The Servant Of The Pharaoh!

"The Magicain of Black Chaos! That's a ritual monster isn't it and it isn't a "Dark Magician" monster!" Yugi responses to my question. "The Magicain of Black Chaos is considered a "Dark Magician" in the deck, field, and graveyard and Dark Magic Curtain is considered a ritual spell when summoning a "Dark Magician" monster and I can summon it by banishing monsters equaling the total level of the ritual summoned monster!"

Yugi 800--->400 LP

"So I'll be banishing both my Gaia The Fierce Knight and the Horn Imp in my hand to summon out the Magician of Black Chaos and I'll activate it's effect to special summon from my deck one Dark Magician! Then I'll activate its second effect to tribute one "Dark Magician" to destroy 2 cards on your field!"

As my B.E.S. Starship Warden is destroyed along with Jowgen The Spirtualist dealing me another 1700 life points and stopping me from destroying the Magician of Black Chaos. 

Riku 2150--->450 LP

yugi-0 riku-1

"Then I'll end my turn go Riku show me if you can keep going!"

"I'll show you, I'll defeat both of you! I'll draw activate Reasoning! pick a level of monster and I discard cards from the top of the deck until I get a monster and if you don't call the right level of monster I get to summon it!"

'Now it's time to find out if the puzzle is stronger than all of my spirits combined, right now my deck has been stacked with The Creator at the top. If Yami calls 8 its be switched out for Launcher Spider and I'll summon it and equip it with the Stim Pack in my hand to win'

"I'll call the level 8! discard your cards!" Unexpectedly I see that the Millennium Puzzle shines along with my deck the cards milled are Backup Soldier and Steel Ogre Grotto #2. 'Damn... The Millennium Puzzle is just to strong.'

'I that what you'd though I'd say! I had a theory about the Millennium Puzzle about how it makes its user win all duel either through printing cards like the Magician of Black Chaos or giving Yugi exactly what he needs like burning land against Weevil. It must take these's cards from somewhere whether it be the spirit world or people's minds so theoretically if I'm thinking about what would get me out of this situation then the Millennium Puzzle should give me the opposite right?'

'Or I could be thinking out my ass and I just got lucky this time. But either way I win by activating my trap card!' "Yugi this is it I'll be activating Backup Soldier from my graveyard allowing me to target 5 monsters in either players graveyard and shuffle it back into each players deck and if 3 of those are normal monsters I can add up to 3 of those monsters to my hand!"

"I'll target B.E.S. Starship Warden, Jowgen The Spiritualist, Horned Imp, Griffore, and the Dark Magician! I'll choose to add the Dark Magician and the Horned Imp to my hand and shuffle the rest to our respective decks."

"Then I'll summon the Dark Magician and I'll use the equip card Stim Pack! to increase its attack my 700! Then I'll use it to destroy your Magician of Black Chaos!"

Yugi 400--->0 LP

"Good job Riku you beat me!" Yugi tells me through the the arena as his life points hit 0. "Well you didn't make it easy for me you monster."

"And that's it Yugi-boy lost as Riku wins the title of King of Games and has the right to face me for the grand prize of 3,000,000$ dollars!" Looking to the side Pegasus is seemingly congratulating me for winning his little game.


{Alternate ending that was scrapped due to it being way to much to the point were it felt like it could be a final boss fight or the final duel before the end of a book plus I had no idea where to take it from there.}

As the attack goes through and Yugi's life points decrease Yugi's Ba increase to downright disrespectful levels that overshadow mine by multiple times. "Careful Riku it's not over. Even if you can't tell his Ba has went through a fundamental change it's darker and unrestrained unlike before."

Looking to my side I see Beast of Talwar looking towards me as the shroud of dust clears showing Yugi? "Fine then... I'll show you my power!"