Back To Basics.

'4000? I guess its GX rules then.. OR maybe 5D's since I'm facing a synchro Archtype?'

"huh...I guess we can get this party started then! You can go first since I'm the one who proposed the duel." Looking at the monkey he seems rather excited as he declares the start of the duel.

"I'll take you up on that offer and I'll draw! Then I'll summon myself Flamvell Poun 200/200! Then I'll set on card and end my turn!"

The monkey kicks of the duel by summoning a copy of itself and while it doesn't seem life-like its more solid than any hologram back outside of the spirit world. "My turn I'll draw!...Not bad, not bad. I'll start off by summoning Mad Sword Beast 1400/1200! Then I'll activate the card Wasteland which boosts all Dinosaur, Zombie, and Rock monsters attack and defense by 200!"

"Ooh?" The monkey tilts its head in confusion before looking at my monsters attack go up which sets off a realization on their mind. "Then I'll use my Mad Sword Beast 1600/1400 to attack your Flamevell Poun 200/200!

Flamevell Poun 4000--->2600

"Ack!" As the monkey monster is destroyed by my charging beast the impact seemingly goes through the air and harms the other actual monkey sending the Flamevell to his knees.

"I'll get you for that! I'll activate my special ability! It allows me to get any monster with 200 defense to my hand from my deck!" Speaking of which the spirit doesn't seems to be dueling with any technology of any kind, but instead his cards are floating in front of him with his "deck" being inside of the flames on his head as he pulls out another card.

"Whatever, I'll set a card of my own and I'll end my turn." Passing my turn over to the monkey the spirit draws and gains a goofy smile on its face. "Heh. You'll hate what I'm cooking up! I'll summon my Flamvell Firedog 1900/200 in attack mode!" The fire dog comes rushing in from the darkness and takes its place on the monkey's side of the field.

"Next I'll activate the effect of Flamvell Baby 800/200! I'll discard it and have my fire dog gain 400 attack! Then I'll have my Flamvell Firedog 2300/200 destroy your beast!" The monkey is nearly jumping around by the end of his sentence as he send the Flamvell Baby to the graveyard the baby appears next to poun's head and fire a small ember of flame towards the fire dog causing its body to glow brighter.

The fire dog takes off after being enhanced rushing towards the sword beat and biting down on its neck, as it tries to resist the dog bites down further with its jaw erupting into flame destroying the sword beast. "Stop! I'll be activating Defense Draw! this card stops all life points damage I would take from this battle and also has me draw a card!"

flipping up the trap the card art is brought to life vividly as a dome of white-ish energy surrounds me and protects me from the heat from the fire dogs maw as I draw my extra card. "Your cheating! But it doesn't matter as my fire dog will summon one FIRE monster with 200 defense from my deck because he destroyed your monster!"

Once again reaching into his flaming hair the monkey pulls out another card and he seems content with the card he chose and he throws that card onto the battlefield. "Come out my Flamvell Grunika 170/200! I'll have her attack you directly!"

Riku 4000--->2300

"Ugh!...Oh shit that actually fucking hurt you prick!" As the dragon-like warrior approaches they attack me straight on with a firey fist basting me back slightly altough I manage to stay on my feet.

"MY turn! I'll draw! First I'll activate The Rock Spirit 1700/1000 allowing me to banish the Mad Sword Beast to special summon it in attack mode! and since Wasteland is on the field it gains 200 attack!" Summoning The Rock Spirit has it rise from beneath the ground as rock molds itself into shape before transforming into man in armor as seen in the card art.

"Next I'll be normal summoning my Destroyer Golem 1500/1000! Which will also gain another 200 attack from Wasteland! Then to end things off I'll be using Flint to attach it onto your Flamevell Firedog!" As I continue my destroyer golem makes its way from the same stone used to form the rock spirit piling high to form a golem that stands a few heads above me. After it forms and I place down the flint card it throws itself from the card towards the fire dog.

"Wait! I'll flip up my trap card! My trap card Flamvell Counter! It will destroy your Flint before it equips to my fire dog!" As the flint flies through the air it gets caught in a fiery wall the blocks the target fire dog from view and incinerates the flint.

"Fine! I'll have The Rock Spirit 1900/1200 attack your fire dog!" My rock spirit runs forward and bashes the fire dog in its side but as it does so the fire dog bites the left side for the spirits body with the impact the dog explodes taking the rock spirit with it. "Now since my fire dog destroyed a monster I get to summon something again! I'll choose another Flamvell Grunika 1700/200!"

'Well shit..' Looking at the board state it isn't looking the best but I still see a way out of my postion. "I'll end my battle phase and then I'll activate and equip my Destroyer Golem with Gravity Axe-Grarl! The gravity axe gives my monster another 500 attack and it stops your monsters from changing their battle positions! Now I'll set one card and I'll end my turn!"

'I know for a fact that unless he tribute summons he can't get over this much attack plus I've got shield and sword set down and with his monsters small attack they won't get over my defense any time soon..'