'll activate Chimera's effect to special summon Gazelle The King Of Phantom Beasts from the graveyard and I'll attack your Starship Roulette Bomber with Chimera! Then I'll end my turn."

Riku 2000--->900 LP

"So this is the card that defeated Mai, you didn't you it's effect against Mai." Yugi or I supose Atem or Yami answers back. "Yeah I thought that if we were going to face you keeping its effect a secret would be good for catching you of guard."

"Well in your end phase I'll activate my Solemn Wishes then I'll start my turn by drawing and due to Solemn Wishes I'll gain 500 life points!" Riku 900---> 1400 LP. "Then I'll summon Jowgen The Spiritualist in defense mode and I'll discard one random card to destroy all special summoned monsters!"

"Wait! I'll activate Kuriboh! To discard it to lower the amount of damage I would take this turn to 0! Which means even if I can't stop the destruction of Chimera I won't be taking any damage."

"FIne then I expected that I'll set two cards face down and I'll end my turn."

"My turn I'll draw one card and I'll summon Gaia The Fierce Knight and I'll have him destroy your Jowgen the Spiritualist!" Before Yugi can continue is attack I activate both of my set cards. "First I'll be activating Fairy box then I'll be activating Paralyzing Potion on your Gaia The Fierce Knight!"

"As you probably saw Fairy Box has a very interesting effect letting me target one card in the graveyard and special summon it while changing the attack target to that monster but since your Gaia is paralyzed it can't attack and I think I'll summon by Starship Roulette Bomber from my graveyard."

"I'll chain my own spell card twister to destroy the Fairy Box by spending 500 life points!"

Yugi 1300--->800 LP

When the Fairy Box is destroyed my Starship Roulette Bomber is also destroyed and since it was destroyed by a card effect I take half of its attack points as damage. 

Riku 1400--->650

"Then I'll just have to end my turn."

"My turn I'll draw and then I'll activate Pot of Greed to get me another 2 cards increase my life points again!" Riku 650--->2150 LP "Now I'll Summon my B.E.S Starship Warden and then I'll activate its effect to add my Starship Cannon from my deck to my hand then I'll equip it to my B.E.S Starship Warden then I'll attack your Gaia The Fierce Knight to end this duel!"

"I won't let you I'll activate a card in my graveyard the Dark Magic Curtain which allows me to half my life points a "Dark Magicain" and I'll chose to summon The Magicain of Black Chaos!"